|0.00|> Thank you for the pause to turn the tape.<|5.60|><|5.60|> He had a tremendously good idea.<|10.70|><|10.70|> We would take a balloon, a hot air balloon, a large balloon, and it would be decorated.<|19.92|><|19.92|> And then he could do some incredible stunts, if you will.<|24.20|><|24.20|> I'm going to put this badly. That's not the kind of brinksman I am. But it's sort of like<|28.52|><|28.52|> the hamburger ad, where everybody's jumping out of the plane, jumping out of the plane, and this guy and his teacher have a hamburger. And then he says, ooh, this is so good, what do these other guys do for fun and excitement? And she says, oh, they jump out of planes. And he says, oh my God, that's stupid. Well, Dorma just shriveled up and said, you mean you would get on top of that thing? Well, I would put a wire around my ankle, you know, or some incredible thing, or dangle down off of the bottom or something. But everywhere that balloon would go, it would pre-announce Bogart, because nobody has ever heard his name. And you could run some pre-runner advertisements in the little ads in the papers. It's coming on the 12th or whatever. And those things, those ideas, just have to wither and die, because there's no practical way to get them done. No practical way to get them done. And after you've done it, would he get elected? Not the way they've got to have leaders. If this nation is ever reclaimed, ever regains freedom, it will be because of what you do. It isn't so much the importance in your life as to whether or not you get it done. The importance of what you do comes after you. What do you leave? What kind of a legacy do you leave your son, your daughter, your grandchild? They do a lot of talking about it. Well, I don't know, God, I wasn't so great up to now. You know, I couldn't even get along and stay married. Well, who does? And you didn't know any better, did you? How could you know better? Already by the generation beyond you, who are in your 60s, it was falling apart. And now those children don't know any better. And everybody thought I was a real sweet wimp. And I get pretty rough. Because you see, I've entrusted my children into a care. Not just God's children, but ones who are going to have to fly those craft and be the shuttle pilots back and forth between planets in other galaxies. And they're human kids in an educationally deficient world. And there's not one of your parents, no matter how much you love and no matter how much you give, there's only one in this room that has the qualifications to even begin to teach the children what they need to know and he doesn't know anything really about aeronautics. Well, but I assumed that it would just flow over me and that I'm getting it in my sleep time. No way I won't say Jose because that comes back, that's an eastern term or something. I use as an example the periodic table. Not only do you have to know the periodic table, but you have to know Russell's periodic table to even integrate it. Because the other periodic table, they didn't leave enough numbers for. So no matter what you are getting, you're not getting enough. But I'll tell you one thing, you're not going to make it on social studies and you're not going to command one of my craft. You're getting what you need at the higher level, but you're going to be functioning in a physical world for quite a while before you're functioning in that etheric world and that is going to require talent and physical adeptness. If I could put every one of you through astronaut training school, I would do it because once once a ship is in your atmosphere, you're going to have to handle it that way. You want magic and there isn't any magic and it requires discipline and it requires whatever is available to you. Well, does that mean that we're all lost and kicked out if we don't do that? Absolutely not. It just means that you're not going to get to serve in the mission that you came to fill. And I don't want anyone weeping and wailing and, well, if you keep going like this, we don't have to worry about too many more lessons. Nobody's going to want to hear from you. Well, no one's ever wanted to hear from me. It's fine in some lovely group, where where I come and tell you how everything is wonderful. And that's the part of the game I like too. I like to tell everybody how wonderful it is, because I want to tell you wonder doesn't even begin to express it. But you're, everyone in this room walking around on two very human legs. Some of the legs aren't too good, are they? Elmer's hips are bad, overly. He has one knee that is absolutely without surgery now, beyond repair. John has trouble getting around. Leon's back is out a lot. You get to see Elizabeth at the car crack, more than you get to see me. It's fragile, isn't it? This life. And look what they do to you. churches trying to make connection with God, only to walk out a little bit boosted from the camaraderie and blinder than you went in. Because everything that you're given seems to be based on the human experience. And then comes Hatton and says, well, you're going to have to get through this human experience, and you've got to do this and this and this and this to do that. Well, you see, you don't have to. That's the other side of my burden. You don't have to. But you're going to get hungry. And you wouldn't be here if you were not searching for that something greater than this experience. You wouldn't even bother to sit in here even if you were like a reporter just you know looking for whatever I'm going to slip and say that You are pinned into a finite existence that lasts some 75 years average. This great nation of yours now has an infant mortality rate, a child mortality rate to match the third world countries. How could that be? There are only a couple of countries that can match America for abortions. Does that make you proud? That you have to wipe out life. You literally wipe out life so you can go screw around in the evening without And the Church will tell you that's okay. Pro-life, anti-abortion. God's messenger will stand in a pulpit and tell you, then I have to say, so be it. That's what Instead of responsibility for self-actions, I will create a crime against God and creation. I wonder if it wouldn't be better to murder the two who created the baby than to murder the baby. Don't you think maybe that would cut down on the overpopulation problem? Let me tell you something. That's what the adversary is going to do. Throw the baby out with the bathwater? Indeed. The baby, the parents, anybody who's around. So the next question always comes, when? Well, when do we have to clean this up? I mean, I really do want to know when that earthquake is coming, because every now and then it's really a pain in the neck, that's on to have to put a bungee cord off every time I want a cup of coffee. I'd keep those bungee cords tighter than heck. There isn't one day that goes by that it's not going to quit because you see you don't know who your enemy is. And some of the ones that you think is your enemy are not at all. And some of those CIA operatives are not your enemy unless you are part of the adversarial team. We have more on our team than you can imagine. It's just keeping them from getting overzealous and doing very foolish things that are equally as ungodly, even though the intent seems different. to do it. It really gets to the point where you can admire a good criminal, who is honestly a criminal, than the sneaky thieves and what they've done to your nations. And then you God, do you? And you're not ready to hear. I mean, we get really on slushy, slushy ice when we start talking about God. Because you've been told that those serpent people out there, and they're going to come get you. They suck blood and everything. Well I think they come from Orion. Well I heard that this, that and the other. And I heard that there are these lizard people and they're going to come up out of the earth in Area 51. You better believe it. And back in ancient Kazaria, they came to your planet calling themselves Serpent People. They took the emblem of the cobra and the serpent and the seven heads of the serpent as an emblem. Even Quetzalcoatl is represented by the highest bird, serpent. And no one will argue with you that these are not basically evil entities. You don't know what you're talking about. Evil is a creation manufactured entity of man, human. Does that mean that other planets don't ever get past what you are now. This kind of evil presentation is not allowed out in the cosmos. It is not allowed. It just doesn't come out that way. So whatever your problems are, not coming from outer space, they're all here. You just need to know which side you're on. Because as long as you are on the adversary's side, I am your worst enemy. That's why I try to get you to see that, and that it is not all right to continue in some of your behaviors because I will have to make a decision in discernment ultimately. Not you, me. Well, what makes you so big and mighty? It is my responsibility. Evil will not be brought into the cosmos. The only way it will be brought at all is in a replacement mode. You who have yet are faced with a probability of losing soul essence and not being able to continue your experience for learning, may very well have to be transported and placed somewhere to continue that into security. Because the illusion's going to pop, you see. And manifested energy forms must be accounted for. And much of what you think you are struggling for have bred out soul energy. They are entities experiencing very much like a plant would. You just think it doesn't hurt when you cut off a leaf because it doesn't have the sensitivity that you think you've got in the nerves. But have you ever stepped on a bird's toe? He cries, doesn't he? Cut off a leaf and then do, what do we call it? Carry-on photography? There will be an energy field around where the leaf was, for the other half of the leaf. Remove a leg. For months, the person senses the pain coming from the foot that is not there. The mind is at stake here, and your enemy has learned to control your mind. And we don't get equal chance, you see, because they come and they tell you that is evil. Brainwashing and hypnosis is evil, the church preacher will tell you. Those guys from out in space coming in there, pretty silver ships or Epo, all of them said, says right here in the Bible, well you show me. It also says right there in the Bible about the fiery winds and the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. that that bunch was worthy of being led anywhere. Because that bunch has led you to this day. Well God will send us manna from heaven. Do you think you will get it? How many of those Somalians get it? If the thieves get there first. If it comes, I can guarantee you, they will charge you for it. That is something of earth human. Well, does that mean that we're just to not try to make money? No, you have to make money. That is the only way you're going to survive in the human mess. And they're running you right out of it. And they are intentionally doing it. They want every single one of you on welfare. And I want to tell you in this room, if you think that not going on welfare if you need it is doing a service to anybody, think again. And remember, unemployment is something you pay for. And if you think that you're going to not get on their rolls, that is BS. You already own those roles. Everybody is on the role. There are some limited things that you can do to keep some measure of privacy. But if you qualify, you're going to be a whole heck of a lot better off to already be on their role. And then they don't question you. What is it that you have that you don't have to ask our help? I'm not going to lie to you, because it's not the way they told you it is. You're already marked. Your problem is surviving within the laws of God. And you can do that, surprisingly enough, right within the laws of man. You're not going to do it when you break the laws by which you must abide. Now some clubs get a little more serious. You can pretend you're going to have to kill a brother. Now obviously this does not bother ones like Bush and Kissinger. But you take the club of Rome, and you take the Masonic order at the top level and you break your oath to that club and your brother's going to kill you. Now that's all there is to it. So your only way of getting through this is very, very low profile or no profile at all. Go and do. Well if they're going to come and take all of our reserves, what good does it do to have them? What else are you going to do? Do like the ones in Florida and sit and wait? Let them send in more troops so that they've got you completely surrounded, and at least you can go over there and eat breakfast, lunch and supper. How long? How long do you think they'll do that? How long do you think those troops can stay in Florida when there are hundreds of thousands dead and homeless in LA, and San Francisco, and Chicago, and New York, and Phoenix, and Salt Lake. It's going to be a hard go of it, Chilos. Nothing that I wish for or that you wish for will solve it. You're coming out, some of you, the other end of the funnel already. So you can't is and you feel helpless to change. You need some scattered places, holes in the ground if you will. Line it with compressed earth. You've got a machine sitting over there, vacant most of the time. You could dry these apples and then suck them into vacuum jars so that the worms can't get in and bury them somewhere. I don't know what else to tell you to do. There isn't going to be any magic. Those are the things you're going to do, if you have anything. And I'm so weary of being the wet blanket. I want to sit up here and tell you about the glory that's after this, because that's where it's at. In my own growth, I really sometimes want to petition just to take my own ones, just to bring you back. That's my experience and that's because I get weary of having to be the hard master. You know there was a time on your place when the Pentecostal preacher got up and he really preached. And he preached on God, hellfire and brimstone. Well, I'm not so sure that he wasn't pretty close to right. It doesn't, you see, it's not like that, because everybody has their choice. Well, I don't believe in the devil and hellfire and brimstone. Why don't you? It's hell on Friday and Saturday nights in Southeast Los Angeles, where the children not been taught what God is, and they don't have anything to look forward to, either jobs or God. So live or die in the moment, at least it's exciting, and you know you're alive until you die. And if you see that in every rollover program on television, it doesn't look so bad. In fact, it's a little exciting and maybe I could just shoot somebody and then my parents would have to suffer by going to court and worrying about me. Or maybe I'll be the one dead and look, I'll get a nice funeral and everybody will cry and why this was a wonderful child. Just couldn't imagine that happening out of that family. Imagine it. There but for the grace of God go you. All out effort to bring every man, woman, and child into addiction of some kind. The thrust is to unbalance the beings in the societal structure, the family structure, so that there is so much confusion and frustration and irritation that anything that is offered to alleviate that for a moment will be tried. And then in every substance abuse now, they have integrated substance that is really addictive into it. You have a worse situation where they are now starting to contaminate the water because because the enzymes secreted by these toxic little bugs interact with the same thing that is released into the system that causes addiction. You know, why doesn't this cause addiction if this does? Because this one over here, like alcohol, especially laced with cocaine, is going to cause an addiction. And that triggers a mechanism in the body in which things are released. That is what an addiction is. The body needs it. Not just the mind. The body also begins to need it. So they are absolutely sure that you cannot get this substance that counters that, they'll take it off the market. And they will continue to put it in varying amounts until the poor alcoholic is totally addicted and it's death if you withdraw it. And then you build a societal structure with no support, no fundamental system upon which to build. And no matter how badly you didn't want to turn out like your mommy or your daddy, you're going to be exactly like them, because that's what you learned to be. Whether or not you liked it. And somehow you get through it, so they'll get through it. At some point, they won't get through it. And it's important that they quarrel over whether or not Clinton didn't want to go to Vietnam. Mr. Rooney's right. For goodness sakes, no one in his right mind would want to go off to Vietnam. Just just say so, and let's be honest. And then he turns right around and makes his speech about denying a conspiracy in the news media, as if that was absurd. And what do you hear of Bo Griffe lately? What do you hear of Randy Weaver? You've got some men being held in prison. They had to charge them with stupid stuff to keep them, and they can't even get out on bail. And they didn't arraign them either within the proper constitutional legal habeas corpus rule of law. How much do you hear about Randall Weaver in the newspaper each day? Well, he'll go away. You have to understand that some things are coming to a head. You have to be prepared. What are you going to do? Or are you just going to get caught in the crossfire. Patriotism and heroism is not necessarily going out there with a phaser gun. If you have nothing upon what have you accomplished? More clampdown or more freedom? You've got so many Indians in your country now, and yet you have a patriot group ready to go to war. And it's too late. It won't be. Just the United States involved, you see. That's why Mr. Bush keeps sucking in the foreigners into these camps that you closed. If you needed them for your military, and you've not done anything with your military, and you've not stopped building and you have not stopped your war machine and that's all you hear and war is the only solution out of depression that man has ever known. Something's wrong. Well, what's wrong is a total lie. So you have some of those empty bases already outfitted with enemy UN troops and they're going to wear everything from military government task force insignias to FEMA. That'll confuse you, but not for long. But you've got branches of the KGB in your nation against communism and your government. But they're basically your friends. So you have the factions on your planet trying to be global be golden rulers that are at each other. And both sides are saying, well, I'm a godly country. I doubt God is going to do much to help either one of them. And that may mean that you're on the wrong side. Well, I should be a communist? Oh, I certainly hope not. But you see, I don't care what you call yourself. God reads your heart, what is your intent. And if it is simply to find your physical place in comfort, luxury, and greed, all you've got to look forward to are some more lessons may very well answer your prayer. And you may get it all. You may sit in your marvelous mansion on the hill, or the valley, or underground, and you may have stores of food, but you may also have contaminated water that if you soak that food, you're going to die. Well, God wouldn't do that, he just answered my prayer and gave me all this other stuff. Yes, he would. He's just answered your prayer. You better start changing your prayers. Oh, okay, I'll do that. I'll also pray for good water. And what are you going to do on that last day? You've worked and worked and worked, and oh my goodness, I didn't make my Ascension yet, and I'm down to my last morsel of rice. I know I will now make it right with God. Well, you know, good old God, that's good enough for him. How many of you in this room, without embarrassing anybody, gave whole heaps of money to Mahfu and Ramtha and, you know, the racehorses? How many of you just gave and gave and gave until absolutely you don't have anything left to give in a material way to speak of, only to finally find God in your purpose or your mission. It's appalling, isn't it? And I know it's dreary. You don't get to come in here and have dancing girls. I'm sorry about that. You'd think that we could do a little better. The entertainment committee really has been on strike. And it sounds like I don't honor you. Oh, I honor you. I honor every one of you. You struggled through all of those other things, and you'd still be there if something in your soul didn't say it's hard. You think you've found it. Only to realize that because of legal problems, an inability to function in this world and blossom and grow, we still have to wait. We still have to go somewhere else. Michael comes thinking this is the place, only to find that the publisher that he would like to publish his book isn't even here. That one had to leave. Worse to find that he doesn't have money to publish the book and neither does the publisher. And we work and work and work and we put out 40 page liberators that absolutely are incredible. And yet many cannot even afford to purchase them or won't purchase them, whatever, until we can't even make it meet. Still going in the hole. And yet you cannot imagine how many are shared. And even in controversy, it's worthy. It's worthy. Controversy at least calls attention to something. It's disagreeable at the moment. But sometimes the only progress you can make is through the controversy and the confrontation. It did more good what happened on that Idaho mountain at Ruby Creek than been able to make in all of his journey. Because you see, the media had to do something. And they had a blackout went right back on. And I repeat, if you had watched Larry King's face the night that someone called in, exactly like Christ said, you'll have to just tell him you really do back Larry King. and you want to thank him, and then you get on there, and then you say, well, if they don't want to debate, why don't you get Bogreitz, and whammo, it's off the air. I mean, and neither party even repeated the name. That's how afraid they are of this man. This is how afraid they are of you. And therefore, you have to know, in this room, in this seat, Dorma has to know that it could be a lot worse than it is. They don't even pulse her as much. They don't single her out as much as they did. Because if the CIA were going to kill her, they would still be working at it diligently.