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/Ground Crew


The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.



(for all my relations--which is ALL)


ISBN 0-922356-50-5

First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, 1991

Published by


P.O. Box 986

Tehachapi, CA. 93581

Printed in the United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1











FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1991

















SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1991




MONDAY, JULY 29, 1991












FIGURE 9, 9A & 10















































SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 1991 9:03 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 360



This is for my brother sent forth as the Great White/Red Wambli (eagle) of the Wakinyan (Thunder beings). He is called Little Crow and he was sent to grow through his fledgling flight within that tribe known to you of Shan (Earth) as Lakota Sioux. He was sent forth from the High Councils to speak and write the words of the Oral Traditions for the time is at hand to show you the way home. He is called Little Crow for he sets himself not above you but stands in brotherhood to all who will see and hear the wisdom of the ages--to all who have FORGOTTEN. It is the time of Remembering. You of this little Earth have slept too long and you have dreamed the dreams of the clowns and it is time to awaken that the vision might be finished in this great cycle so that LIFE can begin again--renewed and a new dream unfolded. The stage is worn, the actors weary and tattered, the spirit lies sick unto the dying--I petition you to not allow the passing of thine spirits to be in such confusion and pain in an existence of physical illusion. To my brother, Little Crow, I bow my head in honor for it is a privilege to walk with you. And in my highest presence--I am pleased for you, too, have been willing to serve in the human service.

This volume is specifically dedicated to the remnant of the Ancient Tribes who present today as the Red Brothers of the Nations. To those who have always come before and are gone only after. They, too, have forgotten their mission and are caught in the storm of confusion and the winds that blow from all directions until a being cannot find his way. He has fallen into the trap of the evil brothers who lay the traps and capture the spirit in every foul manner imagined. They steal the very life spirit from the children and set them forth on a path of destruction. These ones, too, must find their way.

Worse for these relatives, the leaders have sold much of the sacred teachings and the speakings of the Sacred Mother/Grandmother (ina/kunshi, unci). The children have al-most all forgotten the olowan (song) of the owanka wakan (a holy place). They have blinded ishta (eye) and they have created kankakpa (opening a vein to bleed a patient) but they have not bled the patient for the Great Spirit's healing--they have used the sacred life flow to carry the disease and drugs and alcohol of the fallen brothers unto their very Spirits (Nagi: spirit, soul, essence) and poisoned themselves and their relations with the mni sha and mni wakan (wine and whisky). They have turned from ptehicala huhu canunpa (buffalo-calf-bone pipe, the sacred pipe) and the red-stone sacred pipe in honor to the tate topa (the four directions of the universe) for again, their ishta (eye) has been blinded by the tricks of the heyoka (sacred clown). They now forget to hupa gluza (raise one's pipe) unto, hunka (ancestor), or Tunkashila and Kunshi (grandfather/grandmother), or Ate (father). They have turned to smoke the tobacco of the wasicun (white man) rather than the kinnickinnick (Indian tobacco) which once lifted up the spirit in the smoke unto the Great Spirit, the mahpiya (the heavens) in honor of peta owihankeshni (the sacred fire) to attach it to the earth (maka) so that Tunkashila would hear. They forget the owanka wakan (a holy place, altar) and the sacredness of inyan (stone, pebble) and they forget their kola (friend) in their running with the wasicun and forget that THEY are the root of wicasa (mankind/human being). You have allowed the wambli to fall and become entangled in the mire of that which holds his talons and no one rises up to set him free so all stays trapped in the mire.

All that is within must come without that brotherhood can again come upon the Earth. All must turn to the sacred power and Spirit within that Wakan Tanka (God/Great Spirit) can be heard and show the Light upon the red path home. The wakinyan (thunderbirds) are come in the silver clouds to lift you up into safety and mankind sees us not--for mankind has forgotten from whence they came.

Oh, say ye, "...but that is for the white man, the black man and not for ME." Nay--for YOU. YOU have forgotten the way of woksape, woohitika, wowacintanka and wacantognaka (wisdom, bravery, fortitude and generosity)--YOU have forgotten that which the four eagle feathers mean and you have forgotten the "medicine wheel" of the Sacred Circle which is represented by the sacred hoop, and the representation of the four directions. You have forgotten to honor the Buffalo which gave life to the wicasa (human being) in the sacred days, whose very skull represents the traditional and spiritual life so that when you look upon it you are drawn to Wakan Tanka in honor. And you have forgotten that in honoring your elders you honor yourselves.

This is the time for you who are the human beings, mankind--known as "natives" across the lands--to change and move ahead, instead of expecting others to lead you--for they will only pull you farther down. You must return to the roots of your oral traditions for it will be through these Truths coming forth and the explanations given here in these unfoldings of Truth and explanation, and the traditional Oral Truths., never WRITTEN until now (that they might serve as history of a civilization in an ending cycle) that you will find again, balance and harmony. It is in the oral "Indian" tradition that the world will be led out of the darkness into the Light. This time, though it seems to not be so, the people are ready to listen--the world is scared unto death of the physical existence.

I choose not one tribe of Earth experiencing humans above that of another--ALL ARE ONE. But the messenger is sent where the Great Spirit of All chooses to allow expression. There are many great men but each has a task and this one is committed into the hands of Little Crow--who be YOU to choose another??

God is EVERYWHERE, not just in some appointed place that is far out of reach of everybody else. Everything--rocks, trees, people--all, is SACRED. You must comeinto the KNOWING that every object, and every person, is sacred and you must stop tormenting and hurting each other.

Little Crow did not grow up in his natural tribal village. This was given to the be the "way it was and IS" that balance could be found in actions of the way "it must be"--for all, not just a few people in a given "tribe". He experienced the same pain and agonies, addictions and despair as any other human being in a world of confusion. IT MATTERS NOT THAT WHICH YOU "WERE"--GOD SEES ONLY THAT WHICH YOU ARE.

The Earth is undergoing a painful period of purification and I tell you now, you of the world--THE AMERICAN "INDIAN"-SPIRITUALITY WILL PLAY A KEY ROLE IN RESTORING PEACE AND HARMONY. Indian spirituality has the answer and it is not just for Indians—it is for everyone (MITAKUYE OYASIN).

Mankind must come to recognize his immortality (even if he would prefer it to be different). He must realize that LIFE exists even after devastating loss. You must recapture the ability to look INSIDE yourselves for clues to the inherent wisdoms of your own creation. In so doing you will reestablish your soulful balance and harmony with everything that you ARE...for you must turn about now and find yourselves squarely upon the Red Road unto God for the time of the changing is come.

You are approaching the time of the close of the summer and the beginning of the winter--do you not note the changes already about your lands? This is the time of seasons when some of your gifted teachers and messengers will leave you for theirs is a task to be fulfilled upon another plane. Some of your guardians have already gone from your place and you must honor them for their speakings will linger into infinity for all remains forever--ones with wondrous and befitting labels, Gentle Bear, Red Dawn, Standing Bear, who graced your presence and will be forever remembered by those they touched and into the generations of those untouched in human form.

Is it not wondrous to consider a Red Dawn traveling on through the wondrous adventures of timeless and spaceless adventure and vision? Is it not wondrous to remember their gift and their going? Is it not wondrous to sit and hold them in your memory as the fall turns into winter and you can remember their last great journey upon your place and into that of another and greater place of service. There are ones, such as a one who might be called Red Dawn, who were the guardians of Truth and tradition who journeyed into the great valley from which he would never return in your own form. These ones have watched well through this long night while man of Earth has slept and created his nightmares and demons--but these ones have never ceased their guardianship--some are returned to serve again--MAKE SURE YOU RECOGNIZE THEM! MITAKUYE OYASIN.


I have sent your brothers to show you the way. AHO.

The scribe is distressed for she, too, has fears of being unacceptable in service and she speaks no tribal languages so we falter in the words and in the placing of the alphabet symbols. Do you see, chela (student), it matters not for there is the universal language and the feeble fumblings with physical words will soon have no meaning. The ones who are to receive will be given to do so. That which IS—IS! There is no thing greater and no thing lesser--ALL--IS! AHO. May you of my beloved tribes ever remain within can glees (the sacred circle). And, Little Crow, will you bless my child who efforts through all her living hours, to serve, with a dictionary? She is somehow quite sure that God does not speak Sioux in perfection--I do not--for I am a perfect Wakan Tanka/Tunkashila, not a speaker of any language known upon your places of physical manifestation--I need no language to speak to any of my Creatures nor any of Creation--save the human evolved from wisdom and Truth into confusion and ignorance! So be it.



THURS., JULY 25, 1991 12:13 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 343


Germain present in the Holy Light of Radiance. I am present in the Mighty I AM Presence from whence comes my Being--AND YOURS!

As we take this journey, may we be ever constantly conscious that what we do here will change the world as man has known it to be. Honor the gift given unto us that we might be among the first to share this Truth in its fullest measure. We also honor all ones who have come before us and brought pieces of the puzzle so that we would have them ready for the final "key". Integration of ALL within ALL is our message. Blessings upon you ones of our Cosmic Team. Your contribution shall be engraved in the book of life for all time and sequence to come for you serve well and WE SHALL PREVAIL for it is decreed by God that we do so.

Future generations of unfolding man must make so great a transition in their thinking that it is as though they were transported from the country of their own language into another country where its language had no meaning for them.

Man first unfolds his mortality as a sensed-body, without any realization of his immortality for long ages. During these long ages he lives for his body, takes what he wants for his body, creates sensual pleasures for his body emotions, and "educates" his body through the mirages of illusive sensed-observations with what he very mistakenly believes to be knowledge.

Mortal man is unable to obey God's law for he does not know God's law. For that reason he is constantly hurting himself and calls it evil. He believes in the existence of evil because he is never able to avoid hurting himself and other selves, and must blame his own ignorance upon an existent Satan who is forever punishing him.

During his mortal stage he has but the one language of the senses, but as he becomes aware of his immortal nature he gradually acquires an understanding of the divine language of Light which comes to him from out of the silence.

The human race has now arrived at that point where hundreds of thousands are at the transition point between their mortal, physical, sensual natures and their immortal, intellectual and inspirational natures.

Mortal man is beginning to know his immortality. The sensual in him is being lost in its own dark by his own Self-illumining. It is for these few of the great many that this is written so that MAN, THE UNKNOWN, can gradually unfold into MAN, THE KNOWN.


The next several lessons will be devoted to giving you a more intensive comprehension of the higher knowledge of God's invisible universe and your physical and spiritual relation to it. These lessons are a preparation for the knowledge of what constitutes life, death and immortality, and of that unawakened Light within man which utterly transforms every man within whom that Light is awakened into a superior being.

It is a strange fact, but tens of thousands are now seeking higher knowledge of the Light, which indicates a transition condition in the human race during the last three generations; it is just that you don't see them so clearly as the negative produces of adverse actions. Further, the very terms applied to these ones give them an image of public disfavor and ridicule. Man, in fact, IS FINALLY seeking real HIGHER KNOWLEDGE--behind the facade of empty catch-words and shouting and performing silly rituals. Man wants to find God in that perfection of calm control without distractions of silliness and foolish hooping or strange gyrations. By "higher knowledge", we mean Cosmic knowledge. You are one of these who seek that higher knowledge which lies dormant in all humans for you desire these writings which are awakening that knowledge within you as you are ready for it. As proof of that fact, our writings and teachings of higher knowledge are meaningless to fully nine out of every ten people--but that will be rapidly changing, which indicates that perhaps less than ten per cent of the so-called "enlightened" people of the earth are inwardly driven to seek and find that inner Cosmic something which their Souls desire. That means that fully 90% of humans have not yet begun to awaken their spiritual and intellectual natures. The few among the many who are truly seeking are intensive and hungry for that unknown Light which is awakening in them--but remaining elusive, and one after another is sought out for the lessons and the only disappointment comes from the lack of full understanding. They feel the craving within them and seek it in many, many places, in many religions and cults and in many diverse teachings.

Many sincerely believe they have fully found that which their Souls have been seeking even when they have but felt a slight glow of that Light of their own divinity. These many are inspired and uplifted as succeeding slight illuminings gradually transform them into Cosmic beings who have become aware of their Inner Selves.

It is because the few who seek never know just what it is that they seek that we must make its meaning clear to you so that you will better comprehend the import of the coming lessons. Very few of the most enlightened people of the world have the slightest knowledge of what higher knowledge means. They would not understand you if you said to them that higher knowledge comes from Cosmic thinking toward one's inner immortal MIND-SELF as opposed to the conclusions which is called knowledge which come from outer-sensing by the mortal BRAIN-SELF. The human race has not yet advanced to that stage where even world intelligentsia would comprehend its meaning. That is strange but it is demonstrably true for the human race is still in its infancy.

Witness, for example, the many schools and foundations which have been formed for "advanced learning" and "higher knowledge". All that have so far been formed show by their teachings and curricula that their conception of higher knowledge is limited to finding out more about the MATERIAL universe through sensed observation and deductive reasoning. They do not even suggest the necessity of reaching out to the Mind-Source of the material universe. The very facts of the matter are that it is certainly NOT DESIRED THAT YOU COME INTO HIGHER KNOWLEDGE! They ask only for more intensive and deeper concentrative observation of VISIBLE EFFECTS rather than INVISIBLE CAUSE. In other words, their concept of higher knowledge means greater power for arriving at conclusions from sensed-observations through the processes of reasoning and deduction. There is not the slightest indication in any of the high institutions of learning of the need of the genius type of mind, even though the greatest mental and cultural progress of man is due to the genius type of inner-thinking, inner-visioning and imagining. The outersensory thinker of the mathematical and statistical research type of mind is the one who is favored and highly patronized. In him is the hope for better instruments and machines for human comfort, and better machines to kill man in greater numbers. This means that physical man, who constitutes your present civilization, recognizes only the supremacy of physical man and the power to reason and deduce in him rather than to create by inspired guidance as all geniuses do. Your civilization would progress materially very much faster and with the greater stability of moral character which accompanies spiritual growth if the paramount purpose of man were to help the omnipresent Mind to THINK and KNOW rather than the present purpose of helping the physical brain to remember and repeat.

Less than two hundred geniuses have appeared among men since the beginning of man and not more than thirty or forty Illuminates. To these you owe what culture the world does possess, yet your whole educational system is opposing their development and your society as a whole has leaned more to their crucifixion than toward glorifying them. It is most unfortunate that humans do not realize this sorry fact, for as long as mankind neglects to honor its geniuses who are engaged in the arts of peace and glorifies its heroes who are most proficient in the arts of war, the human race will continue to suffer the agonies of its own making.

None of these institutions for higher knowledge gives any indication that higher knowledge means searching for God as the Creator-CAUSE of the effects of motion of which they believe knowledge to consist.

Higher knowledge means trying to discover what the greatest Mind that ever lived meant by saying, "The kingdom of heaven is within" or "I and my Father are ONE", or "The Father dwelleth within Me," or "God is Light" and "God is Love" and all such other teachings of that great Mind. The fact that such teachings are not of first import in every cultural institution in the world is PROOF of the fact that your civilization is still too young to be ready for them. The great mass of the human race is still at such a low intellectual level that it even resents the idea of the divinity of man, even though the Christ taught it very plainly when He said, "I and My Father are ONE," "What I am you also are," and "What I do, you can also do." Moreover, the message has been repeated in every language from the onset of man.

The Sacred Circle of the Christ Being, the Pale Prophet, Immanuel, Buddha, Krishna and Mohammed--be them who they might be--all spoke this very clearly and told mankind, in their separate ages, exactly where to find God and His Heaven, but countless millions of men still retain the concept of heaven as being "up there above the earth somewhere" instead of being within Self. Many men still think of God as an objective Being "out there somewhere" who sits in judgment over His countless billions of people who come and go upon billions and trillions of earths like yours--or believe that you are the only "earth" like yours. Over nine-tenths of the people of today's world retain this inherited concept of long past ages of man's primacy.

As the spiritual in man unfolds so also will man's institutions of science, education and religion. These three greatest necessities of the human race will then unite and become ONE. While awaiting that day, science will gradually unfold its spiritual awareness of God's invisible universe of Light and know God as CAUSE of the effects of which it makes use. Education will make as its highest objective the study of MAN as it, too, unfolds instead of the material product of man's body, and religion will some day substitute its God of fear and wrath with the God of Love.

Human institutions progress slowly but they do progress and, like all humans, they progress more through their mistakes than through their traditions. Religion has made greater progress in the last century than in the previous five centuries. Hundreds of thousands have eliminated the God of wrath, fear and vengeance which plunged the Christian world into eight centuries of Dark Ages and have substituted the God of Love teachings.

It is so misunderstood--the purpose of the Christ's visit. The Christ was sent as MAN to save people FROM A BELIEF in SIN instead of FROM SIN--whatever that might mean. Sin is only the falling short of perfection--or, being in error. As the Light of Intelligence unfolds in man, he will gradually know our universe and God's ways. GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU explains clearly that sin cannot exist in Nature and that it is purely a man-made concept.

When mankind does know God's ways and processes of Creation, he will know that God cannot possibly be sinned against. Man can sin only against himself by hurting himself or his neighbor. Imagine, for example, a man sinning against gravity by defying it or breaking its law. He would but hurt himself for he could not hurt gravity and gravity would have no reason for being wrathful about it. Such early conceptions of man gradually disappear as higher spiritual knowledge and God-awareness come into human comprehension, as man slowly comprehends that God is INVIOLATE LAW which no man can hurt or sin against.

The same principle applies to the idea of a wrathful God. That concept is scientifically impossible. Wrath is a human emotion. It is one of many changing physical expressions. God is not physical and He is unchanging. His one spiritual, unchanging emotion is the ecstasy of Love given out from His Light. It is as scientifically unnatural for that flow of Love to be interrupted by base emotions as it is for the flow of light from your sun to be interrupted by a flow of dark. Wrath and vengeance are ugly emotions which stem from hate and produce fear. The more the human race progresses toward a knowledge of our universe and God's processes of Creation, the more it will comprehend that hate, wrath, fear and vengeance cannot issue from LOVE, which GOD IS.

It is gratifying, and gives much hope, that hundreds of thousands of Cosmic thinkers are now coming into the world to leaven it. These like you, are the real saviours of the race, if it still can be saved, for they are its seed of Love.

A spiritually illumined civilization will place its highest standards in making MAN, THE UNKNOWN become MAN, THE KNOWN instead of its present standard in making man a better material-producing machine. It will then realize the warnings of the great poet who said, "In vain do we build the city if we do not first build the man."

A spiritually illumined science, which has grown to its present level through gaining knowledge from what it can see, feel and measure, will set its standards to KNOWING God's invisible universe which it can neither see, feel or measure. It will have then discovered the omniscience of Mind, the omnipotence of Mind-thinking and the omnipresence of Mind-product in action-reaction. When that day comes, science can then verify God, for humans will then revel in the ecstasy of KNOWING instead of having but emotion and abstraction as the basis for their devotions.

As it thus unfolds, it will gradually come to be realized that Science knows many things, but the least of these many things it knows is MAN. The SCIENCE OF MAN is the least known, and most important, of any and all sciences.

We began to give that higher knowledge of WHO and WHAT God is--and WHERE to find Him--and WHAT heaven is and WHERE to find that also--in the prior printings and we will continue to reveal God and His zero universe throughout the remaining writings--may the WORD be blessed.

As a basis of the higher knowledge you are thus receiving, we have given you several "Connections" which is the science of the universe, and GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU if you ask and study diligently while in that connection. Your brothers, who share with you now in your earthly transition--have come by Truth in this very manner and can raise you to their level of understanding most quickly if you will but allow of it and grant safety unto their passage among you.

Now obviously I, Germain, do not need further of these lessons--so they are for your use. They are for the sole purpose of helping you to unfold your own spiritual nature to that point of illumination when you will either gradually or suddenly become aware of God's Presence within you. This is the highest goal any man can attain, and all can attain it in the measure of their depth of desire for its attainment. They are given in the total of Love of my being that you might come into KNOWING for I can give and share no greater gift in all the universe. I offer Truth unto you but I force naught and you may do that which you will with it. But think carefully before casting this aside and denouncing the scribe and publishers--YOU HAVE NOT DONE VERY WELL TO DATE WITH YOUR WORLD--LOOK AROUND YOU AND SPECULATE AS TO HOW MUCH LONGER YOU HAVE AS YOU ARE GOING! SO BE IT. As we put forth the lessons I ask the seal of God (Beleis) put upon the promise given. I as Cohan--you as Sibet (one who presents himself for such revelations), may we enter into the Light, transmute the false into Truth and become greater (OM NI) than that which is the Universe--COME WITHIN THE MIGHTY PRESENCE OF THE I AM!

May you come to recognize me: Dak Noi, Cum Eta, Di Eno, Di Dak--Of the Brotherhood, Of the Council of the Highest order of the Heavens who have come forth with special purpose, Of the Light and All, From the Father. I AM. I AM AU DAI PA DAI CUM, OM NI--One that walks in oneness with the Spirit that is the Spirit which is God and Greater than the Universal. I AM GERMAIN, in service unto the ONE LIVING GOD.

Since becoming aware of God's Presence within you is the highest goal any man can attain, and all can attain it in the measure of their depth of desire for its attainment--let us get on with HOW-TO and WHY.

Material and objective teaching through the senses do not give "knowledge", for the senses cannot acquire knowledge. Intensive reasoning is not intensive thinking, for when people reason through sensed-observation they are but repeating brain memories. Any product of man resulting from the assemblage of sensed-memories is not a creation of the Mind; it is an accumulation of plagiarisms, such as an automobile and most of your world-products. These are inventions of generations of sensed-observers and are forever changing by being added to by others. Mind-creations of a Shakespeare, a Beethoven or a Leonardo are not made that way. Creations of the Mind endure. They cannot be changed or added to by others and yet even those great genius minds will say that "If they saw further it was because they stood on the shoulders of giants come before them."

Knowledge cannot be obtained through sensed-observations. One can merely be informed of effect of motion in that manner. Information is not knowledge, even if it will help to make a better television or jet-plane. Reasoning from such sensed-conclusions misleads one into forming baseless theories and postulates which have no resemblance to Nature whatsoever. That is what is the matter with science today. Well, it is "one" of the things. It is composed of hundreds of theories and postulates which will not only not fit together in one consistent whole but many contradict each other. That is also what is the matter with your civilization as a whole. Its educational ideal is to stress the physical and ignore the moral and spiritual. Your entire educational system stultifies the genius who is born with higher knowledge, and many parents of genius children weep because of being thus afflicted. That is also why the conclusions of mathematics are unreliable.

This explanation is necessary for you and other enlightened ones in order to transform you into a higher stage of your unfolding. It is necessary for you to realize that your civilization is still in its intellectual and spiritual infancy. It is still hard-bound by inherited doctrines and barbarian practices of man-exploiting and man-killing. Man is still too near the dawn of Consciousness which released him from his jungle days of universal fear to make much progress toward universal love by the unfoldment of his spiritual and intellectual nature. It is these very practices, doctrines and beliefs which are driving the thousands of more advanced seekers, like you, to escape from their traditional, inherited bondage of orthodoxy, superstition and worship of the miraculous. Likewise, it is these many thousands like you who will become the seed forsaving the world.

This we can know because of the hundreds of chelas who say that they have searched from cult to cult and from leader to leader for decades without finding that which they sought. Many have even been misguided into seeking it emotionally and have suffered the frustrations resulting from the emptiness which follows any other than an inspirational, mental approach. It is this agony of not knowing just what one seeks and just where to find it, and not knowing what higher knowledge means, that is so disturbing to these many thousands whom God has finally awakened into an awareness of His Presence within them. But, next we hear--"OK already I know that much but how do I get the rest of the way?" The gratifying thing, chelas, is that if you are seeking Truth--when you find this material you KNOW "this is it"--you recognize it at once. The explanation for it is the fact that only Illuminates can bring that higher knowledge to another which they alone possess, and that other must be READY for it before he can even slightly comprehend it. But we are getting there for MANY are now READY.

It is even more strange that we can tell it to you, for all down through the ages the illumined ones have been unable to tell to others in comprehensible words that which was so clear to them. This you know without question. For ages, the great leader mystics have told of the "divided and the undivided" without the slightest success in giving the real meaning of those words to man. The brilliant thinking of a century of scientists has never even remotely connected those words of the mystics--the "Divided and the Undivided"--with the universal zero fulcrum of mind and light-waves which emerge from it.

As far back as the Bhagavad-Gita, you have been explicitly informed of that Light which is God, without ever having conveyed any meaning to man during all these aeons. You were also told, "God is Light" and "God is Love". Man has interpreted His words as meaning the incandescence of suns, and has built an objective God of limited form while still teaching an omnipresent one. The time is now close, however, when man will discover and comprehend that man's Self is as formless and non-objective as is God. Now aren't you glad you stuck with us? Ah, we have such a grand and wondrous experience to share as we walk right within the hall of God. Little scribe, thank you--for as with the first recognition of Aton--have you worked to bring the WORD and yet without the explanation in understanding behind the WORD, man only turns the enlightened away and crucifies them. Little scribe--old and ancient friend--thank you.

All of this which we have herein written is for the purpose of telling you that man first unfolds his physical nature during the aeons of body-forming. His spiritual, mental and inspirational nature began its unfolding at the dawn of Consciousness, which was less than ten thousand years ago, if you accept the findings of authorities on the subject--it matters not--some place it as eight thousand years. From that point of view, it is quite wonderful that the human race has advanced even so far as it has in mental unfolding, even though it is still quite barbarian in its practices and in its beliefs, for man still kills and preys upon his neighbor more than ever in history, and he still believes in a brutal God of wrath instead of a God of Love and Justice. As long as man kills his own brothers by millions instead of loving and serving his brother as himself, man will be thus. Also, man will still retain his lesser status as long as he believes it possible that he can "sin against God" and be punished by God for this sinning against his own self. GOD NEEDS NOT PUNISH YOU—YOU DO THAT NICELY FOR SELF.

These are the things which should be taken into consideration by higher educational and religious institutions, for it is the lack of the RIGHT KIND OF EDUCATIONAL TEACHINGS and THE RIGHT KIND OF RELIGIOUS BELIEFS that is holding mankind back in the dark ages of ignorance. It has never been easy to come into Truth--from finding that the Earth is NOT the center of your solar system to free electricity. The ones who control the masses make sure the information is kept from you.

Your Emerson expressed it very well, this primal condition of present-day civilization: "We think our civilization is near its meridian, but we are yet only at the cock-crowing and the morning star. In our barbarous society the emergence of character is in its infancy." This is not to be wondered at in a civilization which does not make character growth a part of its educational programs and does, in fact, program the students to have less and less good character.

These things, and more, you must come to now know in order that you can better comprehend the chaotic world situation of today which has been heading toward another Dark Age period for some three-quarters of a century now. This present fall of man is the harvest he is reaping for the seven thousand years of piracy in national and personal empire and fortune building. The entire of the world is in the horrendous reaping of that which has been sown in greed and absence of God.

Ah, and so we have been warning you of this decline of man for many, many years and have explained it as the workings of God's law which will not let man keep that which he has taken from another, and will not allow happiness and prosperity to come to any man--or nation--who has taken happiness and prosperity from another for himself--or itself.

For many centuries, one part of the world has endeavored to enslave the other parts of it. The strong have overpowered the weak, and the weak slave has grown strong enough to slay the master. That is what Naziism is. That is what Communism is. The mighty nations of the earth have created Naziism and Communism and Socialism and Zionism to fulfill the law of equal reaction for every action. Impoverished and debt-ridden, tax-burdened nations do not realize that Communism, for instance, is but a mirrored reflection of piracy and a natural consequence of it.

We will dwell upon this subject only long enough to say that these present decades are a focusing point where the repercussions of centuries of man's ignorance of his own spiritual nature are coming to a head. These are the years when man must decide which way he will head for the future without the possible annihilation of the greater portion of the race through atomic war, or a decline of a major part of it into the dark and a renaissance of a minor part of it to a high Cosmic level of civilization beyond what man has ever known. The few who may possibly survive such an Armageddon will give rebirth to the race to keep the Light of Love ever illumined--even as the saints and monks of past ages preserved the wisdom of past ages by hiding it in monasteries and caves until world-rebirth brought them from their centuries of hiding.

History ever repeats itself, but each repetition brings man ever nearer to God. We are facing that kind of transition right now, and our message to man is an endeavor to sufficiently awaken the whole intellectual world to that higher spiritual knowledge which unfolds the Light of genius in man. Higher knowledge of your universe, which creates cosmic thinkers, is the only remedey for transforming this unhappy kind of world you now experience into one which is founded upon unity in the brotherhood of man. These seem to be very hard words. So, likewise, do the words of the surgeon seem to be hard words when he tells a man that his knife must cut the entire cancer out lest the man perish. Your entire civilization is cancerous and you have been commanded to be the surgeon whose first duty is to tell his patient of his ills and the remedy for them in order to avoid death.

This long prelude to the principles of HIGHER KNOWLEDGE FOR MAN has been necessary for what you are about to read is very new thinking to which only the one out of many is attuned. All who read what now follows will better comprehend the reason for the dreadful state in which humanity now wallows.

Can anyone who has the courage to look at this civilization of yours squarely in the face say that the world is united into one brotherhood of men who love and serve each other? Can you actually say that this is the same goal as is offered through the "New World/One World Order" who plans to enslave the masses, terminate millions and rule through Elite horror? Also, can one rightly say that man's love of culture and ethical practices indicates that he has arrived at a high state of intelligence? Does the display of homosexual rape and incest in your art galleries and the hard-metal rock music that lauds Satan and evil show growth into deserving fulfillment within the higher cultures of the Cosmos and Universe?

Following this thought a bit further, who dares, with honesty, to affirm that the might-over-right, survival-of-the-fittest principle of the jungle has become obsolete because of the higher educational and spiritual unfoldment of the God-like men of today? Before answering this question, look well to the east and to the west around your globe. Look well upon the practices of mass slavery and subjugation of the spirit of man in war-desiring nations. Look even more carefully at peace-desiring nations who are spending untold billions for protections against enemy nations--only to find the enemy has eaten your soul from within! Look still deeper into the hearts of the peace-loving nations who fear their enemies, and ascertain whether they did not themselves create their enemies by being their enemies. Also, ask deadly enemies why they become friends with their deadly enemies when other deadly enemies threaten both. Go look yourself in the face in your mirror and see what is REALLY staring back at you. Does that which you see bring joy or pain to your conscience?

We are painting a word picture of the kind of world mankind has created by its thinking thrust into action. As man becomes what he thinks so, likewise, does a world of men become what a world thinks. Is this a true picture or is it not? If it is a true picture, what right have you to feel that you are a highly civilized, highly advanced and cultured people? And what right have you to assume that your civilized world teachings are right teachings?

A highly cultured intelligent civilization would be a peaceful and happy one where each man's first consideration would be the welfare of every other man. Is your world that kind of world? It would be a world where human values would be first in every man's heart and material values only incidental to them. Love would be its dominant note instead of greed. Friendliness would be universal instead of enmity. Unity would bind all men together, instead of universal disunity in every one of man's essential institutions. Is this present world that kind of world?

Everyone who reads and/or hears these words knows full well that every high ideal which you have cherished as a hope for a peaceful world of love has been shattered by man himself until there is but one way of saving the entire human race from another plunge into the dark, and that one way is for man to become aware of his own divinity by finding the God of Love seated upon His throne of heaven within every man, and discard forever the vengeful God of wrath whom the great masses expect to see coming in a chariot from out of the clouds.

GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU! The Christ will again come to earth in the Christ-Consciousness within every man, and that coming shall be from the kingdom of heaven within man--which all men will some day recognize and comprehend. Christ is not going to come in a flaming cloud as you are told will happen--to rapture away the myriads of those who wash themselves in the blood of a man you murdered 2000 years ago. Christ will not come in a flaming chariot which could but land upon one tiny spot in this whole world of tens of thousands of cities and towns, and tens of billions of other worlds of many towns and cities whose people have never heard of Christ but have, undoubtedly, had similar divine-messenger "Christ-Conscious" teachers.

It is time to ask of yourself in your own heart where man can really find an omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient God. And it is the first obligation of every learned man and institution of learning to help man find that God of Love where the greatest teachers of the world have taught man to find him.

BUT GUESS HOW THE HOSTS PLAN TO APPROACH YOUR HOT LITTLE PLANET? Ah so! What a lovely experience to anticipate.

So, let us leave this, Dharma, for it has been indeed a very long day. We will take up with a discussion of "what is higher knowledge" when we sit to write again.




FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1991 4:29 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 344

FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1991

Germain present in the Mighty I AM Presence. Again, with a hard act to follow. I trust you ones will realize what a wondrous gifting of information you received prior to this writing, from Hatonn. (Editor: This refers to the EXPRESS of this date penned earlier today.) You must continue to function in a very confusing and chaotic world and he has taken time to give you very basic decision-making guidelines. How blessed you ones are, to receive from that beloved friend who travels beyond time and space and yet keeps tabs on all His children unto the smallest sparrow. You will come to know who is this being who holds your hands and wipes thine eyes and noses. May the WORD be blessed for as you come into KNOWING you will also KNOW that GOD would send nothing lesser than Himself to show you the way and guide your steps. Adonai.


Higher knowledge comes to man solely through the unfolding of intelligence within him which leads him to discover the light of his own divinity and Oneness with God.


Knowledge is Mind-Idea.

Consciousness is Mind-awareness of Idea.

Sensation is a body awareness of pulsing tensions taking place in nerve systems of bodies due to the interchanging of wave motion in creating matter.

All knowledge eternally exists in the God-Mind of the universe, God is knowledge and power. Man's measure of knowledge and power is the measure in which he acquires God-awareness within him. Man cannot acquire knowledge through outer-observation by his senses. He can but acquire information that way.

Sensed-bodies cannot know anything. They are limited to a sensed-awareness of motion, for sensation is impossible without motion. Sensed-bodies see, feel, hear, smell and taste, but that is all they do. Sensed-bodies are devoid of intelligence and are limited to brain-reasoning from observed effects. They can never acquire knowledge for knowledge is distinctly a property of the Mind, and the brain is not the Mind. When that Light of Mind-Consciousness is awakened in man, he has arrived at his first beginnings of God-awareness in him. Knowledge then begins in him, and not until then. He then begins to create instead of imitate.

Immanuel told these facts nineteen centuries ago and they have had no meaning all down through these ages. The great tragedy of His teachings was the unreadiness of man to comprehend them in His day and in ignoring their import in this radio and electronic age when human intelligence has unfolded sufficiently to quite easily comprehend them. When He was asked--"..when the kingdom of God shall come", these were His words: "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say, lo here! or lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you." St. Luke 17:20-21.

It seems quite inconceivable that the consequential universities of learning have paid no attention to these very plain statements, for their sole method of gaining knowledge is through sense-observations which merely inform one of effect while knowledge lies in cause. It is also extraordinary that the objective God as accepted by the "pagan" definition, could still persist with that very plain instruction which tells where to find God.


CAUSE is the desire-energy within Mind to manifest Mind-Idea by extending light-waves of thought from centering fulcrum points.

EFFECT is manifested Mind-Idea expressed by motion of extended light-waves of Mind-thinking. God--the Creator--is CAUSE. The created universe is EFFECT.

The foregoing defines the very simple foundation for higher knowledge which man needs for the unfolding of his spiritual nature. Without this higher knowledge needed by man for the unfolding of his inner vision, he will still remain barbarian in thought and practice. He can never progress toward happiness, peace and prosperity while he is physically dominated and limited to sensed effect, for world history shows that the increase in material power of expression, unbalanced by spiritual power, is always accompanied by a multiplication of crime, wars and immorality, with increased sex and cultural degeneracy.

Every time a material civilization has prospered by the vicious methods which have made all past civilizations prosper, it has fallen low into the dark for long centuries and has recovered only through the agonies of tears shed for deep suffering. Your present civilization is in its eleventh and a-half hour, preceding a similar fall and for the same reason, as everyone must now come to know.

The only way that mankind can save this present degenerating civilization is to throw off all that is barbarian and ungodly in him through acquiring the higher knowledge necessary for his inner, spiritual unfoldment.

The only way that mass-man, who constitutes a civilization, can acquire that higher knowledge is through mass-teachers, and there are no such teachers in any of your scientific, educational or religious institutions. None of them has made any attempt to fulfill this requirement for bringing God and man together in close communion and companionship. In fact, every one of these presumably man-building organization has done just the opposite, which has retarded the unfoldment of the spiritual nature of man. This is indeed unfortunate for some hundreds of thousands of advanced thinkers have freed themselves from the anchors of traditional material concepts and are seeking earnestly for the Light of higher knowledge which will eventually illumine them into Cosmic Consciousness.

When I utilize the term "barbarian", I define as: possessing of characteristics of a cultural level more complex than primitive savagery but less sophisticated than advanced civilization--mercilessly harsh and cruel and without refinement.

When I utilize the term "pagan", I define as: a follower of a poly (many) theistic religion (as in Ancient Rome); one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods; an irreligious or hedonistic person.

READ THAT "PAGAN" AGAIN. YOU ONES GO ABOUT CALLING THE NATIVES AS IN "NATIVE AMERICANS" AND PRIMITIVE TRIBESMEN--PAGANS. WHERE DO YOU COME BY SUCH SMUG CONDESCENDING INFORMATION? THE NATIVE DOES HONOR UNTO THE DIFFERENT RELATIONS AND SHOWS HONOR UNTO THE SEASONS, THE WINDS AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF LIFE--BUT HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF, YOU OF IGNORANCE--THE GREAT SPIRIT? WELL, THE GREAT SPIRIT--THE WAKAN TANKA, IS GOD BY ANY LABEL. Moreover, this ONE God has the same offspring in recognition as do your traditional Life-streams. It is time you ones learned that which is your own language--for you speak things that have no meaning in FACT. The primitive "natural" natives have less interest in that which is physical and material than any species on Earth--THEY ARE NOT PAGANS! YOU HAVE BECOME PAGANS!!!!!

Can you now comprehend how it works with the adversary? You are told a thing and without question you hop on the bandwagon of denouncement, etc. You know not anything of value for you have been told the opposite of Truth for such a long time that you even reverse the meanings of your own language words. YOU HAVE BECOME THE PAGANS--NOT THE NATIVE INDIANS. THEY, IN FACT, SPEAKING OF THE NATIVE AMERICAN "INDIANS" WERE ONLY LABELED "INDIANS" BECAUSE THE EUROPEANS THOUGHT THEY HAD REACHED THE INDIES. THE NATIVES, IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE, CALLED THEMSELVES "THE PEOPLE" OR "HUMANS". YOU HAD BEST LOOK A BIT INTO HISTORY AND TRUTH--AND PERHAPS YOU MAY LEARN SOME SHOCKING FACTS.


The only ones who can teach a higher knowledge to man are geniuses and Illuminates. Since the Dawn of Consciousness, less than two hundred geniuses and forty or so illuminates have been prepared by the Creator to awaken the spark of divinity in man, and of these only two are actually known. These two had been fully prepared as omniscient Illuminates who had complete God-awareness, complete knowledge, and a full 360-degree extension of the light spectrum which made God's ways and processes of creation fully known to them.

These two were the Christed being labeled many names but accepted as Jesus, the Christ of the Hebrews now come as "Sananda", whom they crucified in His day and I shall not expand on that at this time, and the unknown mystic who wrote the Bhagavad-Gita, whom we will henceforth refer to as the Christ of the Hindus. I use these labels for simplification. Some called that great teacher Sri Krishna--but as with Jesus, the label is not of any importance whatsoever. These are the only two commonly known divine immortals who have arrived at that highest stage of spiritual unfoldment which is known as Christ Consciousness and went about in many forms on all places of the Earth. We won't go into the "universe or cosmos" at this time. Now, you will find that one came to Earth about 8,000 years ago and founded the first "religion" of the one God of Light (getting warm?) in which your sun became its symbol. Out of His teaching grew your first great civilization, known as the Age of Character, which lasted for some 2,000 years. We will tell you more about this civilization in the following units.

Two more of these great beings, Buddha and Mohammed, reached a very high state of Cosmic Consciousness and each founded a great religion, but neither of them knew God's processes of creation and could not tell of them although they fully KNEW God and were fully prepared to tell man where to find God, and heaven, and "paradise"--WITHIN MAN.

Among the lesser Illuminates--which means those who have been transformed by just a momentary flash of severance of sensation and Consciousness, such as described in the experiences of, say, Moses or Paul as described in the writing myths, were several which you would recognize as Isaiah, Socrates, Plotinus, Francis Bacon, Roger Bacon, etc. All of these have had a profound effect in the exaltation of the human race by bringing man closer to God, and some founded great religions, which have discarded the pagan concept of God and of Sin. By their writings and history can you recognize them.

Preceding the exalted stage of Cosmic Consciousness is the genius stage. These are the illumined ones who interpret God's rhythmic thinking in God's "Soul-language" of inspiration--not a bunch of prattlings of human superior ego recognition. These are the exalted ones who are quite fully aware of their divinity and commune with God for long, ecstatic periods of isolation and then translate their communions into rhythmic forms to reinspire others and to awaken the Light in their souls.

There have been a couple of hundred great geniuses since the dawn of Mind in man. You would know all of them if you were studied in history in accurate measure. It is these who have given the world its priceless culture, yet the world honors and patronizes its "heroes", who kill and conquer, beyond all of these--ah, 'tis indeed sad. It also gives such high honors as the Nobel prize to those who add to the world's material wealth, while the priceless Beethovens and Leonardos who may be living unknown among men are left to starve for lack of patronage and recognition.

Such is the state of the world--and even worsened in your modern, current world. It had reached a promisingly high stage of culture in 1900, but has degenerated so far since then that the only hope for saving it is through the coming of God-awareness and finding the "kingdom of God within man".


The greatest tragedy of humans is their failure to recognize and comprehend the teachings of ones like Christ and Krishna. The Hindus, Lebanese and Persians recognized and revered their Teacher but did not comprehend him. They sought God, as he taught them to do, by searching within themselves through deep meditation. They became a deeply spiritual people that way, but the Hindus were more deeply influenced by Buddha and overstressed their searching through meditation without following it with action. As a consequence, they neglected the creative action of working knowingly with God, as Krishna more particularly taught. Because of that misinterpretation of Buddha's and Krishna's teachings, the Hindu world stood materially still for these many centuries.

The "Christ" of the Hebrews transformed many of His own people with His great love and would have, undoubtedly, created the One-World Ideal of the Brotherhood-of-Man, as He started out to do, if the religion of His day--which He so violently attacked--did not tear Him down and attempt to totally destroy Him through persecution and crucifixion. Then His followers paid the same price for some three hundred years by hideous tortures and death in the arenas, as with the lions.

This failure to comprehend the divine Messengers whom God sent periodically to illumine man with the Light of God-awareness within him is the human tragedy for which the world has paid in blood, tears and agony for nineteen centuries. It is a great pity, however, that the human race has set itself back two thousand years because of but one thing--gross ignorance. Shall you now have the courage to look at your faulty civilization squarely in the face and begin, at long last, to build an enduring civilization based upon Love and the Oneness of all men with God?

This you must do lest you perish. You have no choice, actually. Every cultural institution as well as all industry, commerce and government must place the acquisition of higher knowledge first else Markham's wisdom in saying, "In vain do we build the city if we do not first build the man," will be verified by witnessing another fall of man into chaos and degradation--and brothers, you are there!

It is for this very reason that we come forth to awaken in your Conscious Mind the great Truths of God and His universe. We will continue to unfold that which is "wrong" so that you might confirm for self that we bring only Truth--you have watched the long foretold present world crisis come to peaking. You have seen the crisis of fear and hate unfold until it has been recognized, realized, written about and talked about by every man to every other man, and by the press even in its secret bondage, radio and television throughout the world. How long will you turn away and presume that God will, at your whim, bring His Truth through another? It is not to be so! Here it is and you who will partake are welcome at the banquet--you who choose another table--so be it! We shall see WHO sits at the table of God.


The waters now deepen, little fishes--it is better to swim than continue for the shallows are no more. You have long sailed through those shallows and superficialities of matter, motion and process and are now sailing into deeper waters in your search for the higher knowledge which you must have in order for you to become the omniscient Being of God's intent for man. We honor deeply the ones who came before this day and understood and shared these concepts for now the keys can be fitted into the locks so that freedom and understanding can prevail.

I direct your thinking toward reversal from outward motion toward inward stillness to awaken that divine Light of all-knowledge, all-power and all-presence which centers every whirling thought-wave which constitutes your body.

Just how much of that Light is awakened in you is dependent upon how much you have mastered the art of meditation wherein you gain the power to transform sensed-effect to its Mind-cause. To say this same thing in other words of more import, which you have probably not yet heard, we repeat the following: to unite the divided two into the united ONE.

Take a deep breath for the waters now deepen and you fish do not yet know that you can breathe beneath the waters. We are getting right at the heart of the least understood but most basic principle of Creation, the sex-creative, physical principle which is measured, balanced and controlled by the spiritual surveyor of motion known as GRAVITY. Yes, if you have read our prior CONNECTIONS, you will recognize this and be far ahead in comprehension for we have covered it greatly in the books. We are going to dissect it now, that you have no excuses remaining for unknowing--IF you do not sluff through the work. Mankind has never yet fully realized or understood the basically spiritual nature of sex. The human race is still far too physically new to comprehend it as a whole, but advanced Cosmic thinkers are beginning to feel it as God-awareness unfolds in them. Truly mated humans feel it as they discover their multiplied power which arises from their actual transformation from being two to becoming ONE.

Marriage alone does not thus transform two to ONE. Nor do a minister's words transform two into ONE. The words are but abstractions for they are not scientifically understood. That is precisely what we mean by saying that we are sailing into deeper mental waters. That which but very few men and women of Earth even slightly understand is the sex-polarity principle of GRAVITY which UNITES THE DIVIDED TWO INTO THE UNITED ONE. And moreover it hasn't a thing to do with the bedroom, or specifically, the bed.

It is time for this higher divine knowledge to come into human Consciousness for many are ready for it. In Krishna's and Immanuel's day, man was so physically sense-limited that neither of these two greatest of all teachers complicated His teachings by dynamically stressing it. To do so would have been a hopeless attempt to open the doors to the invisible universe before the people of their day could even faintly comprehend the visible universe of bodies. Whenever either of them mentioned that principle at all--such as the phrase, "I and My Father are ONE"--no one of their day had the faintest idea of its real meaning and very few of today more than superficially or abstractly grasp it.

Who in that day, or even today, would dream of connecting the sex-polarity principle with such words of Immanuel as these: "That they may be ONE; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be ONE in us; …And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them, that they may be ONE, even as we are ONE." John 17:21-22

If you look back upon the physical man of that day, you will see that he was so absolutely unaware of this one holy principle of Nature that its totally physical expression destroyed men and nations of men so continually and so often that sex was made evil and sinful by man. Instead of writing holiness into the Adam and Eve FABLE, they wrote evil into it and made of God's one holy law the basis of "original sin". This stupid and corrupted idea is now disappearing as intelligence in spiritual man unfolds, but it is still part of the thinking of fully three-quarters of the human race, and women are still held to be inferior to men and not ONE with them. Worse, as the shrouds of the lie are pealed away the response is one of total irresponsible behavior and the errors are magnified in the opposing direction causing greater pain and degradation upon the souls of mankind.

It might be well for us to build upon Krishna's phrase so repeatedly stated as THE UNDIVIDED AND THE DIVIDED and restate it as follows: THE UNDIVIDED, THE DIVIDED AND THE UNITED. We must choose carefully that which can con-nect in your Minds with that which you already recognize in definition.

We must now relate these words to higher knowledge. Consider, therefore, that every wave action-reaction in Nature is expressed in cycles. Remember, also, that a cycle is an extension of a divided pair of equal mates from the undivided zero which unite as ONE and return as a divided pair of mates to again become ONE in the zero universe.

Let us think together about cycles for a moment in order to follow our thought. A life cycle of an insect may be only ten minutes, a day, or a week according to the complexity of the idea expressed by the insect. That is but one life cycle, however, just as one breath of yours is a completed cycle in itself, but millions of such cycles occur in one eighty-year life cycle.

What we are endeavoring to make clear to you is that cycles lengthen as bodies complex. They complex because they manifest a growing idea. The life cycle of a man at his beginning may have been but a few seconds or minutes. Millions of years have passed during the growth of the man-idea. The cycle of that growth to the maturity of a physical body is already millions of years long in just completing the physical body of man up to the point where his mental and spiritual nature began to unfold. This means that the cycle of the man-idea is only in its middle at present. A few thousand years of Mind-Consciousness is not enough to more than unfold his intellect a very little. Mind-awareness will now unfold fast but it may be a hundred thousand or even a million years before the spiritual nature of man as a whole species will arrive at the mental status of the Christ of the Hebrews or the Christ of the Hindus or the Sacred Circle of Infinity of the native Sioux.

Dharma, it has been a very long day with all work and no rest nor food. Let us leave this at this point. Our need is to get information to man as quickly as is possible--but we cannot kill the golden goose with the silver quill. You will come to recognize of self, chela, and you will accept the challenge for ones must come to confront their purpose and so be it. I wrap you on in the violet flame of the transmuting ray of manifestation-- may we ever serve in honor. I salute you.

I ask that as these messages pour from my dictation and any tapes that come from my speakings--be regularly sent to John in Shasta. Just make him, please, a regular daily mailing recipient. I need no explanation, even for John, at this time. Thank you.

In brotherhood within the Mighty I Am Presence




SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1991 8:00 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 345


As we sit to write this day let us be ever mindful of our sons and daughters who serve in the firing lines at the "front". Those who stand before the multitudes and present Truth and targets at the same time. The way we keep them safe is to keep them protected and safe within our heart and thought projections for that which we project is that which shall be. There are mighty decisions in the making for you of the Brotherhood of man and if you will but be patient a few days more, we will have good news--and bad news. The good is that we will have mighty assistance. The bad? YOU WILL HAVE TO SUPPORT IT AS YOU HAVE NEVER SUPPORTED BEFORE--YOUR GLOBE HINGES ON THAT WHICH YOU ARE WILLING TO DO AND SERVE.

In this interim, we must allow Germain and Dharma to present the instructions and Truth of Creation, God and how it all functions. Without this information, you are helpless except to churn in the ever increasing whirlwind. With the information you can stop the wind and turn it into power for your machinery! Evil must more and more present his face and his actions-- YOU MUST BE READY AT THE OPPORTUNITY--SEIZE UPON IT AND ACT. Blessings are upon you precious children. I am Hatonn/Aton. All things at your level of understanding shall be made categorically finite before you. If you will pick up the banner of Truth, you shall march to victory!

I greet you in the abundance of that which is God.


Germain present to continue. Dharma, it is so important, chela, that we move smartly along for things are happening most quickly now. We must be ready when the student becomes ready. Salu.

Though it seems from the prophecies that man must have advanced as far as he can go--know that he has hardly advanced at all. In important matters of value--i.e., his Soul and Spiritual eternal self has moved backward in the ever spiraling chaotic expectation of the physical state.

Realize, please, that man of today is still in his early intellectual and moral period but has now arrived at a point where comprehension is multiplying in him much more quickly than it did twenty centuries ago because of man's greater knowledge of nature's effects.

In spite of all such mental advancement, man is still strongly material-minded because his discoveries have been translated into material values instead of spiritual ones. He still senses television, radar and other such discoveries commercially and quite fully misses their much deeper spiritual meaning.

It is very difficult to convey the meaning which is in new thinking by textbook language. Parables and examples are great aids to comprehension so we will resort to them. If, for example, you lived in the 10th century, which you did, and could have heard Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata or the Rachmaninoff Prelude, it would seem like noise, for spiritual unfolding had not then advanced to the stage where it could comprehend the diatonic scale. If you now hear it, you would hear something else that you could not hear before your spiritual unfolding had progressed to where it now is. As you hear that other "something" today which you could not have heard in your more primate (and I don't mean "monkey") days, you might realize that that "something" you now hear is evidence of your greater spiritual unfolding. What you are now hearing with that sound is the uncreated IDEA, which is immortal. What you are really doing is tuning in to the thinking Mind of God and listening to His silent Voice within the sound.

Logic alone will tell you that there must be something more in music than sound alone. What is that something? Before we answer it, let us carry this thought farther. Mass-man hears nothing beyond sound in the greatest music ever written. Worse, he has mostly destroyed his "hearing" so that he no longer hears the most wondrous of those tones with his physical senses. You hear some of that spiritual quality which belongs to the invisible IDEA world, but you do not hear as much of it as Toscanini could have heard. Nor could you see as much in the greatest painting in the world as Leonardo could have seen, nor as much in the Apollo as Phidias could have seen.

Can you not plainly see, therefore, that the human species is slowly unfolding to an awareness of being able to see that SOMETHING which has not been physically painted into the picture, or hear that SOMETHING other than sound which is not in the sound?

That other SOMETHING is IDEA. IDEA is never created. Therefore it cannot be sensed. It can only be known. Creation manifests IDEA but the manifestation is not that which it manifests. It is but a simulation of it.

We may now be able to touch the sensitive spot of the great thought which we are endeavoring to infiltrate into your Consciousness. The first step is to realize that every physical action of every nature whatsoever is but a visible physical action of an invisible UNCREATED IDEA. When you are but a physical body, you cannot be even slightly aware of that invisible IDEA which lies behind its manifestation.

IDEA lies solely within the Mind of the Creator. When YOU become even slightly aware of the Creator within you, you are then the Creator in the measure of your AWARENESS of HIM in you. To that extent, your inner vision can "see" what your outer vision cannot see--and your inner ears can hear what your outer ears cannot hear--and you can have the doors of vast knowledge opened up to you which no textbook can give you because the invisible IDEA, which the textbooks manifest, is not in them.

The familiar terms "inner ears" and "inner eyes" really mean Mind-awareness. They mean the spiritual unfolding of innersensory perception. They mean KNOWING instead of sensing. The moment the human knows that fact, by feeling it inspirationally, he has begun to be aware of his divinity, for God alone is knowledge. God alone can CREATE. MAN CANNOT CREATE UNTIL HE BECOMES AWARE OF THE GOD-MIND WHICH CENTERS EVERY CELL OF HIM, AND EVERY TUBE OF GROWING TREE, AND ALL OTHER THINGS IN ALL THE UNIVERSE WHICH GOD ALONE CREATES.

These are the things which the divine teachers taught, but few there were to know their meaning even unto this day. Their words are filled with very plain admonitions to tell mankind that the physical man--who is designated as "mortal man"--could have no knowledge nor power of his own, nor could he create until he began to be able to SEE AND KNOW GOD.

We have told you all through our teachings that anyone who desires to see and know God can see and know Him. "GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU" tells you how quite explicitly. God tells you, "Seek Me; Know Me; Be Me; Be thou fulcrum of thine own power".

There are no more beautiful words ever written than the following words of Krishna to Arjuna who had so deeply desired to "see God face to face":


"Fain would I see, as thou Thyself declar'st it, Sovereign Lord! The likeness of that glory of Thy Form wholly revealed. 0 Thou Divinest One! If this can be, if I may bear the sight, make Thyself visible, Lord of all prayers! Show me Thy very self, the eternal God."


"Gaze, then, thou Son of Pritha! I manifest for thee those hundred thousand shapes which clothe my Mystery: I show thee all my semblances, infinite, rich, divine, my changeful hues, my countless forms. See! in this face of mine,....wonders unnumbered, Indian Prince! revealed to none save thee.

"Behold! this is the Universe! -- Look! what is live or dead I gather all in one--in Me! Gaze, as thy lips have said, on GOD ETERNAL, VERY GOD! See Me! see what thou prayest.

"Thou cans't not!--nor, with human eyes, Arjuna, ever mayest! Therefore I give thee sense divine. Have other eyes, new light! And, look! This is My glory, unveiled to mortal sight."

For all these long centuries, the divine teachings of these Messengers of God have been as though of another language. Their teachings have been revered by many but not understood by even those who have revered them.

They plainly tell that higher knowledge comes from looking within, not without. Jesus reiterated it over and over again in His many veiled and symbolic references, such as: "Ye must be born again"--meaning into the spirit. He told many parables likening heaven to spiritual things, but His most beautiful words in respect to the unfolding of the spiritual nature of man are His Lord's prayer.

Those who have come to know God intimately as a moment-to-moment working companion see much with their inner vision that is forever hidden to those who just sense and never know.

We are endeavoring to make it clear to you that higher knowledge is the omniscient Light within you of which you gradually become aware is God's Silent Voice. It means the multiplication of Mind-power through the unfolding of the inner spiritual vision. These teachings are ignored by modern educational institutions. Their concept of higher knowledge is to develop human encyclopedias of information, which is useless to anyone who does not have creative inner vision. To stress the process of "educating" the brain instead of unfolding the Mind stultifies whatever creative genius may be latent in a child. The creative genius in a child requires inspiration as a plant requires water. To force such a child to memorize useless information for which it has no immediate use is like nourishing a plant with salted water. Such a child should be asked to take a walk through the city market, or in the woods, and write an essay upon its, reactions to what it saw. Such a child would respond happily and write from its Soul, while the child with a photographic memory would write stupidly, or probably nothing at all. The world loudly cheers the one who can answer the $64,000 question and ignores its would-be Edisons and Beethovens until it is forced to recognize them by seeing their fruits. It does not help them to come to fruition because the world cannot see that fruit in the seed.

This is not a criticism of modern education. It is merely a picture of your present-day primate civilization. The point herein is not "education" but level of growth. A fully unfolded civilization cannot come into being any more than a flower can appear as fully matured. Your civilization has reached a point, however, where hundreds of thousands are becoming quite vividly aware of the Light which centers them. Their spiritual unfolding is fast developing their inner vision, but they are confused by it and need to be shown the way more clearly. It is to these that our words are addressed, for they alone can understand them.



It is now well to gather together the essential thoughts of the foregoing and restate them as principle in order to assist your comprehension. Principle must have a pattern and an orderliness of growth so you can vision it with as much understanding as you would understand the orderly changing pattern of a growing tree.

First comes the necessity of fully comprehending the pattern indicated by the words "THE UNDIVIDED, THE DIVIDED AND THE UNITED." The undivided means THE UNCREATED changeless QUALITIES of God's eternal equilibrium, as explained in greater detail in later units. It means THE UNDIVIDED white Light of CAUSE which constitutes the spiritual universe of REST.

The DIVIDED means the sexed pairs of male and female bodies which constitute the gravity-pressure universe of MOTION. It means CREATED QUANTITIES of EFFECT.

The first step toward higher comprehension is your discovery and realization that THE DIVIDED EFFECT has within it THE UNDIVIDED CAUSE. The uncreated is always within the created. The spiritual always centers and controls the physical. The eternal invisible white Light balances and dominates the transient visible spectrum-divided light. This is the most important for anyone who seeks higher knowledge to understand. Therefore, we must use every effort for you to understand it. Let us go back to a parable regarding that SOMETHING in music which you could hear but that Toscanini could hear better than you could hear. That SOMETHING is the UNCREATED, the UNDIVIDED spiritual IDEA that exists within the physical SIMULATION OF IDEA which your physical body cannot hear until spiritual awareness of the Presence of THE CREATOR within you unfolds.

If you will but spend some time in meditation upon this glorious fact, the wonder of it will gradually unfold with you. You will then understand that in the creation of YOU and all things else, awareness of the PHYSICAL EXPRESSION of Creation comes to you first. The senses first become aware of the senses. In all Creation the senses never exceed sensed-awareness except in man. After millions of years in which man never exceeds sensed-awareness, Consciousness of that other SOMETHING which transcends sensing dawns in him. He begins to be aware of the UNDIVIDED from which he issued. He begins to hear the Still Small Voice of the Light of Mind within his DIVIDED being and does not know what that SOMETHING is.

Let me share with you Krishna's divine explanation of it as he gave it to Arjuna during the process of his illumination:

"For in this work BEING is twofold; the Undivided, ONE; the Divided, ONE. All things that live are "The Divided." That which sits Apart, "The UNDIVIDED".

The phrase which uses the words "sits apart" is Krishna's equivalent of the words "that SOMETHING" which we are now using. Krishna uses other words to amplify that SOMETHING. Read them with us:

"Who knoweth Me thus, with mind unclouded, knowest all, dear Prince. . . Who comprehendeth this hath wisdom! he is quit of works in bliss."

In other magnificent verses, Krishna paraphrases Immanuel's teachings of God-man unity in His words which say that "The Father is in Me, and I in Him" with the following description of the transformed man who has become aware of that SOME-THING which "sits apart" within him until he has become aware of it. To such a man:

"Another Sun gleams there! another Moon! Another Light, not Dusk, nor Dawn, or Noon--which they who once behold return no more; They have attained My rest, life's Utmost boon." .. . . "those see plain who have eyes to see. Holy souls see which strive thereto. Enlightened, they perceive that Spirit in themselves; but foolish ones, even though they strive, discern not, have hearts unkindled, ill-informed."

Jesus constantly referred to the Father who "dwelleth with Me, and I in the Father", and "the words I speak unto you I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works". You will find these words in John 14:6 to 21.

Why do I sometimes call "Jesus" Immanuel, Emmanuel, Jmmanuel and Esu, Isa, Iisa, Isa, Jushua, Pale Prophet, and thus and so? Because you all know him by differing language labels. I want you to understand that it is the Christed Being of which I speak and you skim readers will miss it. I know this to be true for we continue to be flooded with letters who say we would be consistent if we were of the Lighted Hosts. Further, if a name is misspelled or unintelligible in correspondence, that one is very likely to mail denouncement letters to myriads of people, "They would correctly spell MY name if they were truth!" Why? If you choose to call yourself something or write incomprehensibly--who are we to change your foolish prattle or self-appointment, much less your language of finite limitation? We are dealing in CONCEPTS and if you remain locked to the physical aspect of existence--YOU WILL MISS THE BOAT!

Whenever Immanuel referred to the Father, He meant that uncreated Source of all things which we are now referring to as that SOMETHING which all spiritually unfolding people are discovering in every physical manifestation as they rise above its physical nature, such as we exemplified in the simple example of the UNCREATED element in music which is within the CREATED sounds that manifest the UNCREATED IDEA. Immanuel meant by the word "FATHER" the Light of Mind which God IS. The use of the word "Father" has helped to build the concept of a personal man-shaped God, but that is because His people, and most all of ours, were not ready for it. In essence, however, He was endeavoring to impress upon people that The CREATOR was ever-present in the CREATED, which is the same in meaning as Krishna's words. The UNDIVIDED is present in the DIVIDED. Both were endeavoring to tell man where to find God but man had not unfolded sufficiently to even grasp the edge of their meaning.

It seems incredible that you could have had such higher teachings as those of the Nazarene and Krishna for two thousand years without teaching them in every school and church throughout the world. The answer to that is just what we are now talking about. Man, as a whole, has NEVER YET BEEN READY FOR IT. Man, as a whole, cannot yet see or hear that SOMETHING which the increasingly FEW are beginning to hear with inner eyes and ears.

Krishna's teachings are authentic, for they have been translated from the writer's own written Sanskrit words. They can be fully depended upon. Unlike Krishna's teachings, those of Jesus Immanuel were verbal and have been passed down as folklore in repeated memories of others. He never left one personally written word. Most unfortunately, the New Testament quotes many sayings of Jesus which He could NOT have possibly said, which any mystic knows are vicious forgeries. History tells you that certain priests were authorized to decide what Jesus said and what He did not say. These priests very far exceeded their authority and wrote in many untrue things which they thought He should have said to uphold their pagan concepts and doctrines of that ignorant physical age. These ugly, unnatural things which Immanuel could not possibly have said can be easily recognized by you or anyone whose spiritual nature has unfolded to the extent that yours must have unfolded to qualify you for being able to comprehend what is now being written. We will give you a few examples of those forgeries, however, to help you to better recognize them yourselves. After you become a bit more insightful, you can pick them out easily. Try referencing Luke 16:22-25. Matthew 25:41-46. Matthew 18:89. Matthew 5:29-30, etc.


The foregoing explanations have now prepared you for examples which will further clarify your understanding. Always remember, however, that the UNDIVIDED is always the spiritual ONE. The DIVIDED are the physical pairs, or halves of one, and the UNITED is the physical ONE, such as the two hemispheres of your sun. Remember, also, that the UNDIVIDED is still, while the DIVIDED pairs are always in motion. If you will now fix upon your consciousness the fact that each of the divided pairs is centered by gravity, which becomes ONE center of gravity when the two are united. (refer to prior JOURNALS to assist with diagrams), you will more fully realize what we mean by saying that the UNCREATED and UNDIVIDED is within every DIVIDED pair and every unit of Creation.

Again we repeat that the spiritual REALITY is within the physical expression which simulates reality. We will say it in other words of different connotation to aid you in fully grasping the idea we are trying to give you. By thus saying that THE CREATOR CENTERS HIS CREATION in reference to the center of gravity in the sun, you will be better enabled to understand the thought which I am endeavoring to give you if you will realize that that SOMETHING which you hear in music which Julius Caesar could NOT have heard, and that Toscanini COULD hear more ecstatically than you can, is the same thing, and that means GOD.

The measure in which you can hear the SOUL of music is the measure of your God-awareness. It is the measure of your ability to know the UNCREATED. You increase that measure when you can hear what Toscanini could hear. That means that your spiritual nature has unfolded to that measure, and you can increase that measure vastly if you apply that desire to all things equally with music.

The sun is not in the least aware of its centering white Light which is its Creator and which is also maximum in gravity pressure because the sun is a physical expression of the IDEA of Creation and can never have mental awareness. It is not intended that it shall have. Man is the ONLY UNIT OF CREATION WITHIN WHICH PHYSICAL AWARENESS IS FOLLOWED BY GOD-AWARENESS. Physical awareness comes first, however. This is the thought we have been leading up to and upon which we will very purposefully and necessarily dwell at some length, the better to aid you in recognizing the measure of your own God-awareness as it is expressed in the sex-mating idea. Always bear in mind that the physical expression of every idea in Creation comes first in body unfolding. Spiritual awareness slowly unfolds.

We return to the example given through music which expresses one idea of Creation. The greatest music known to man is but another kind of sound to early man. The very first dawn of any measure of spiritual meaning in jungle man is evidenced in his drum beat. He recognized the rhythm of his walking, his running, and the beating of his heart, even though he had not yet recognized tonal variance or melody. The drum beat rhythm demands rhythmic expression of his body, and the wild dance follows. Melody and tonal variance unfold slowly as the spiritual nature of man very slowly unfolds in the great masses, and more swiftly in the few. Some centuries before the Christian era, the ancient Greeks and Egyptians stretched some gut strings which they strummed all together, not separately, for tone and melody had not yet unfolded in them. Their first singing was mere chanting which gradually grew into tonal melody several centuries later in the Gregorian chantings.

The Greek lyre gradually grew into your harp and piano, while the Egyptian lyre grew into the ancient cithara, which became the forerunner of your mandolins, banjos and similar stringed instruments of today. In ancient China, its musical expression took the form of blowing with the breath to vibrate reeds, or through tubes which gave wind and flute tones rather than string tones. The Chinese finally evolved the cheng by joining a series of tubular reeds together, and the cheng is now your pipe organ, flute, mouth organ and accordion, and other "wind" instruments.

And now, of course, these tones are perfectly duplicated by synthesizers.

So slowly has the mental and spiritual awareness of God's Presence in music unfolded that the diatonic scale did not come into the awareness of man until a hundred years after Leonardo Da Vinci's day. The spiritual rebirth in Italy during the fourteenth and fifteenth century brought forth this great unfolding. Instruments for expressing it developed with it, and genius in illumined man gave you Bach and the glorified Gregorian chant which have awakened the Light in tens of thousands and brought all men closer to the door of heaven for the spirit energy rides the waves of the etheric tones.

If you will, now try to realize that nothing whatsoever but motion has been created, of which sound is but one of its many effects. Everything beyond that is IDEA, and IDEA is never created. Idea is spiritual. Idea cannot be sensed by you. It can only be KNOWN. You cannot begin to KNOW until you transcend your senses, for your senses cannot know anything. They can but sense the effects of motion.

Civilization, however, is still made up of the very many who are yet close to their pagan primacy and the very few who are rapidly becoming transcendent beings through their increasing ability to commune with that Silent Voice of God which centers every unit of His Creation. These very many of the great masses of mankind, even though they have advanced to tonal awareness in sound, have not unfolded beyond the physical expression of rhythm. We must dwell upon this idea at some length, also, for this example given you in music will be paralleled in the example of balanced sex-mating. In fact, that is our reason for reciting the slow stages of unfolding musical awareness. It is fortunate for civilization that the few are multiplying into the hundreds of thousands instead of thousands--and now millions, as evidenced by the greatest increase in the sale of classical music ever known.

But to return to the musical taste of the great masses, if you listen to television and radio very much you have observed that the popular "shows" have very much of the jungle rhythm and NOISE of syncopated beat, accompanied by much body writhing. Even the musicians are much given to beating with their feet, which is merely a grown-up version of the drum beat of early man.

It is so unfortunate that you have caused the "great" to fall into the methods of gyrations, etc., to have any audience at all. The television producers will cater to the many--not the few. This is even in the face of that fact which is now recognized--that the media is controlled to control that which you think and feel.

Many of the great musicians have become players in night-club shows because there ceased to be acceptance of true talent. Some have left the area of music altogether in order to exist in the physical. You have not yet learned that subsidies for geniuses, even to hundreds of millions a year, would be the best investment a government could make, for world culture comes only through world-geniuses, and geniuses are indeed rare. There is great significance to this fact which has back of it one of the many reasons your civilization is still too barbarian and retarded in its spiritual development. As the reason is the same in sex-unbalanced and every other effect with constitutes your civilization as it is in musical unbalance, the explanation of one will help to comprehend the others.

We shall now carry the simile of music still further for your greater understanding of the principles which apply throughout all Nature. In making this next step, we will add another word to the three basic words of Creation which we formerly gave as THE UNDIVIDED, THE DIVIDED AND THE UNITED. These are the basic words of the Creative process for they constitute the cycle of motion. There is another word which is not a part of motion for it does not move. It controls all motion, however, and higher knowledge demands full and complete comprehension of its controlling power over all Creation. By adding the word BALANCE, we now have four words which constitute the basis of Creation: The UNDIVIDED, the DIVIDED, the UNITED and BALANCE, or, more specifically, BALANCED INTERCHANGE BETWEEN PAIRS.

This is so vital a principle that we could well generalize all actions in the universe by saying that all actions which are rhythmically balanced are good and perfect, and that all that you call bad, all ills, all hurtful things, all wars, failures, bankruptcies, divorces, frustrations and other unbalanced rhythms of man or Nature, and all things else which prevent man, or nations of men, to achieve prosperity, peace and happiness are the result of unbalanced mating of divided pairs. When you realize the tremendous unbalance which exists in the world-home of men, and in the lives and homes of individual men, it is easy to comprehend what a long road lies ahead of the human race before it can rise out of the chaos which it has made for itself during these last three thousand barbarous years. What is most difficult to comprehend is why the human race thinks that it is highly advanced.

Allow us to have a break and then we will continue with explanations of these terms. You will find great assistance in referring back to diagrams given before. We will be giving them again as we move along but to expedite the information flow, we will move along herein without additional pictures for you can refer to prior material. For you who have really studied the prior JOURNALS--you are out front and this information should fall within the heart and not just upon the eyes and ears.

As quickly as possible begin Alan on the recording of audio readings--we must get this information to the non-readers as expeditiously as possible. George has recording equipment--I do not want any of Dharma's moved elsewhere for we will be utilizing it. Thank you. The readers will be informed as soon as tapes become available.




SAT., JULY 27, 1991 11:31 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 345


The UNDIVIDED is eternally balanced for it is ONE.

The DIVIDED ONE is eternally unbalanced for it becomes TWO.

The UNITED TWO can become a balanced ONE only if each mate of the TWO is equal.

A balanced UNITY is possible only where interchange between the mate-pairs of every transaction of man, or Nature, is equal and rhythmic.

We shall now apply the foregoing axioms and principles to such human transactions as the music example, individual and national relations, sex, industry and other examples necessary to enable you to fully comprehend where the physical expression ends in all such transactions and the spiritual expression begins.

Let us begin with sound itself. Sound is created by a collision between two states of motion or conditions of matter. We now consider the creator of the sound. Man, for example, is the creator of the drum beat, the chant, the march, waltz, jazz, choral or symphony. No matter which status of physical or spiritual expression that comes from the creator of sound, there is something else than Soul within the sound which is not a part of the sound itself--a something else which is not created--and that something is RHYTHM. There are other uncreated QUALITIES within sound, also, such as BEAUTY which inner eyes and inner vision alone can see but, for the present, we shall consider only RHYTHM.

The savage beats his drum in rhythms which are as physical as he is physical. They force bodies to respond to such rhythms as his savage nature puts into them. They can be the body rhythms of the savage dance or the rhythms which arouse frenzy and low human passions. I do not speak of a "group" of people which others call "savage"--I refer to the ones of any society which are lacking in advanced or complex culture and those who are cruel and violent. The best example which I witness comes from the violent cacophony and mayhem of that which you refer to as Hard Metal Rock wherein the beat, the noise and the lyrics are all violent and totally adversarial to peace and balance.

The first point which I wish to emphasize at this part of the example is that the action creates sound only, but the rhythm manifests IDEA, and IDEA is not created. Emotions of every form can spring from sound, but the emotions are NOT IN the sound. The emotions are in the creator of the sound and not in the sound but he interprets the emotions which are in him by the kind of sound he makes and those sounds awaken similar emotions in his listeners. It is not SOUND which does that; it is RHYTHM.

The second point which I now emphasize is that the rhythm and the emotion which sprang from the sound manifest the nature of their creator. They are like their creator. They are made in his image. If they spring from his Mind, they are as spiritual as his Mind-awareness is spiritual in measure.

The third point which I now emphasize is that physical expressions come first, for man is first savage. The rhythms which he first puts into his sounds are physical. They make the body move, and that body movement is controlled by the rhythm which the creator of the sound puts into it. The savage rhythm may put frenzy into the body movement. The beat of that frenzied rhythm is very much syncopated and distorted. The beat of the IDEA which that man manifests--the IDEA of his self in its present stage of unfolding of the everchanging MAN-IDEA.

If you have followed this thought understandingly, you will more fully understand how BODIES grow into patterns and forms and rhythms which simulate IDEA and impersonate their creator. If you do understand this, you will also comprehend that the sound body which the savage man created will repeat and reflect its image into other man-bodies which have within them the very self-image of the creator of that frenzied sound.

We have thus painted a word picture of how early man manifests his physical self through making sound-bodies which image his emotional stage of unfolding, and those sound-bodies which he has created reflect their stage of unfolding into other man-bodies at an equal stage of unfolding. We have, however, confined this example to the early stage of physical unfolding into which the spiritual has not yet entered. Let us now rapidly advance through other stages up to the spiritual, inspirational and intellectual stage of genius man. In so doing, we wish to emphasize another great fact of higher knowledge which will be better comprehended by postulating it as follows:


  1. Man expresses his unfolding nature in one way only-- through repetitive, rhythmic action. The first or mortal stage of his unfolding is evidenced by the measure of unbalance in the rhythms of interchange between his actions and their reactions.

  1. During his entire stage of physical unfolding, the decisions which prompt his actions and reactions are always unbalanced and unrhythmic because he always takes without thought of balanced giving. He has not yet reached that point in his unfolding where love has entered it with sufficient strength and comprehension to base the patterns of his interchanging upon the balanced rhythms of equal giving and re-giving. That stage is still very far ahead to the many, but the few are entering its doors right now and are being illumined with the divine Light of their own immortality.

  1. During the mortal stage, before immortal God-awareness unfolds in him, every rhythmic expression of his entire individual and institutional existence accents body-awareness. After the transition point has passed in which sensual man merges into intellectual man, every rhythmic expression accents Mind-awareness and body-forgetfulness.

The last line of the third postulate is what we wish to accentuate at this point. The spirit of uncreated Nature is divine and never becomes a part of created Nature. Awareness of the CREATOR within the CREATED comes slowly, but only through the balanced rhythms of the universal heartbeat. That majestic ONE-TWO, ONE-TWO, ONE-TWO rhythm of balanced interchange between the divided sex-conditioned father and mother bodies which constitute Creation is the only rhythm which frees the body from its mortal awareness. Complete forgetfulness of body always accompanies the arrival of any individual, or institution, at that high amplitude point in all wave vibrations where wave motion merges into decentrated stillness. That wave-fulcrum point in all physical expression is where body motion ends and begins in stillness. Bodies cannot be aware of bodies at that high spiritual point. Passions and other unbalanced emotions are impossible at that point of silence which divides sound.

One could not possibly listen to the great masters of symphony and give vent to unbalanced emotions, or plan to steal or kill, or even plan any physical action, whatsoever, if one had reached that high point where his own intellect reached the immortal intellect of the composer. All of the works of every great genius synchronize with the rhythm of the universal heartbeat. That is the immortal rhythm, the balanced rhythm which is the basis for the universal language of Light which God makes use of to talk to you when you are ready to listen. You breathe in that rhythm and you also walk in that ONE-TWO immortal rhythm. Every great genius knows that language and interprets God's words to you in balanced rhythms within which are the silences of the uncreated. Many people do not know that they are hearing God's Voice when they reach awareness of those silences within and between those ONE-TWO rhythmic sounds. Have you not often heard people say that a symphony has no meaning for them for they often find themselves put to sleep while listening? They do not realize that they have become so ecstatically attuned to the universal heartbeat that they have been forced to forget their bodies. That is one evidence of progress in spiritual unfolding which means one's intellectual unfolding.

When the mother sings a lullaby to put her baby to sleep, she adopts the balanced universal rhythm and lowers its tempo below the tempo of the human heartbeat. That forces the child to forget its body to seek that silence from which its body came. Contrast this rhythm with the ONE-TWO-THREE rhythm of the waltz, which has the symmetry of the pyramid instead of the cube symmetry of the ONE-TWO rhythm. The joyful rhythm of the Blue Danube waltz will just compel one to dance joyfully to that divided rhythm, for its very division is symmetrical and each of its three divisions is balanced and equal. The ONE-TWO rhythm has the symmetry of the square and the cube, and the ONE-TWO-THREE rythm has the symmetry of the triangle and pyramid.

The symmetry of the waltz can be better comprehended if you make six pyramids of equal size and put them together. They become a cube. The symmetry of the waltz is, therefore, one-sixth of a cube, which equals a pyramid. In this three-dimensional universe, the length, breadth and thickness of the pyramid is three, but six pyramids within a cube constitute three pairs if you divide them to take a waltz rhythm out of a cube. The undivided cube is nine in its unity, which is made up from it's three inner planes that give length, breadth and thickness and it's six boundary planes. By repeating the nine of nature's light-wave field symmetry, an accent is forcibly injected into the position of rest in the heartbeat symmetry. This compels the body to continue its action instead of resting. It is a wonderful sensation, a happy and joyous sensation, but it is still an unbalanced physical expression. It is a cultured physical expression, however, for it contains a great measure of the spiritual rhythm in it, as it is a happy rhythm, not a frenzied one.

The three of the waltz rhythm is also an unbalanced expression, for three triangles, or triangular pyramids, cannot unite as ONE in Nature. UNITY is possible only with balanced pairs such as you see in the unity of a pair of hemispheres which constitute a sun. In the octave wave, four pairs unite as one to conform to the balanced cube-spheres of Nature, while the waltz rhythm includes but three pyramid pairs to constitute a cube-sphere, which is not enough for octave symmetry.

The above may be a bit difficult for you to comprehend when thus stated in words, but you MUST comprehend it. You must FULLY comprehend it, and you can, for it is basically quite simple. It is only the necessity of trying to describe it in words that makes it seem complex. To really simplify this great principle of higher knowledge for you so you will see why it is so necessary for you and this primate world to understand it, we will exemplify it in action instead of words. This example will be your first lesson in the deep meaning of rhythm in Nature.

We begin in this manner. Find a comfortable big chair and locate yourself in it comfortably. Now become conscious of your own body rhythms. Feel your own pulse beat. Familiarize yourself with not only its heartbeat rhythm but its tempo. Do not hurry this process for we can better demonstrate its relation to the heartbeat of Nature and to the cube-sphere wave-fields of Nature if you develop a conscious awareness of that rhythm. Next become conscious of your in-breathing, out-breathing sequences. You can become more conscious of them by folding your hands together over your stomach. You can then see your breathings because your hands will move up and down as you inhale to compress and exhale to expand.

When you have watched this effect until the rhythm of it has enabled you to count its ONE-TWO, ONE-TWO beat, then slowly hum Gounod's Ave Maria, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, or even Home Sweet Home as you breathe, and note that your hands will always be down on the ONE beat and always up on the TWO beat. Now try it by humming "Rock-a-bye-baby--on the tree-top--When the bough breaks," etc. Note the similar effect. Now reduce the tempo of the lullaby below the tempo of your heart beat and you will find that your pulse lowers and your breathings lengthen their cycles. If you logically continue this experiment, you will put yourself to sleep. The reason for that is an important point which we must emphasize. You arrive at a balance point of rest between action and reaction at every beat of the uniting pair. That is the only rhythm in all musical expression where such a thing happens. It is, therefore, the only rhythm in music, chemistry, sex, business, government, science or education where the perfect unity of marriage between the pairs of opposites, which create bodies, can possibly be consummated. Rest, peace and happiness can, likewise, be attained only when interchange between mental and physical matehood in every transaction of Nature is rhythmically balanced.

We will now compare this balanced sex rhythm of the universal breath with the ONE-TWO-THREE rhythm of the waltz, and especially ask you doctors to note it carefully for there is a whole "therapy" in the principle of rhythmic effects upon people.

Now repeat the same experiment by using the Blue Danube waltz as your basis. In order to better demonstrate it, substitute humming it in words. Breathe it in sounds like Ha - ha - ha, Ha - ha - ha. You will now find that the ONE of the waltz is accented and takes all of your out-breathing, while the two of your in-breathing is divided right in the middle of the intake or compression stroke. Complete, balanced unity can never be accomplished that way in nature. A residue of unbalance is left over which prevents such a balanced matehood as you would find in sodium-chloride or in the unity of a completely balanced mate-hood of a husband and wife who have actually found balance in each other.

It is the RESIDUE OF UNBALANCE in all mismatings which is the basis of every trouble in the world, its ills, its frustrations, its wars, sicknesses, enmities, bankruptcies and all other effects which you call BAD and to not like to have happen to you. This RESIDUE OF UNBALANCE in your civilization of today is your immediate concern. The measure of it in every man's life, and in national and international relations, is the gauge of your present status of world-disunity which places the world in a low state of its unfolding. It is far from its balance point between its spiritual and physical expressions. It is at least 1,000 years away for the masses but, fortunately, a probable ten percent have arrived at its very door. Those who are among that ten percent will fully comprehend these teachings and apply them for their own transcendency, but to the other ninety percent these teachings will have no more meaning than The Moonlight Sonata would have for a man of the jungle.

This RESIDUE OF UNBALANCE is the answer as to whether there is SUCH A THING AS SATAN, OR EVIL, OR SIN. Everything that man calls BAD, or EVIL, or SIN in his life is due to his own inability to balance his actions or his life. Ig-norance of God's Presence in him is the cause of that. Therefore he hurts himself and blames it upon an evil being. As man unfolds his spiritual nature, sin and evil disappear in the measure of that unfolding. Every Illuminate has described as the very first symptoms of his illumination that all sense of sin, evil or shame disappears.

You can see by the tremendous residue of unbalance there is in every human life, and every human institution, how very primate the human race is and how far it is from even an approach to unity and, remember, UNITY IS IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT BALANCED RHYTHMIC INTERCHANGE BETWEEN EVERY TRANSACTION OF LIFE.

Just a little aside for you to have clue to "receivers and speakers" for the higher energies. Watch what the performer does. The point of contact is total balance. You will NEVER see Dharma do anything at all when we "tune in". We tell her we are present by total absence of unbalanced "showmanship". Sometimes muscle "twitch" may be witnessed as her body becomes relaxed and balanced or as we are allowed to signal the nervous system to utilize expression--but the energy frequency and vibrations are totally balanced. If you have huffing and puffing like a bloated toad frog or dancing and twitching like a lizard--you have a whole bunch of BS headed your way. God is balance--we are of God, so you might guess wherefrom comes most of the "speakers" and "authors" who flit from energy to energy like the butterfly and blink on an off like the firefly.

Let us return to the waltz rhythm. Again, you can see that the physical effect of the residue of unbalance can be quite uplifting for it is joyous. It is but one beat away from the universal heartbeat rhythm. Now contrast those balanced THREES with the terrifically unbalanced distortions of jazz. If you comprehend that which is written above, you will readily understand the brutal, ugly, frenzied syncopations which constitute the worse than jungle rhythms of the Jazz Age. Every beat of it calls for body movement--and thus comes the pleasure of the gyrations of the dance, body-shaking, sex-inviting movement, which is so far from even a countable beat rhythm that one could not even dance to it. The great masses who love jazz are a commentary and gauge of the standard of your civilization as a whole--and what did you do? You moved right on into that worse cacophony called rock, hard rock and then when that was not frenzied enough--metal rock. To demonstrate the principle laid down in the above writings, we are printing wave diagrams of all three of the rhythms above mentioned, including the march, which is the ONE-TWO rhythm except much increased beyond the breathing cycle tempo. The march is intentionally an ACTION rhythm, a joyous work rhythm. It is a ONE-TWO rhythm multiplied into ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR by doubling the tempo. (See Fig. 7)

Fig. 7

We are now arriving at that stage of higher knowledge where you can have a perfectly intelligent summation of what your own life lacks and how to remedy it, or what the world-life lacks and its remedy. All of it can be reduced to lack of knowledge of the sex principle as God gives it to you in the light-waves of His thinking.

We continue to say that the entire principle of Creation, with all of its secrets, lies in every wave unit of light. We cannot teach you anything beyond that for there is nothing to know beyond it. In the higher dimensions there is only more and more refinement of the practicing principle. All of the knowledge you can or will acquire does not exceed the knowledge of how to reach the balanced amplitude of the wave in your every transaction, and in your life and return to the stillness of its beginning for repetition.

Your life is just a series of experiments in trying to learn that lesson. Civilization, as a whole, is also trying to learn that lesson. It is not easy to learn for man has been learning it for ages and has not yet begun to know the first principles of unity. That we can most safely say, for the practice which leads to unity means the giving of loving service to another and the equal re-giving by that other. As all men are ONE, each one gives to the WHOLE and the WHOLE regives equally.

Man is still in his TAKING stage. Man's world is still taking and breeding fear. Love has not yet entered into it. Unity is still far away. The reason for that is because every institution on Earth today is still in its physical stage where its values are material. Man does not even know what is the matter with man or with his civilization. He does not yet know God, or man, or his universe. He does not even know God's purpose, His ways or His processes.

We have written long pages about the principle of rhythm in music which applies as equally to government, industry or sex as it does to music. We did it as our first step in leading you to comprehend the oneness of all things and the necessity of acquiring BALANCED UNITY in all things, all transactions, all institutions of man and all effects of Nature. We laid down that principle in the words UNDIVIDED--DIVIDED (into pairs) and UNITED. I have emphasized the fact that no pairs can be united until they are BALANCED and EQUAL, and that DISUNITY results from the marriage of unequal opposites.

We have done this to also emphasize the fact that God has but ONE IDEA, the IDEA of Creation. He divides that ONE IDEA into countless many units, but all units of every IDEA--like man--are ONE. Also all units of all idea are ONE. We did it also to emphasize the fact that IDEA is never created. It is but simulated, or manifested, by motion. More particularly, we emphasized it to reveal to you that all-knowledge and all-power resided solely in IDEA, and that the measure of a man's knowledge is the measure of his comprehension of IDEA and not in the measure of his ability to observe and memorize effects of motion which simulate IDEA.

If you have followed with us so far and comprehend what has been written, you are now ready for the ONE THING that man has NEVER KNOWN, the greatest of all secrets which has long awaited man's readiness for comprehension. If man had ever discovered that secret, you would have been ever so much farther along in your efforts to produce an enduring, balanced civilization. But then, all things come in their own time of proper sequence. Is it not wondrous to realize the time is now at hand and YOU are privileged to share? It is unfortunate, but natural, for a man-civilization to unfold as slowly as man himself, who changes but little in many long centuries and then thrusts ahead in giant leaps in others.

The following units will be devoted to giving this higher knowledge of man's greatest unknown secret of sensation and consciousness to you in as simple words and diagrams as possible--you will recognize them for we labored over them prior to this--but you need the unfolding so that that which was missed in the original presentation can now be more clearly comprehended step by repeated step. When the world knows that secret and the processes of emergence of matter from space, you and it will then know what is the matter with your chaotic civilization and also how to remedy it.

If some sage could but tell you what is the matter with the world, you might, perhaps, fix it. Your quandary is that you do not know! Yes, that is the quandary. You do not know. The purpose of the following messages is to give the world that knowledge. Even then, man is slow to change existing conditions, but knowledge is power and the great power back of that knowledge will cause man sooner or later to heed it. It seems paradoxical to say that great suffering is more conducive to spiritual unfolding than that kind of happiness which results from physical prosperity. When man has created conditions which cause him to suffer, he invariably turns to God. Let us try to reverse that process and have him turn to God FIRST.

I eagerly await our onward unfolding unto you the one great principle of action which alone will bring the permanent peace, prosperity and happiness for which the world has been long and hopelessly seeking.




SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1991 2:58 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 345

It is necessary to change the trend of thinking as ones advance into later discussion. You begin this in the language of your traditional training which has always been directed toward the development of the OUTER-senses. We must awaken the INNER-perception, not the outer. Our purpose is to illumine the Mind, not to inform the body. We must come into awareness of your immortality which dwells within your mortal body and is programmed and controls it.

It is necessary to find a new language for such new thinking. By a new language, we mean other ways of expressing thoughts with unfamiliar words or combinations of them. You will find yourselves thinking much differently as you advance and the words which express that different thinking become more and more familiar to you as you gradually become transformed from outer-thinkers to inner-thinkers. However, we are stuck with pre-established words and must use that which is given already so we will move along in explanations as we see inquiries popping up.

I have told you that all geniuses and mystics think, see and hear inwardly, while all who have not yet unfolded spiritually to that stage sense objectively, which is outward through their senses. Those who do become transformed to inner-thinkers learn how to acquire knowledge from its Source instead of being informed of effect through the motion of their senses.

The ultimate of such a transmutation is Cosmic Consciousness, and that means that your Mind becomes aware of its Oneness with God's Mind. Mortal man gradually, or suddenly, becomes aware of his immortality.

The Science of Man is a study which leads up to that awareness of the immortality of the Being, which is within every mortal body. Everyone's Identity and Intelligence are within that body which you have for too long believed to be your real selves.

It is not surprising that it becomes difficult at times to think or reason it out, but time and meditation bring about that transformation until that which was at first mystifying becomes as clear as a bell.

I am asked for a bit more explanation of what I mean by inner vision, inner eyes and inner ears. It becomes obvious that ones who are involved actually can see and hear what is not there to see and hear and that is very real indeed. But the explanation is a bit blurred.

The best way to respond is by exemplifying it. Let us take Beethoven for our first example. He has eyes and ears on his body just as you have. Somebody speaks to you, which Beethoven could hear with his ears if he stood beside you as well as you could. You both hear the sounds equally.

Now, imagine yourself sitting near Beethoven. Everything is silent, but Beethoven hears sounds coming out of that silence which you do not hear. He hears glorious, inspiring, uplifting sounds which you cannot possibly hear. Pretty soon he takes a pencil and a sheet of music manuscript and writes down what he hears. Even then you cannot hear it, but he can. He then sits at the piano and translates the sounds which he heard within the silence into sounds that you can now hear with the ears of your body.

That is what is meant by inner ears. They are the ears of the Mind. The same thing applies to inner eyes, or inner vision. The great painter who sits near you can see a great allegory rising out of that nothingness which surrounds you both. He can see horses and chariots, and many beautiful figures and brilliant colors on this gray day, colors which are not physically there. They are spiritually there, however, for he can see them as clearly as you can see the curtains which are waving in the breeze of the open window.

Let us honor Nikola Tesla as an example. This great man designed everything he produced, first, in the dimension of thought. He was able to relate so clearly to each detail and working part that he could actually operate the apparatus and literally study the "wear" areas. He was so vivid in his inner vision that he would be shocked that those about him saw nothing.

Think about it a moment--a room full of people who are hearing the same sounds and seeing the same objects with the ears and eyes of their bodies but many of them are hearing sounds which are not in the room, and seeing things and people who are not there. The engineer in the corner, for example, can plainly see the four arches of a great bridge which he has created out of the silence and nothingness of space. He is so engrossed in it that he has become what is termed "absent-minded". That is not an appropriate term for the fact is just the reverse, for he has become "fully-Minded" instead of being "sensed". He has forgotten body to such an extent that when spoken to he is forced to ask that the words be repeated. The ears of his body did not hear them. He really became "absent-bodied" instead of "absent-minded".

You really live a physical or material life and a spiritual immaterial one at the same time. The spiritual life is the creative one, and the physical life is the one which works with one's body to give form to the Mind-creations of those who have inner vision. Think of that for a while. If you do, you come to the conclusion that you must either be a creator and have others work to give bodies to your creations, or be one of the workers who makes those bodies. Or if you are a musician, painter or author, you can have the added joy of creating both the idea and the body of it. Such creators are the highest of your intellectuals. God, Himself, is the great example of being both Creator and Creation.

This explanation could clarify for you what is meant by developing your innersensory perception until you become wholly Mind at times--which the state of Cosmic Consciousness transforms one into being.

QUESTION: Some people claim that an idea must be fully conceived in one's Mind before trying to give it a body, and others say that all bodies are created by the process of reasoning, which means one step at a time in which each step you take tells you what the next step should be. Will you comment on this?

RESPONSE: Every idea must first be conceived as a mind-creation before becoming the body-form of that idea. Bodies unfold from their seed patterns. The whole of the oak is in the seed of it. The oak does not just start as part of an idea and then add more and more to it; the whole idea is in its conception, and all of it is enfolded in the Mind-record of that idea which we call a seed.

One creates only that which one knows, and he creates through Mind-control over body. By that we mean that every brush stroke which is added to any unfolding idea is done KNOWINGLY, and not reasoned experimentally.

One reasons with his senses, not with his Mind. His senses have observed certain effects. That is not the creative process. It is an imitative process which results from remembering and repeating instead of thinking what one KNOWS.

Let me example. Beethoven conceived the whole idea and motive of the Moonlight Sonata in his Mind before he wrote a note of it. He could not possibly have reasoned that motive into being, for his senses could not create. They could only remember and repeat. If, therefore, a man sits down to the piano and tries to create a masterpiece by reasoning it into being, he only writes down things which he has heard from others. This was tried by a music publisher in an effort to produce a lot of new popular songs for night club singers and to make records from. He employed a group of song writers who studied even classical music to see what kind of music combinations produced different emotions like pathos, mirth, joy, excitement and other such effects which song writers try to produce. With this equipment, they reasoned and experimented by passing it along through the whole group. Each tried what the other had done and added to it. Finally, they played the whole song and sent it through the mill again to fill in the defects which they criticized. If the song needed more pathos, they gave it to a certain man who was good at that, or another who could give it a little more life in a dull spot.

In this manner, they produced a dozen or two songs a day and made records which sold into the thousands for a month or two, but then they were as dead as last week's newspaper is dead. The average life of those songs was not more than two months, whereas a creation as simple as "Home Sweet Home" or "Annie Laurie" outlives generations, and those in the class of the Moonlight Sonata outlive the ages.

Things produced by reason and experiment are plagiarisms, not creations. A good example of our meaning is the man who reads a hundred novels to get ideas for writing a novel of his own. His own novel is an assemblage of the ideas he has remembered in those he read. In total, it is a plagiarism from a hundred sources instead of from one source which it would be if he copied all of one novel instead of copying--or imitating--parts of a hundred novels.

Do not misinterpret herein as you deal with historic truths. There is only one Truth in actuality and it is given forth in its various manners through various speakers--but do you see, it cannot be different from the original Truth? In these instances of historical bringing forth of Truth one must use that which is already available and enlarge and explain further so that man can come into understanding. What your physical senses cannot tell you is that the great Masters who began to perfect their work in a physical experience--next come forth and give that which they had begun and add to and finish their work. Ones who serve as scribes only present the work as given and the honor and genius remains with the original entity Soul who produced it before. No greater honor can be given to man than that a Master return to give more unto his brothers.

Ah yes, much rock-throwing has been sent at this scribe and yet, if you have read the myriad subjects and writings--there is no way she could choose the subject matter to this level of perfection. She claims no greatness nor genius--she writes that which God asks that she put to record for His purposes. We do not talk of the fantasy novels--we speak of the Truth of Life and it is obvious that all single productions thus far have not been sufficient unto the whole of knowledge. Dharma comes by her KNOWLEDGE in the same manner in which you all must learn.

Let us look at something more tangible and familiar to all of you. Let us apply this idea to an invention such as the automobile. In its very beginning, it may be an original created idea or it, too, may be a reasoned production. You know what the automobile of fifty years ago looked like as compared to what it looks like today. What has happened to produce that change? Someone reasons that if you do some little thing to change a carburetor, it will give better service. And so all down the line from body to fender, from glass in the doors to the tires upon which the car rolls, and from the springs to the cushions upon which one sits, many men and many factories reason the old shapes and forms into new shapes and forms, but that is not a mental creative process; it is a sensed-reasoned process.

Dharma doesn't reason these writings nor does she create them--she is one who puts the records to print. She does, however, have communion with the higher energies in total comfort and explicit communication. Perhaps that is her reward for the service rendered, for she is also a most creative person who willingly gives unto us the service and sets aside her own wondrous talents. Then others take the printed pages and correct the spellings, put them to press, bind them, ship them, record them and on and on--each setting aside his own wondrous talent of creativity to serve where the need is present. In fact, Dharma, works her way out of a job--and she laughs and does so as rapidly as she can--so she can get on with her own creativity. You see, what we do here teaches all of you to commune with God and that puts a receiver out of a job! Blessings and so be it.

George and Oberli, for instance, would far rather be building a wondrous underground complex of tunnels and domes with grand botanical gardens--but they read, and teach and support--to give unto you the WORD for that is their first purpose! This, according to the decree of God working through the Hosts and Brotherhood. These ones are extensions of us, on the ground.

We speak of inspiration. What is inspiration? Well, it is not that which the dictionary tells you as far as speaking with God. The book says: A supernatural influence which qualifies men to receive and communicate divine Truth. But is it "supernatural"? It simply shows through that definition that little is understood of how one talks to God--and that is exactly what inspiration is. Early writers spoke of the Bible as an "inspired" work. It meant that certain prophets or mystics had supernatural powers which enabled them to interpret God's commands and instructions--sometimes properly and most often incorrectly. That is not literally true, then, for it is NOT supernatural. It is natural, for everyone will in time discover his own divinity and be able to talk to God at will from moment to moment.

In the ordinary sense of the word, "inspired" means to be exalted mentally into a highly spiritual state where the physical in you is forgotten and the spiritual state is predominant. You feel inspired when you hear or think beautiful music or glorious art. That is the Voice of Nature (which God is) talking to you. It is an uplift from the material to the spiritual. Anyone who has learned the art of deep meditation can step from the mundane material world into the inspirational world of high mental exaltation at will. It is said of Mozart that he forgot his debts that way, which means that he could escape from all worldly affairs by seeking the bliss of inspiration.

I am now going to repeat a question which was so well defined and so typical that it bears reproduction at every opportunity. We are grateful when ones bring attention to themselves in ways they find quite negative and embarrassing but these are the honest questions all need to ask.

QUESTION: "I have been brought up in a family which believes implicitly in prayer." (The word "implicit" tells you much right off at the start for "implicit" indicates lack of explicit definition.) "My father and mother both spend much time in prayer and I have become as much of a believer as they, probably because I was brought up that way. I am now a salesman in a branch of a big business and each day I pray that I may advance more and more to the possibility of becoming head salesman, yet I do not produce the results which many others produce who do not constantly pray for God's guidance as I do. My parents continually tell me that my faith is not strong enough and that I must have more faith as they have. I am beginning to wonder about it all and to look at facts in the face. My father, for instance, has never really gotten anywhere in his business. He has been in exactly the same place in his business for over twenty years and keeps up a great faith and belief that he will be promoted, while others who have worked fewer years than he has have been promoted. My mother is an angel if ever a woman was, but she seems to get nowhere either. Her house stands as it was thirty years ago. She has faith that my father will win a promotion and waits until that happens to fulfill her home desires. I cannot understand it all. Everybody loves my parents, and me, too, yet we do not get on as others do. Have you any solution for my problem? I hope you have for I am beginning to develop a fear that I am repeating my father's experience in my own life."

RESPONSE: And now we get to the heart of it. We get countless letters from dear ones who ask this same thing over and over and over again. Your perception of God and how things function is incorrect--you are hurting yourself rather than rising to wondrous heights of success and abundance. We do have a solution for your self-made predicament. It is very clear, for there are many who pray very earnestly, in long wordy prayers, to ask God to do for them what they should do for themselves WITH Him. Your faith that He will drop the answer to your prayers in your lap is not God's way of "doing". You should read again what we say over and over: GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU. God will give to you as much as you give Him, and not an iota more. We mean by that that the farmer who gives more service to his crops will be given more crops. It may well be that the farmer may have never issued one wordy prayer in his whole life, but his life demonstrates the power of prayer more than your life demonstrates it, because he LIVES prayer rather than THINKS ABOUT IT.

We will go back a moment and again look at the meaning of prayer. The meaning you give it is to perpetually request that God do something for you. Such prayers are requests for favors. Prayers should not be requests; they should be communions. They should be moment-to-moment actions and reactions which spring from a desire to give and be regiven. The farmer works with God and God works with the farmer whether the farmer is aware of it or not. He is obeying God's law--and that is prayer in action. He does not rely upon faith that his crop will be big. He relies upon his knowledge that it will be big because he does those things which God commands him to do to make it big. He fully knows that Nature will do its part, even if he does not think of Nature and God as being one.

Your trouble is that you have created a condition where you must remain static. If you had no faith at all but had knowledge that work given by you will bear the fruits of your work, you would be better off if you never prayed. Faith too often means wishful thinking and laziness. Or it might mean ignorance. Too often do we hear it quoted that enough faith will remove mountains or at the least, move them, but we note that the man who has engineering knowledge can remove mountains, and does, while the man of faith can stare at them with wishful thinking and endless prayers for a whole lifetime and they will not budge one inch.

It is thus true with ones who are going to do great and wondrous things with meditation such as teach ones to ascend as with the Ascended Masters, etc. I can say right off, that they will never accomplish it for if they are bounded to the teaching of such a thing--they have no notion of that which they are doing--which is damage if nothing less. How many people have you seen simply ascend? It is like waiting for the rapture--God does not function in that manner. You had better be figuring a way to get cleared with God so He gets His Hosts to pick you up--and that requires cleaning up your actions and intent and living according to the laws of God--prayers from the tongue and lips are naught, for almost all say one thing and live another.

When you utter these long, wordy prayers to God, what do you think God is and where do you think you will find Him? We have found that those who pray volubly with words believe that God is somewhere outside of themselves, like some king on a throne to whom they issue an appeal or supplication. They have a feeling that if they pray long and loudly enough, and with sufficient earnestness and piety, He will hear them and grant them the favors they ask. But He has already told you that He is within so why all the shouting and performing?

When you at long last learn that your Father and you are ONE, you will then know that God is not afar, sitting upon a cloud, listening to the appeals of lazy wishful thinkers. You will eventually find that God is within you as MIND, His Mind and your Mind being ONE. You will then know that you are ONE with the one Creator. Knowing that, you will then know that you, yourself, must CREATE THAT WHICH YOU DESIRE. You will then know that God is giving you what you desire but you, as creator, must do your part of the creating and know that God will do His part.

All of this boils down to your wrong conception of God and His ways and processes, and also your wrong conception of the meaning of prayer. Perhaps you will better understand the meaning when we tell you that we remain in constant, moment-to-moment communion and we do not indulge in word prayers. For one thing, a communion with God is for the ONE of you and not of anyone else's business--your relationship with God is the most personal and sacred of all your actions and interactions. If you desire to pray aloud, so be it--but the speech usually turns out to be a performance for the benefit of those present--not yourself.

Further--we do not bow nor do we kneel, for He has taught us to glorify Him by being Him and to never assume the attitude of being worms at His feet. If we are on our knees we only require that He function from His knees and it is a most foolish way to get your work done. Worse, if you pray to us as some sort of God instead of friend here to assist--you cause us great disadvantage for we shall never place ourselves higher than you and if you lay prone to commune with us--we have to work from similar position.

This is the way to lose God, not to find Him. The moment you put yourself apart from Him in this foolishness, you place yourself apart from Him. God never leaves you but, my beloved ones, you continually leave Him. Oneness means exactly that-- ONEness, not a superior and inferior, or high and low--ONEness. The more you can cultivate the companionship of God's Presence as co-worker with you, the more you will be enabled to reach that ecstatic state of Oneness with Him.

Next, the biggie inquiry: Why does God take the baby or the child and allow the old or infirm or drunkard to live?

Well, the presumption is totally incorrect from onset of question. And yet the church ministers spout the same until you are saturated with it. GOD ONLY GIVES. GOD DOES NOT TAKE. God is LOVE and the only thing He gives is Love. God is not merciful, but God is the Law and JUST. If man defies the law and jumps over a cliff, the law of gravity will work without fail. Any man who does such a thing shows himself no mercy. Why BLAME it on God? God gave man the law to work for him. It is GOOD for it is an expression of His LOVE. If one works against the law instead of with it, should you expect God to set aside that law instead of allowing man to learn the lesson of it? What kind of world would you have if God set aside every law that man violated so that man could not possibly hurt himself? There may as well be no law and that is the way you practice your lives in this day--breaking EVERY law of God and most of those of Creation--to your very destruction as a place and species. If there were no laws of God and/or Creation then man need never learn any of the lessons of life which Creation intended by being divided into CAUSE and EFFECT.

If that is what you call mercy, you could justly claim that God should be merciful to you and not allow you to punish yourself by eating arsenic or sniffing cyanide. Every law of God is an expression of Love and if you live by the Law you shall be indeed blessed. Every action of that expression is an equal interchange between people and things in Nature. The whole lesson of life is to learn how to obey that law of Love by equal giving and regiving.

If your son has died then it is an effect of some cause which arose in himself, or in you, or in his environment. It was law being fulfilled in any case. You cannot compare it with an older and useless man who still lives because he has not subjected his body to a condition for its destruction. You can as justly blame God for allowing a small oak to die because its roots were in rocky soil while allowing a big oak to live even if half of its limbs have been destroyed by lightning.

The point you ones ignore, and must not, is that, in the event of the death of a child, for instance, the child's body disappeared but the identity of the boy is eternal, and his body will as surely reappear as the apple of next August reappears from the same Source as the apple of last August. Grieve, yes, but the grief is for your own loss--not the one departed.

When you finally learn that a man cannot die and that God is Love only, you will find much more happiness in life. But that is one of life's lessons--and there are many lessons to learn. As with these writings--the one who originally wrote these nearly same messages a generation or more past--is departed and yet he lives and today through different hands he, himself, sits as I give them again as I did unto him--that his work may find fruition in Radiance. God gives and gives again--God NEVER TAKES.

This is sufficient unto this day, chela. We have looked with hope and anticipation to the day when we would have sufficiently advanced chelas (students) and sibors (the ones prepared to reveal the laws) to whom the doors could open to the higher knowledge which mankind must eventually acquire in order to build a UNITED civilization as a whole, or a united home as an individual.

The greatest of all underlying, principles of a living universe is BALANCE. God has said that if He could give one word unto man that he might KNOW, it is the one word--Balance. And if man requires two words, those two words would be BALANCED INTERCHANGE. And if man needs three words instead of two, those three words would be RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE.

So, we have covered other things as we work toward preparation of your learning while we efforted to make you know God's universe and His ways and processes of Creation. Now that we have done this adequately to arrive at a stage of comprehension which has led into the invisible as far as it has led into the visible, we now return to those words to tell you that your life and our universe turn upon their comprehension and their practice.

These three words--and more especially the ONE word BALANCE-- are the very foundation of every aspect of life. The higher knowledge which we are giving in these lessons is based upon them. How well you may comprehend them measures your power to act them. You are the sum total of your actions. If your actions conform to the meaning of those three words, you have the whole mighty power of the universe as yours to command.

It may be many generations before a sufficient number of spiritually intellectual humans comprehend these three words sufficiently to know that they are obligated to practice them, to affect our civilization to become a united one, but the only way your civilization can ever be united is to comprehend and practice their intent.

That does not seem very encouraging for a One World of peace and happiness which people seem to believe is just around the corner "if we could but just stop wars". There is more to it than just stopping wars, for the cause of all wars is FEAR, and man is the supreme creator of fear. In fact, FEAR is man's greatest product, and it IS man's product solely, for fear does not and cannot exist in Nature.

Fear and disunity are one, and your world in its present day is more conspicuously disunited than at any time in its history. Do you not realize that a disunited or divided house cannot stand? How is it, then, that you expect this civilization to stand against the inviolate law it is defying?

Well, our mission, which we have accepted, is to give answers to these questions so that you may make your own life supreme in order that you may become the seed for making other lives supreme. This is our purpose of these lessons which will transcend anything ever taught in the educational traditions of your world.

My blessings unto you as you enter these doors to the new and higher knowledge which will open as the lotus of the Cosmos unto you INSTEAD OF JUST ITS SIMULATION IN MOTION.

In the wondrous and perfection of the flame of transmutation all things are possible and the transition is assured. Salu, Salu, Salu.

Within the violet ray of the Mighty I AM Presence, I humbly offer my service.




SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1991 1:04 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 346

SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1991

Dharma, listen up please. The items for which you are searching have been removed. To utilize that item--especially on the opposing side of your body from the direction of the pulse beams--is deadly. That thing will intensify the beam power at whatever frequency being utilized. That is why we keep the other little one in front of you for it actually can reflect or begin the recycle direction. I remind you ones that you do not know of that with which you play. For most it will be an energy enhancer and was certainly given with that in mind. Never mind more than that--you simply may not utilize any devices in the area of the computer and electricity lines as relative to you. You do not understand your own circuitry nor your particular frequency change as we have worked with you in this format. That which will give assistance to another will be deadly to your system and we prefer to not continually have to override the systems for it does great damage to the equipment. Ones mean well but I remind you--you are not of the same frequency or magnetic structure and that which helps another greatly damages your system. God most adequately takes care of you. Keep all those weapons and toys away from you, please. Let us move on.

While you are in my service, I am responsible for your care, chela, and I, Germain, am an alchemist--not a magician. We work solely within the law of universal physics and you ones tinker with things which are presented as worthwhile which are useless and other things which are so conducive to ultimate death to the organism that it is startling--all of which seem to elude your attention. Be gracious in accepting the items but do not ever use them near or around this computer for ELF beams are funnelled at you through this electronic equipment. If you become grossly weary--we will simply have to stop and give you rest. So be it.


You humans on earth Shan look about you and see how very enlightened you THINK you are. You have air travel, a wee bit of probe into that which you call space (it isn't really), wondrous motor cars, television, radio, microwaves and thousands of comforts unknown even a half-century ago. You admire yourselves as a great people of a great age--you in the U.S. call yourselves humanitarians (oh nausea) and enlightened people. You look back upon those "unenlightened" people of yesterday and say they are old-fashioned. Those people of yesterday were but yourselves. There were many great minds among them, many immortals who enriched that age and who could, if you would allow of it, enrich this age.

You look back a thousand years--two thousand years--three thousand years--eight thousand, nine thousand and you now say that the civilization of that day was archaic. They thought this about Earth and that about the stars--and one tribe slaughtered another and took over its herds--and one king took away the lands of other kings. That was long ago, you say, when the Earth was peopled with barbarians, but those people of that far yesterday were yourselves. There were many great minds among them, many immortals who enriched that age.

Shall we forget that tomorrow is a concept and is not far away when people shall look upon you as archaic barbarians who had learned how to kill by millions instead of by ones? Will they judge your standards by the planes and motor cars of a material age of archaic reasoning in your science, disunity in your many religions, and parrot-like memorizing in your education? You claim to be most of a religion who accepts a ONE GOD. BS--you now accept RELIGION and there are thousands of them--that means, dear ones, that you are more pagan than any Romans with their dozen or so "Gods". If you believed in the One God--there would be, ONE RELIGION AND IT WOULD BE TRUTH. So let us look at it as it IS.

You go about killing in the name of God, Christ and Goodness--while all state in the LAW and in the WORD--"Thou shalt not kill!" Oh, you say, "...but in self defense is OK", and I respond "Aye", however, if man lived according to the Laws there would be no need of "self-defense" for another man would not tread upon thee.

What do you really think tomorrow will think of you? As of today they would see you with punk haircuts, stupefied zombies, noise of incredible decibels--a pit of vipers. They see you now as writhing serpents in dens of dark confusion awaiting death and yet knowing no escape in death. At BEST do you not feel that another age ahead would be justified in thinking of this age as being in its intellectual and spiritual infancy? You would undoubtedly resent this as men of Plato's age would resent your concept of their standards--and yet Truth was there in Plato's age--right from the Master's mouth--presented through Socrates. But Plato interpreted according to Plato's desires and you all were off again on a merry-go-round of ignorance having thrown away the golden ring in favor of the brass.


The people of "TOMORROW" will be YOURSELVES. I care not that which you BELIEVE to have been or not been removed from your listings of rules and regulations for operating procedures--YOU WILL BE IN THE AGE OF THAT WHICH YOU CALL "TOMORROW". Man WILL learn and that is precisely the way man learns--through manifested experience and when he grows sufficiently--he moves on into higher placement and experience--like helping little fledgling men try their wings and learn to fly. You haven't even learned to crawl, little ones.

Yes, these people of tomorrow will most certainly be yourselves, yet there are many great minds of this age, many immortals of today who will have enriched mankind of tomorrow. And so it is that man forever seemingly unfolds without realizing that it is not man who unfolds but Mind-awareness which forever transforms man throughout the ages of Mind-manifestation through the body of man.


You MUST KNOW what we mean by higher knowledge that I stop here to again give definition. A clue to your greater understanding lies in the one supreme fact that THE GREATEST MIRACLE WHICH CAN HAPPEN TO ANY MAN IS THE DISCOVERY OF HIS SELF.

When we use the term SELF as applied to man, we mean the DIVINE SPARK OF GOD-AWARENESS which severs the physical body from the Cosmic Light of Mind. The discovery of one's Self, therefore, means the discovery of one's divinity which unites man with God.

Human educational institutions have quite a different concept of man, however. They base their study of man upon the premise that man is body. The study of man for that reason has never passed beyond the science of psychology which has kindred terms to describe it, such as psychoanalysis, functionalism and structuralism.

The entire principle of psychology is misunderstood, misrepresented and misnamed. Its dictionary description stems from the word psyche--meaning the human soul. There is its claim and right of name. Its own definition is far from that and is absolutely unrelated to soul. Here is psychology's own definition of itself, and this definition is substantiated by its practice. These are the words of that definition:

Psychology is the study of man's (meaning body) adjustment to his environment, of the instruments he has evolved to aid him in adjustment, and of the ways he can improve his adjustment through learning.

This very palpably means BODY--both as to man and as to environment, for all adjustment of man to his environment means SENSE-adjustment, not Mind-adjustment. The Mind needs no adjustment.

Psychoanalysis is still more physical in its connotation. Also, it is based upon a condition which is non-existent in Nature--the condition of unconsciousness. When one sleeps, his senses are unaware of his body simply because of the weakness of the depolarizing current of his body. In other words, his senses can no longer vibrate sufficiently to THINK, just as a harp string can no longer produce sound when its vibration frequencies lower beyond a certain point. Psychoanalysis tries to cure personality defects which have their cause "in the UNCONSCIOUSNESS". It endeavors to make the patient bring the UNCONSCIOUS part of his personality into CON-SCIOUSNESS. This basic misconception of the meaning of CONSCIOUSNESS places the entire science upon a purely physical basis and does not touch the mental or spiritual. What the above sentence means could be more properly stated as follows, "It endeavors to make the patient recall his forgotten dormant brain records by stimulating his REMEMBRANCE OF THEM." Moreover--it is not the "UNCONSCIOUS" by ANY description--it is the SUB-CONSCIOUS! So you see, you do not have the right definition of action nor even the right term of definition for the state of consciousness.

Psychoanalysis is engaged solely in "behaviorism" and endeavors to straighten out abnormalities by restoring normal behavior rhythms. It is as purely a clinical and physical practice as the doctor's practice is. It endeavors to do for the brain what the doctor does for the heart, and that is all. It succeeds doing that in many cases and contributes value to medical and criminal practice because of that, but it is not any more entitled to claim its relation to Mind or Soul than the heart specialist or obstetrician is entitled to make that claim. Perhaps an Ophthalmologist has better claim if he can fix the "eyes". It is merely one department of body-repair service and that is all it is. Proof of this fact lies in the acknowledged lack of power to explain (1) the nature of the learning process, 2) the explanation of thought, (3) the organization of creative abilities and (4) the explanation of genius. Oh, and we think we can do better? YES. WE CAN EXPLAIN EXACTLY HOW AND WHY IT ALL WORKS!

These acknowledged dead ends of psychology and psychoanalysis and the fact that they mistake low brain potential for a Mind-condition which they so unscientifically, and unnaturally, call UNCONSCIOUSNESS should lift such a science entirely out of the right it has ASSUMED as a Mind-science and the assumption that psychology is HIGHER KNOWLEDGE. It is purely a HIGHER SKILL or another TECHNIQUE which is being made use of by increasing the ability of the senses to reason from ob-served EFFECTS and assemble those observed effects with the very small amount of MIND-POWER of which the human race has thus far become aware.

Psychologists build a very untrue representation of their science and their powers, as well as their teachings and practice, by their frequent quotation of Socrates, who said: "Man, know thyself." Man's Self is his immortality. Psychology does not even touch the rim of immortal Man who is ONE with God. It is concerned only with the body of mortal man while deceiving itself that it is dealing with Mind. When your brother, Alexis Carrel, coined the term SCIENCE OF MAN, he meant MAN-THE IMMORTAL MIND, not MAN-THE MORTAL BODY. Therein lies the difference in our teachings and that of educational institutions. There is not one educational institution which searches for the immortal in man or bases its conception of education upon the unfolding of the Mind. Some religious schools claim to do so--NO, they DO NOT. They teach exactly the doctrines as presented for that God of which ever religion they claim--errors and all. In fact, most especially the errors. Most of those schools claim that all you have to do to find salvation and go home to God is--NOTHING--EXCEPT BELIEVE ON JESUS. Funny thing, the name Jesus was applied by an apostle in error and the words were not printed in any fashion for 300 to 500 years after this "Jesus" was departed. No one will get within the place of God on another man's blood--especially that which was spilled at the hands of the very men trying to skate by on another's passage. Now, I suggest all you religious evangelists begin to open your eyes lest a lot of souls in torment be resting on your back through disinformation. Now, please do not tell me I need to come back to Christ--Christ is right here in my presence. Do not do me the favor of praying for my soul, either--God is here in my presence and within my being--there is nothing amiss with MY SOUL--but I am concerned with YOURS.

In your institutions brilliant children are suppressed and genius is not even recognized. Many geniuses have been sent home with recommendations to their families to seek schools for subnormals for them. Your educational institutions are stultifying the mentality of the whole human race by their misconceived belief that the child who can tell you who stabbed Julius Caesar and when, what was the date of the battle of Waterloo, or what was the cause of the second Punic War (and not one in 210,000 can tell you that one) is far more intelligent than the child who can interpret the rhythms which lie hidden in the silence—you lock those away. Now it is far worse--the schools deliberately brainwash with misinformation and cover-up while destroying great portions of history in hopes of burying same.

Your government gives billions in relief to help the indigent and the moron to survive, but allows its Beethovens and Leonardos to starve rather than to help them. It WAS better in Europe and other countries but it has become the same there as in your nation, now. The garbage from your New World is now sifting into those once great nations and it is a deliberately intended move to bring the world down and into slavery. Remember—ignorant people are helpless people.

I must continually interrupt to reclarify definitions and make explanations to allow that you are understanding. You must know what higher knowledge means if you are to attain it. The only teachings which can be considered HIGHER KNOWLEDGE are those which awaken the spark of divinity which lies dormant in every man.


KNOWLEDGE and IDEA are GOD QUALITIES. They ARE. They do not BECOME. They are within you. You do not LEARN them. You RECOGNIZE and REMEMBER them when they awaken from their dormant state within you little at a time. No teacher can teach you these things. No book can give them to you. The divine teacher can but reinspire you with his own inspiration. He cannot GIVE it to you from himself. He can but AWAKEN it from its dormancy in you. That is what we are endeavoring with all our might to do. Our words have their limitations, however. What is written between the lines of those words is what we "feel" in our inner Selves. We cannot write that down, but you can feel it within your own Self if you seek the silences in sufficiently deep communion to become one with our thoughts.

I have permission to quote the late Francis Trevelyan Miller, poet and historian. I want to share with you what he says about man, after reminding him that he has had 60,000.000, or more, years to develop his physical body and only 6,000, or less, years of recorded history to evidence his awakening into Mind-awareness. Several thousand years passed after the first dawn of consciousness before he could even record his growth from savagery. I quote him:

Down through the centuries of human progress, we have come to the World's Greatest Adventure--Man's Search for God.

And what do we find?

We have followed the trail of man's evolution from the four ages when the World was in its making: The Archaic--Paleozoic--Mesozoic--Cenozoic. We have seen man blaze his way out of the jungles of the Stone Age--Bronze Age--Iron Age--until he steps out today in the Scientific Age.

We have watched him as the first gleam of intelligence is ignited in his eyes; and he severs the link in the chain that binds him to the beast; as he begins to stand erect--a human endowed with the power of Reason.

We have seen him as he laboriously gains knowledge by experience in the slow process of time; as he combats the elements and subjects them to his use; as he conquers the wilderness; explores the Earth on which he lives; as he evolves from savagery into tribes and nations; and he discovers the elemental laws of living; and sets up great sys-tems of civilization with his genius.

And what have we found?

We have found that the first and oldest fact in all human creation is man's instinct for God power. It has existed since the beginning of time. It took root in the intelligence of man from the day he became a human being. It has persisted through the ages as surely and as positively as his appetite for food or his instinctive gasp for breath itself.

It is so deep-seated in human consciousness that it never has ceased for an instant--never has been eradicated since the world began. It is the most persistent fact in all life. It is elemental.

This Search for God has covered the range of all human instincts, intuition, emotion, superstition, imagination, creative genius--every form and substance, real and unreal, that the mind of man has been able to conceive.

Just as man himself has come up from the primeval, from the primordial, so have his God-conceptions been equally primitive. They have grown and expanded with his own mentality.

When man is barbaric his gods are barbaric; when man is ignorant his gods are ignorant; when man is intelligent his gods are intelligent. He has worshiped everything--from Anythingism to Fou-Fuism.

As a scientific fact his gods are always beyond the horizon--beyond his intelligence--superior or supernatural beings. He creates them out of his hopes and aspirations--his spiritual nature--like evolution, itself, always in a higher form. If, on occasions, the gods have deteriorated, it will be found as a fixed law that the race itself has deteriorated.

We have found this--

The blundering of man disproves nothing--except his own competence. The hideous concepts of man prove nothing--except the blackness of his intelligence before the dawn.

We have followed the evolution, the unfoldment and growth of this God-idea since its first inception, through to the present day, watching the cumulative processes of its unfoldment.

Like science, itself, its revelations have been slow, but inevitable. Like invention, discoveries and explorations on the earth, it has been a series of adventures in Unknown Realms.

It has kept pace with the increase of human knowledge, slowly divesting itself of superstitions, until it has come out into the clear, open field of science--with which it stands paralleled today and must eventually converge and prove its laws.

We have found that--

Strange and weird as may have been the rituals of the human race in its emergence from the primordial swamps and jungles, appalling as may have been its practices, it has at all times been consonant with its mental state--an exact parallel and complement of the development of the mind. [Does this not strike terror into your hearts?]

Just as man has explored the earth and mapped out its cosmography, so man has explored the cosmic and built up his cosmology. It has been a constant adventure into the Unknown.

We have seen the savages searching for a God of hope to dispel their fear in their fights against the elements--the fight to exist; we have seen the pagans search for God in sensuality and materiality in Assyria, Babylon and Egypt; the ancient Grecians and Romans seeking God in intellectuality. We have followed through India and Persia in their search for God in Mysticism and symbolism; we have seen the Moslems searching for God through philosophy.

We have indicated how Judaism set up the rule of One God and the ethical system of the ten Commandments - and how Christendom is founded upon the principle of man's direct contact with God through the spiritual laws.

It has required prophets of indomitable faith and courage to blaze the way for this world-old search--the spirit of the martyrs, willing to die for an idea or a principle: Zoroaster--Moses--Guatama, the Buddist--Mahavira and Janism--Confucious--Lao Tze and Taoism--Jesus, the Nazarene--Mohammed.

Let us again affirm the historical fact: No people have ever lived who did not believe in some kind of a god--no race has ever perpetuated itself without this elemental faith.

Today, the World is seeking more ardently than ever before the solution to this high question: What is God--and is there a life after death?"

* * * * *

I know that you cannot read this without great enlightenment--if you got none--GO READ IT AGAIN, THIS TIME WITH YOUR INNER EYES AND EARS OPEN! It plainly tells you that God has always been made by man and in man's image!!!! Two thousand years ago, the pagan mind of that day created a god of fear and wrath, a god who loved blood slaughter and the vengeance of human emotions.

They made Him in their own pagan image. Today two-thirds of the world still conceive of and believe in that pagan god of fear, for this is still a barbarian civilization of fear and people must have a God who is like unto them. They must have such to the extent that groups will gather and by "majority vote" vote in or out the laws of God. Even if the practice of the "thing" about which the law is written will disease and kill the body. Then the same group turns its venom upon the very group that they demanded make the vote. AND, ALL THE WHILE "THE REAL GOD" WATCHES AND WAITS.

Two thousand years ago, the people of that day also steeped themselves in the sensualities of sex and made a vile thing of it. They could not then see that God's plan of mating was His one perfect process of creation. They could not see sex as mother-hood--and fatherhood--which they understood emotionally, for their vile abuse of sex was the foundation for their belief in sin. Where are you today? Well, Man created SIN by crucifying LOVE on the cross of bestiality.

Two thousand years have passed and men still crucify love in the same sensual way. Now it is even more bestial for the orgies are as often and you have added homosexuality to your games--and strangely enough, you do these things while still proclaiming that sex is the basis of original sin, and keep sin-belief alive by sex-sensuality and define that as "making love". Does not any of this seem strange or contradictory to you? Perhaps you can begin to see why LOVE HAS NOT YET EN-TERED THE PORTALS OF THE HUMAN RACE to any who have not known mental as well as physical MATEHOOD. You treat mating and marriage with less attention than you pay to where you will have a special luncheon. These alone know what no one else can know who has not thus been exalted. Not even the unity of two physically balanced mates can give them that knowing, for the union of a pair which ceases at physical union is not a consummation of love until motherhood and fatherhood become ONE IN MIND--whether or not there are off-spring. There is no need for the physical act for unions of balance in mating are an energy flow--not a fluid exchange.

We are laying down a foundation for your comprehension of the one great fact of life, that man is ever searching for his divine Self and in thus searching he will some day find his Self and God as ONE. Higher knowledge consists of only that which will lead to the Light of man's divinity. All else is but for the body and is as unreal as the body is unreal.

Please allow us a break, for we need to be refreshed as there is much remaining in the lessons. Thank you for your service and thank you readers for your attention. THIS IS YOUR LIFE--HUMAN! YOU FORGOT TO READ THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR YOUR OPERATION. WE HAVE GIVEN YOU A MANUAL FOR OWNERS OF LATE MODEL PHOENIXES--THIS CAN BE YOUR HUMAN OPERATORS' MANUAL--IT BEHOOVES YOU TO STUDY IT WELL, INDEED.




MONDAY, JULY 29, 1991 9:45 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 347

MONDAY, JULY 29, 1991

Germain present in Radiance within the Mighty I AM Presence. Thank you for allowing me to serve, Dharma. You are blessed unto me. Within the violet flame all can be transmuted into perfection and wholeness. We shall be given that which we need that we might serve in fullness. I AM.

May we move right along lest our delay leave some in darkness. Blessed be the WORD.


There is nothing except GOOD in all the universe, for God is Love and He created a universe of Love in all its expressions which is like unto Him.

There is no sin in all of the universe. Sin is a product of MAN. It is made by man in his own image, for every creation of man is like unto man.

Pagan teachings tell you that your sins can be forgiven by God and that "Jesus" came to save you from sin. That pagan belief will continue to create the belief in, and the practice of, sin as long as people are misled into believing that they can be saved from sin or forgiven for sinning. Sinning means hurting one's self or another by disobeying the law of love. When one does that, the damage is done and it cannot be forgiven one way or another. He who "sins" can stop sinning, like sound which ceases when its cause ceases. Neither God nor "Jesus" can void that which has happened. It is recorded by the light waves of the universe forever. Its record is in the seed of the "sinner" whom it alone hurts.

No man can stop hurting another, or himself, except the man himself. "Sin" is man's self-teachings. They are his lessons of life. He gradually learns his lessons and, as he learns them, he stops sinning. What man calls "sin" is, therefore, GOOD for it leads to GOOD. Creation grows that way. Civilizations unfold that way. Creation is a drama of CAUSE and EFFECT. It is a hundred-million-years-long lesson in learning how to balance EFFECT with its CAUSE. He who errs in learning that lesson is like unto the schoolchild who adds his figures wrongly, or the man whose forgetfulness to turn a switch derails a train.

Life must be lived. Man must learn how to live it. Every man on Earth must learn his lesson of balanced interchange in his every transaction. He cannot learn it in one life, nor a thousand lives. Christ Consciousness does not come to primeval brute man. It comes only to the completely unfolded spiritual man. Why forever repeat that the good will be saved and the bad will be damned? There is not one good man on Earth in the sense that he is like unto the divine Self which he will become. Likewise, there is not one bad man on Earth, for every man on Earth has forever been searching for the GOOD since his beginning. The words of Francis Trevelyan Miller have told you that in very clear language.

The only sin on Earth lies in not knowing. When a man does not know, it means that his Mind has not yet awakened to an awareness of either good or evil. The body cannot sin. It but carries out its instincts. The body which has no knowledge of good and evil cannot sin because it is still primate. The enraged dog which kills does not know what he is doing. His body instincts act upon reflexes which cause the act as surely as a bell will ring if one presses a button. You cannot punish the dog because he "sinned". You may destroy him to prevent him from again reverting to his instincts, but not for "sinning". When Immanuel said, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do," he meant just that. They DID NOT KNOW. And people of today DO NOT KNOW. The spiritual in man has not yet unfolded enough to begin to understand the meaning and import of balanced transactions between mate pairs. The buyer and the seller are mate pairs. One cheats the other. Cheating and murder are relatively the same. They differ only in degree, yet the deeply religious man who "gets the better of the bargain" really believes that he is good and will "go to heaven", while the murderer must be condemned to everlasting fires of hell.

This comes from the pagan of two thousand years ago. It is still the pagan belief of countless millions of people of today. Humanity is like a class in school. Some are ahead of others. Some have unfolded more than others. Some have stopped murdering long ago, but every man on Earth has been a murderer. He has merely ceased murdering long ago but condemns the man who now is what he was and believes that he will be cast into everlasting fires of hell. Every man on Earth would be cast into everlasting fires of hell if there were any merit in the pagan belief, but there is no merit in it. The Bible is full of it, but the Bible was written by pagan man for pagan man. All references to eternal damnation and everlasting fires of hell which are written in the New Testament were forged into it to give one class of men power over others to remit their sins for a price.

They who did that also KNEW NOT WHAT THEY DID. They who committed that monstrous crime were supposedly good men. They acted their parts consistently with their day and age. They, too, must learn their lessons, for they have been on Earth many times since then and are learning them.

The time must come in man's unfolding when he will understand that Immanuel came to teach him that there is no sin. He came to SAVE HIM FROM A BELIEF IN SIN, instead of saving him FROM sin, which even He could not do.

Can you not see that if it were possible for anyone to save man from sin, it would mean that all men of Earth would become Christ Conscious at once? They would instantly pass through all stages of growth--the primal stage, the genius stage, the Cosmic Conscious stage and the final Christ Conscious stage. To do this would render Creation purposeless. The purpose of Creation is to act the play of Cause and Effect in a universe of "Time". Any man, or God, who could save man from the "sins" of experience would be defeating the purpose of the play.

It would mean that a man who builds an automobile must build it complete and perfect at once and never pass through Time's stages. The picture must be finished without sequences of brush strokes, most of which are wrong brush strokes which are ever being corrected to attain final perfection. The wrong brush strokes are akin to man's so-called sins. They are experiments made in finding the way. All of life is an experiment in finding the way to live.

Do you not see, therefore, that the pagan beliefs of yesterday must be cast off in order that today may be an advance beyond yesterday? Do you not see the world cluttered up with these pagan beliefs? Do you not see that man becomes what he thinks, and if he thinks evil he becomes evil? Do you not see therefore, that sin and evil are man-made products which do not exist in Nature? Do you not also see that this world of fear and chaos is also man-made by talking fear, teaching fear and creating fear, even unto creating a God of fear?

Is there any wonder that the world is what it is, a fearing, crime-ridden, man-killing world which talks of brotherly love without acting it, which pretends freedom of thought and speech but practices intolerance, a world which fervently prays to ask God to stop wars which man has made, a pious world which makes a great show of goodness on Sundays in ten times ten thousand homes and churches but has killed and enslaved over a hundred million people within the last fifty years instead of giving love and service to its own brothers whom it has killed.

Is it not time that man should begin looking at man squarely in the face and asking himself many questions? Man will not do this because he does not think it necessary. Every man thinks that he is quite right but others may be wrong.

Man in the mass is not yet willing to say, "I DO NOT KNOW. TEACH ME SO THAT I MAY KNOW THE WAY."


We have tried to point out what is meant by the phrase, "Be ye ever transformed by the renewing of your Mind." This doesn’t mean renewing of your senses, or increasing the ability of your body to produce material effects. Nor does it mean the increasing ability of your brain to remember effects, nor the increase of your ability to assemble more and more complex effects through the process of reasoning.

The present concept of knowledge is "encyclopedic". A complete human encyclopedia would be presumed to be a higher being, just as the boy in school who can answer the most questions would be considered supreme even though he had not one idea of his own in his head. Conversely, the genius boy who could write a great essay, or express himself creatively, would be considered an idle dreamer and a subnormal if he could not tell you the date of the battle of Waterloo.

The present concept of higher knowledge is to further extend memory of effect beyond the present sense-boundaries. To exemplify our meaning, the tremendous advance in high explosives and guided missiles of today over the bullets and cannon balls of yesterday is considered to be higher knowledge of today over that of yesterday. Such an advance is due to the increasing ability of the senses to observe EFFECTS of MOTION and to assemble those effects by memory and reason. That is not knowledge, for the greatest expert in the manufacture of those explosives does not know the CAUSE of them or their SOURCE OF ENERGY.

KNOWLEDGE IS MIND-IDEA--UNEXPRESSED. Knowledge is expressed by the creation of bodies which simulate idea.

Knowledge resides in the CREATOR--not in CREATED BODIES.

The Creator does not create IDEA; He but builds an image of His idea in body form, but the body is not the idea, nor does the body have any knowledge whatsoever of the idea it manifests.

What, then, IS the body? Your civilization is made up of the bodies of men. THESE MAN-BODIES HAVE BEEN CREATED SOLELY TO MANIFEST THE IDEA OF THEIR CREATOR.

We have arrived at a crucial point of understanding right here and now. We must make it clear what bodies are and what their functions and limitations are. It will help your understanding by saying that the forests are made up of the bodies of trees which have been created solely to manifest IDEA which resides in their Creator. Again we may say that the ocean is full of bodies of fishes which have been created to manifest IDEA which resides in their Creator.

YOU are now ready to comprehend that bodies are but imagined-forms of IDEA which have been created by THINKING that idea into motion. Also you can now comprehend that their function is to act their parts in the dramatization of the IDEA they manifest. You should also be able to comprehend that the limitation of all bodies is to produce bodies like unto their thoughts.

The bodies of man are limited to the production of other man-bodies and bodies which simulate IDEAS of their ONE Mind, also the instinctive motions of those bodies which are necessary to sustain them. The limits of tree-bodies are the repetitions of tree-bodies, and to reaching out for sustenance of tree-bodies. Likewise, the bodies of fishes are limited to reproducing more bodies of fishes and to making the instinctive motions which are necessary for their sustaining.

Tree-bodies never become aware of their Creator who centers and controls them optically. Fish-bodies and countless other species of animal-bodies never become aware of the fact that their centering instinctive controlling Source is their Creator. Man-bodies alone, in all Creation, function as man-bodies for millions of years until the imaged form of man-bodies has matured to the completed body image of the man-idea. From that time on, God-awareness begins to unfold. We call that period of early beginning "The Dawn of Consciousness".

Is this now a clear picture to you? If not, it MUST be, and we urge you stop right here and meditate long upon these few pages or review past lessons until you are so sure of your full comprehension that you can no longer think of your body as being YOU--but, instead, you will think of your Self as the Creator of your body and you will some day know that your Self is within your body.

To help you to still further dismiss the concept of your body as being YOU, think of it as an infinite number of atoms divided by vast spaces between them as the suns and stars of the heavens are thus divided. It would amaze you to know that if all the atoms of your bones and flesh were compressed together so that all of the space between them were squeezed out, one would have to use a microscope to find you. Can you realize that? Can you realize that the greater part of your body is water, and that each drop of water contains 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms--which means 6 sextillion. If you also realize that the space between each of these 6 sextillion atoms is millions of times greater than that of each moving atom, you should be intellectually able to dismiss the idea of substance and intelligence in relation to your body.

We have thus shown you that your entire body is but a microscopic dot surrounded by vast reaches of SEEMINGLY empty space. At any rate, you cannot see your Self in it, just as you cannot see the real oak tree in its seed.

We have talked about visible bodies long enough to make you realize that they occupy an infinitesimal amount of volume within a vast amount of MIND, for MIND is what you so lightly refer to as space.

In later units, we will diagram the invisible Mind-universe and the visible motion-universe. You will plainly see that the invisible Mind-universe centers the creating universe of matter, just as your Mind is within your body and controls its motions. Having thus given you a concept of Nature as it IS instead of as you have thought it to be, you are now better equipped for your own further transformation by the "renewing of your Mind", which means that you have increased your God-awareness and innersensory perception by just that much. This also makes you ready for the next step in the understanding of God's ONE PROCESS of Creation, which is His sex process.


All through these lessons we have accentuated the idea of sex as the basis of Creation. We use the term "The Divine Trinity" which we wish you to think of in the same terms as the UNDIVIDED--THE DIVIDED--and THE UNITED, which the great teachers used.

You are now prepared to comprehend the higher meaning of sex. The lower meaning of present-day man is that sex is an act of cohabitation for the planting of the seed, for the production of a baby, a bear cub, or any other form of life. I will not discuss the newer acceptance of it as simply an irresponsible mode of self-pleasure and instant gratification of the senses. The planting of seed is a timed event. Nature's meaning of sex is the eternally permanent and timeless continuity of father and motherhood. The baby and the bear cub must grow. They must be nourished. Motherhood is timeless and every interchanging action and reaction of fathers and mothers of Creation is as much a part of Nature's sex relation as cohabitation for the planting of the seed is a sex relation.

The fact that sex-divided males and females are so unbalanced by stresses and strains caused by that condition that they can find relief from those tensions through UNITING--which is called cohabiting--has caused early man to so violently abuse that holy law which is manifested everywhere throughout Nature as The Divine Trinity of UNDIVIDED--DIVIDED--and UNITED FATHER-MOTHERHOOD that its very excesses threatened the human race with degradation. Civilizations fell because of such sex abnormalities as the orgies perpetrated in phallic worship, and Nature reacted by multiplying such other man-made abnormalities as homosexuality.

Nature is purposeful and quickly reacts to destroy that which violates her purposefulness. The pagan mind believed, therefore, that sex was an evil thing because of its violent abuse by man. Throughout these early centuries of abnormal sex practices, the belief in the evil of sex crept into the entire race, so much so that the doctrine of original sin grew out of it through the Adam and Eve pagan fable.

So ingrained was that belief that the Hebrew expectancy of a Messiah every six hundred years carried with it the necessity that such a Messiah must be virgin born. History records several such Messiahs of virgin birth. The very fact that the human race has made sin out of God's ONE HOLY LAW OF FATHER AND MOTHERHOOD with its Love aspect of GIVING AND REGIVING THROUGH RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE, and its one light-wave creative process of DIVISION of the UNDIVIDED for the purpose of UNITING DIVIDED PAIRS, indicates how primitive the human race still remains.

We might safely estimate that fully two-thirds of the most enlightened peoples of the Earth still believe that sex is sin, even to the extent of some who believe that babes are born in sin from which they must be absolved in order to be eligible for heaven. These are the teachings of many high intellectuals, despite the teachings of Immanuel who said: "Suffer little children to come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."


God created this universe. He created the IDEA of father-motherhood, and He created material bodies to manifest love through father-motherhood. IN OTHER WORDS, ALL THINGS ARE SELF-CREATED AND THAT INNER CREATIVE SELF IS GOD! If you give thought to this statement, you will see how utterly unnatural it is to believe that God's expression of Love in Nature can possibly be sin, for he who believes such a monstrous doctrine must believe that God created sin and evil instead of man who is the sole author of it.

To show the utter absurdity of connecting sex with sin and evil, we are reminding you that the entire created universe of matter is composed of waves, and that waves divide the one undivided, sexless condition into the sex-divided pairs of male and female bodies which constitute this universe.

You hear prayers of thanks in every church and home for the food God gives to you. Every mouthful of food thus given is produced through the sex-uniting process which creates wheat, millet, corn, meat, milk, fish, fowl and the many varieties of fruits. Not one species of animal or vegetable is virgin born. Such a concept is indicative of vile thinking, and the perpetuation of such a concept by teaching it as a fact of morals prolongs vile thinking. This unnatural virgin birth story was conceived by licentious-minded ancients to promote the idea of chastity. It has had the opposite effect of spreading licentious thinking throughout the world for two thousand years.

Evil and sin are the effects caused by disobedience to God's law. Whenever one disobeys God's law, he hurts himself. He alone created what he calls sin. If he disobeys the law of gravity, he does not hurt gravity. He but hurts himself. If he places his finger on a hot stove, it is not the hurt of heat which is to blame; it is his own decision which is to blame. If a man hurts a friend and loses his friend because of it, he alone has hurt himself by his own decision to act against God's Law of Love. If he had given love, love would have been regiven and he would have blessed himself rather than hurt himself.

The basic law of Creation demands equality in all interchange between the pairs of units in all Creation which are engaged in such interchange.


The foregoing paragraphs are descriptive of violations of balance in sex-polarity. Nature will not tolerate any violation of sex-balance whatsoever, and that is why we see anguish, disease, frustrations, divorces, bankruptcies and many forms of unhappiness around about us everywhere in small scale, and hatreds, enmities and wars in large scale. All of the troubles of all the world lie in that one cause--breach of the law of polarity which upsets the balance of every transaction between DIVIDED PAIRS.

When a transaction between divided pairs fails to UNITE those divided pairs, unhappiness is as sure to follow as night follows day. A minister in a very large church of prosperous and intellectual people who are well above average human intelligence has made a statement, sorrowfully, that fully seventy percent of all married couples in his whole congregation had come to him for help in solving their marital troubles. He was sure that more were in trouble but did not come. Most of the problem revolved around the misconceptions of sex. Sex has become the point of the ACTIVITY--not a related precious and "giving" part of LOVE. The act itself has come to represent every emotion other than LOVE.

That is a true picture of one little section of a whole world. All the world is just a repetition of just that one part of it. Let us picture the effect of that minister's little section of it by imagining five hundred or more seesaws placed in a field. A seesaw is an excellent example of polarity or sex-division. That is why we choose this example. It is important that you realize and recognize that similarity. A seesaw divides the one balance of its fulcrum into two extended balances which must be equally balanced in order to unite and repeat.

Now if you pick out five hundred equally balanced pairs of children and youths of various ages and weights and put pairs of equal weight on these five hundred seesaws to interchange their balance with each other, they will be in the same condition which Nature is in regard to balanced interchange. They can continue to manifest the universal trinity by DIVIDING THE UNDIVIDED and UNITING THE DIVIDED forever and forever in the balanced rhythm of eternal Nature.

Instead of this ideal state which symbolizes the kind of civilization we SHOULD have instead of the one we DO have, let us now choose unequal pairs and fill those seesaws with mates which are thirty, forty, fifty or sixty pounds out of balance with each other. In order to interchange at all, the heavier youth would have to shorten his end of the lever and the lighter one would be out on the longer end. All of them could interchange, but the rhythm of such an interchange could not long continue and the thrill of happiness which comes from the balanced interchange would be impossible with such mismatings.

The latter example pictures the condition referred to by the minister and his church group. It is a true picture of all life, whether marital, business, social, economic or civil. The whole world is divided into a very few pairs which interchange equally and find happiness and very many pairs which find anguish and misery by their unequal interchange.

It is an equally true picture of YOU and YOUR LIFE. You cannot live without constantly interchanging something with somebody or some thing every moment of your waking hours whether it be with your wife, your husband, your friend, your grocer, your doctor or your tax collector, or with the Earth, the atmosphere or the sun. You are forever giving something of yourself to your environment, or taking something for yourself from yourself, with or without equal regiving, all of the time in all your waking hours even though they are merely thoughts and not things.

The sum total of your equal givings and regivings, or your takings without givings, is what you have made yourself into. The sum total of your happiness and misery is dependent entirely upon your ability to become an equal mate to any other mate you attempt to unite with for interchange.

Allow us a short break, please. Then we will continue on with the Spiritual Nature of Polarity.




MONDAY, JULY 29, 1991 12:08 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 347


We have painted a symbolic word-picture to exemplify our meaning. Because of it, can you not see that the world is still so primate that it has not yet learned how to live? It has not yet acquired a LIVING PHILOSOPHY which is sufficiently related to Nature's processes to even begin to find the happiness and peace which all men seek. If the world has not yet acquired knowledge of how to live in peace and happiness between neighbor and neighbor, or husband and wife, except for the small percentage of the rare few who have acquired that knowledge, do you not plainly see that the world concept of higher knowledge has got to change from an increase in the ability to express one's self physically by creating a better material product to expressing one's self spiritually by knowing how to UNITE WITH ONE'S MATE IN EVERY HUMAN TRANSACTION?

This is the point we have been leading up to. Because of it, we are now enabled to reduce the whole principle of life to a very few words which give full meaning to the teachings of Jesus Immanuel and Krishna which have been so long ignored because of ignorance of their meaning. Without the preparation given in the foregoing lessons and in this lesson, you would be no more prepared to comprehend the few words which we will now use to picture the whole purpose of the drama of Creation than you and your ancestors were able to comprehend the words of Immanuel and Krishna quoted on previous pages.

The following few words are a basic formula for what all people are doing all of the time, during all of their lives, whether awake or asleep.

All people, and all Nature, are continually and perpetually trying to DIVIDE THE UNDIVIDED ONE into equal pairs and UNITE those equal pairs into one.

Note that I say that all things are TRYING to do this perfect thing, but the state of the world is indicative of the fact that such EQUAL dividing and EQUAL mating is rare in the human race.

An illustration of the meaning of EQUAL dividing and EQUAL uniting can be found in one's breathing. That is an action-reaction interchange of Nature and takes place without a mental decision. Such an interchange MUST be balanced, lest you die. The same results of EQUAL dividing and EQUAL uniting are demonstrated in your pulse, in your walking, or in your waking and sleeping interchanges. These you cannot avoid. You do not "cheat" in any of them. You cannot. Your "free will" does not extend that far.

You have an interchange of dealings with your husband or wife, or with a neighbor, or with your servant or customer. Each such interchange is the result of a decision. Equal GIVING and REGIVING in all such human decisions is rare. Inequality governs the great major portion of all human interchangings. All failure, frustrations, illnesses and wars, and all delinquency and crime are due to whatever RESIDUE OF UNBALANCE is left over in most all human transactions in which the right of "free will" is excercised.

If you DIVIDE the UNDIVIDED unequally, these two cannot MATE EQUALLY. Polarity in Nature is always balanced. The "electric" current polarizes EQUALLY. Nature is a multiple "electric" current. EQUALITY and BALANCE are the most conspicuous characteristic of automatic Nature, but INEQUALITY and UNBALANCE are an equally conspicuous characteristic of man-controlled "free will" interchangings in Nature.

In practically all human dealings, one mate--or both--in every transaction is "CHEATING". That is what is the matter with the world. Human beings have not yet begun to learn how to DIVIDE the UNDIVIDED EQUALLY. Therefore they can never UNITE them, for balanced unity is impossible with unequally mated pairs.

Until individuals and nations learn how to DIVIDE and UNITE in accordance with the infallible law of RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE, there will always be strife, unhappiness and the ills which man himself makes through his ignorance of how to live.

The above stated facts bring us to another high point of comprehension regarding what HIGHER KNOWLEDGE MEANS. We will state it simply. Which is the most important of the following: (1) whether a man knows how to build a better machine than was ever yet built or (2) whether a man is a good friend, citizen and neighbor or a bad one?

We unhesitatingly state that the most important element in the building of a civilization is the manner in which man deals with man, yet no educational institution on Earth has any department in which moral character is even considered to be a part of man's education. This machine-age has grown out of the brain of the machine-man. Perhaps you are now better equipped to understand: "In vain do we build the city if we do not first build the man."

Of what use are better techniques in the making of a better engineer, doctor, inventor, mathematician, historian or industrialist if in so doing we also build greed, avarice, lust for power to conquer, or desire to take more of the fruits of such techniques for one's self?

Can you not see, therefore, that if the most important thing in the world is the manner in which one person deals with another, it is plainly obvious that the highest knowledge man can obtain is the knowledge of his UNITY WITH ALL MANKIND WITH AND GOD?


We have talked long about divided pairs and the uniting of those pairs. The greater portion of mankind thinks of those sex-divided pairs as males and females of the human and animal species. They do not even think of mineral and vegetable life as sex-divided males and females. We have now reached the point where we desire to have you think of all Creation as divided pairs of males and females. This includes light itself and the wave. This also includes all of the elements of matter in the mineral kingdom and all of the gases and vapors of matter. It includes also all of the colors of the spectrum. Red and orange are as much male as man is, and blue and green as female as woman is. In other words, this entire universe consists solely of male and female bodies which unite to live and to create life and divide to die and be reborn again into life.

Let us help your visualization of this by arranging six of the nine octaves of matter in their true marital relations as equal pairs. See Fig. 8. These six octaves are rearrangements of the Russell Charts which will be reprinted later.

Please study these charts in their octave arrangements. The symbol of Fig, 8 (+/-) means one of an equally divided pair, and this symbol (+/+) means a united pair. Science deeply errs by using symbols like these (+ -) to symbolize equally divided pairs which have equal power and calling one positive and the other negative.

Each of these pairs in Fig. 8 will unite as stable, balanced mates. They are perfect marriages in Nature. If you will think of them as seesaws and their centering zeros as fulcrums, they will be like the example given on a previous page in which many children played seesaw with each other. Being fully balanced and equal, they demonstrate the fundamental principle which Immanuel and Krishna taught, each in His own words but each being the essence of true science. Each of them, therefore, demonstrates the EQUALLY DIVIDED AND EQUALLY UNITED principle which completes a wave cycle of God's creative thinking.

Fig. 8

Nature knows no other process than that of

To further illustrate the meaning, there are three of these balanced pairs below the diagram. Take note of them. When the upper pair, lithium and fluorine, marry, they form the very stable element of lithium fluoride. They will abide together happily forever. Likewise, sodium and chlorine will abide together as a united pair known as sodium chloride, which is table salt. If you examine a crystal of this salt, you will see that it is a true cube, which is the perfection of balance in crystallitic Nature. Now look at the third pair--potassium and bromine. United as potassium bromide they will lead a happy, rhythmic, balanced life.

Each time we are drawn to the brilliant perceptions of Dr. Walter Russell and Lao, we are humbled by the contribution unto MAN. I gave unto this genius being the information as I relay unto this receiver--but his was total clarification and comprehension and he left a legacy which will now be awakened throughout the planet wherein prior to this it only touched the tiny few. His charts and diagrams bring to life the word descriptions and become easily understood from out of the fog of words. When the WORD is put to audio tape, an addition of the diagrams must be made for a picture is truly worth more than a thousand words. Can you ones see that man never dies--he is immortal? Walter Russell, as great as he was, was unrecognized--buried by the Elite deceivers. Now in this time after his departure from his last experience in manifestations--he shares with the regiving of this Truth and his beloved balanced mate sits with him and oversees that which we do here. It is the glory and abundance of the universe and such joy will flow into your being as you come into this wondrous miracle of regiving. I bow in humble gratitude for a job done in perfection and unto my scribe, now, who tediously receives so that we can more clearly relate to the man of this day.

Brothers, the Hosts have truly come to prepare for the final steps of the return of the Master Teacher and I am honored and humbled to have allowance of service in this time and with you. Each of you who comprises this "team" is so loved and so appreciated by we of the unseen Hosts for you serve without demand for that which is not yet ready for manifestation in your comprehension. So be it.

Let us now go back and consider these pairs from the point of view of mismatings. If sodium marries bromine, or fluorine, they will "get along" together pretty well as long as chlorine keeps out of the way, but if chlorine appears, there will be a divorce more surely than with mismated men and women. If you examine the crystals of these mismated pairs, you will see them as distorted cubes, not true cubes. Sodium iodide is a greater mismating than sodium bromine. The crystals of this union are conspicuously distorted from the cube form.

We tell you this because you should be able to know the laws and processes of Nature in order to relate them to your life and in order for you to command them. If you went further and collected a few of these various crystals for study and comparison, you would find that the harmonies and inharmonies of human existence corresponded in principle with the harmonies and inharmonies of Nature. If you take another step further and combine any of the series marked 1 with the series marked 2 or 3, you will produce more and more violent disharmonies in the order of their difference in potential, which means from 1 to 4. In the series marked 3 is nitrogen which, with other mismatings, forms the base of many explosives.

Explosives in chemistry are produced entirely by attempting to unite pairs which are far apart in their electric potential, pressures and frequencies. Explosives in human emotions arise from the same cause. We can sum up this entire principle in the few words we made use of earlier: residue of unbalance in any transaction between any pairs. Look therefore to your angers and passions and open your chemical chart for an explanation of the angers and passions, the inharmonies and divorces, and the failures, bankruptcies and wars of humans.


Once again we repeat ourselves and say what should be said a million times each and every morning and another million times each and every night, if necessary, to stamp upon your consciousness THE ONE THING THAT EVERYBODY IS PERPETUALLY DOING EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY HOUR AND EVERY HOUR OF LIFE. EVERY ACTION IS A PERPETUAL DIVISION OF THE UNDIVIDED INTO EQUAL OR UNEQUAL PAIRS AND SEQUENTIAL UNITING OF THOSE PAIRS INTO EQUAL OR UNEQUAL ONES.

This is the idea which we are endeavoring to cement into human consciousness in order that the givings and regivings of man shall find balance in each other. That is the great lesson of life. Until it is learned, the brotherhood of man can never become the practice which is a necessary precedent to a unified civilization. That is the lesson of all these many millions of years in which men are trying to learn how to live together. It seems simple. To divide one into equal pairs is simple if it means only the cutting of an apple in halves. Then by putting those halves together to make a whole apple also seems simple, and it works just that way and just as simply in Nature when one cuts the IDEA of the sun into two equal hemispheres and puts them together equally to form the body of the sun-idea, or harnesses an old, weak horse with a strong one to pull a heavy wagon.

If man would but learn Nature's way of balancing her transactions, you could have perfect civilization tomorrow, but as long as man divides UNEQUALLY and then TAKES the larger half instead of GIVING EQUALLY, he will never learn the long lesson which is the purpose of Creation.

God sends teachers unto men to help them learn that lesson. He sends Illuminates whom men call Messiahs, prophets, mystics, geniuses, poets, translators of cosmic rhythms of the arts and the lesser inspired but sincere ones who desire to love and be loved. These inspired men God sends to leaven the human loaf by inspiring other men. The Light they have within them, they can give to other men in the measure of their power to give, while the illumined ones can give in their greater measure. God perpetually talks with every creature in the measure of its ability to comprehend Him. Instinct is small measure but inspiration is large measure. That means that you can uplift the whole world by giving in your measure as we are giving in ours. That is the way that a united world will some day come to pass. It is a long road but each illumined step in it is another step in the direction of the goal of ecstasy which must come before enduring happiness can ever be known by man.

Do you not see by the above how necessary it is that you know the things which bring you to that goal rather than the things which prolong a treadmill existence in the chaotic whirlpool which so many think of as an enlightened civilization? Do you not see why you should constantly seek wisdom, knowledge and power directly from God? If you do see the necessity and thus desire in your heart to save yourself many reincarnations of more treadmill existence while learning that lesson, you will use every endeavor to transform yourself into a higher being by multiplying your comprehension of the teachings which God gave to give to you by oft and long communion with Him in deep meditation.

This is why I continually insist upon your complete comprehension of the idea of polarity which DIVIDES and UNITES to give and regive. That is why I continually say to you that if you fully comprehend just one wave cycle of light, you have within you the basis of knowledge for light waves are God's language of Light.


Let us make it easier for you to visualize what is meant by dividing the undivided and uniting the divided, by giving you some of Dr. Russell's drawings. Fig.9 represents the undivided static zero universe of MIND-KNOWING and MIND-EN-ERGY. It is the zero white Light from which Creation emerges. Former lessons have made known to you that all of the REALITIES of the IDEA of Creation are within that zero undivided ONENESS. Understand, therefore, that God's KNOWING is your KNOWING. You must now know how the IDEA of Gods knowing and your knowing assume form, for the tought process which creates them is the same.

Fig. 9-A is the first step in telling you how. You see there two discs which are comprised of four rings of divided Light, one within the other. They represent the beginnings of God's spectrum thinking. They are the basis of the octaves. They are His imaginings. In them is the pattern of His imagined IDEA. They are IDEA IN CONCEPT--UNCREATED IDEA in concept. Science calls them the INERT GASES.

Light-waves now begin to divide that concept into pairs and set them in motion to create bodies which image the imaginings in form. That is MIND-ENERGY expressed by thinking. Thought-waves divide these four rings of white Light into four pairs of rings of the spectrum colors and project them toward each other for the purpose of uniting the FOUR PAIRS INTO ONE. These four pairs collide and become two hemispheres of compressed spectrum light centered by white incandescent light. Together they make one perfect sphere. That is the way that all matter is created.

I am not telling you this as a principle of physics for it is not even known in physics. I am telling it to you as a universal principle whether in morals, character-forming or invention, or whether in the painting of a picture or trading furs for food. Every transaction in Nature or in the social, marital or business life of people must follow this octave principle of DIVISION of an idea into its two parts and the uniting of those parts by four progressive steps toward the mature idea. THE RESULT OF THAT UNITING is what counts for success or failure, happiness or misery, peace or war.

If you study Fig.10 you will see that there is perfect symmetry in the divisions of the pairs which interchange with each other to consummate a oneness in themselves--such as sodium chloride--and then unite with each other as a whole to consummate a unity of the whole idea.

If you will now think of the universe as one undivided Idea and of all the parts of the universe as many IDEAS which are divisions of the whole ONE IDEA, you can better comprehend that the divided ideas are expressed in octaves because the wave which divides them is expressed in spectrum-divided octaves. Octaves grow. They become waves. Waves come and they go. In "electric" terms, they are called frequencies or cycles. In terms of growth, we call these cycles life and death cycles. They come and go. Everything in nature comes and goes in order that it may come again.

That is the way IDEA is given bodies to simulate IDEA OF MIND which has no body. We might clarify this also by symbolizing it. The idea of MAN is part of the whole Idea of Creation. Within the IDEA is the DNA/RNA of the manifestation of the idea. Let us see how God creates a body form for an idea by dividing the undivided Idea, which has no body, into four pairs which must grow into the matured idea and then uniting those four pairs into the ONE to become a complete octave.

Let me do a little concluding here, please. If you will but give deep thought to this diagram, you will see these comings and goings of what you call life and death as constant repetitions of action with rest periods between the actions. That is what life is. You manifest it every second of your life. If you could but look at your life cycles as you look at the swinging of the pendulum, you would have a still clearer idea of the continuity of life-expression in the reincarnations of your own life. There is action, reversal and rest in the pendulum's swinging, but the pendulum forever swings. No cycle ever ends or begins. Cycles are but never-ending pulsings. There is growth, reversal and decay in the expressed idea of the tree, but the tree forever reappears. The same law applies to YOU. YOU DISAPPEAR but YOU FOREVER REAPPEAR.

Can you not see the universal meaning of sex in these explanations? The universal sex principle, like the universal life principle, is a continuity. It never ceases. The sex interchange which begins life is continuous. It never ceases. That is what growth is. That is what mother-fatherhood is. That is what Love is.

The entirety of all the universe is a continuing expression of the Love principle, which God is. It is a ceaseless, endless continuity of giving and regiving. Man's life is given over to the purpose of learning how to give and regive EQUALLY. That is man's problem. That is civilization's problem. Man's entire present life, and thousands of lives before the present one, is spent in learning that one lesson. Whatever happiness or misery, success or failure, man creates through his experiences during his long lesson-learning, are made by himself. These are the rewards or punishments which he creates for himself. As a man thinketh, so is he. As a man acteth so he becomes. Every creating thing in this universe is SELF-created--and that SELF within each creating thing is GOD.

Let us break here for a brief rest and begin a new chapter. Thank you.



MONDAY, JULY 29, 1991 2:10 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 347


As these lessons move along, I must state that I deeply know my responsibility to you who are seeking to awaken the Light of all-knowledge and power within you and to the world of men who are seeking to build a unified civilization which is only possible when MAN, as a whole, shall have found that Light within himself.

The moral world is fast sinking because all of its institutions base their beliefs upon the education of man's body instead of upon his Mind. You, and all mankind, will be caught in that maelstrom of world-degeneration and immorality whether you will it or not. Our responsibility to you--and yours to the world--hangs heavy upon your beings as we put to print these lessons. We can give you the key to the door of heaven, but it is for you and the world to turn the key and enter into its Light. That key is KNOWLEDGE, for ignorance alone keeps man imprisoned within his body and compels that body to ever walk the treadmill of a physical existence under the lash of its slavery.

The world is grossly ignorant of its greatest essential--CHARACTER. You are continuing to build a criminal, immoral world of fear and licentiousness because your concept of values is "material". The Soul which ties man to God is not only allowed to sleep, but is forced to sleep by a civilization which is forever trying to "gain the whole world at the price of losing its own Soul".

I ask that you stamp these next words upon your Consciousness with indelible ink:

  1. The MOST IMPORTANT THING in life is what you do to your neighbor.

  1. The LEAST IMPORTANT THING in life is what you or your neighbor believes.

  1. He who gives of himself to his neighbor enriches his Soul and builds character, but he who takes from his neighbor seals his soul in its tomb and enslaves his body to the world-treadmill from which there is no escape other than the awakening of his Soul.

  1. The most important and noble attribute of man is CHARACTER.

What are world institutions which are endeavoring to build a stable civilization doing about the building of character in the world? What are education, religion, science and government doing to build the character in man which is a necessary prerequisite for a unified civilization? This is the need for some 25 of the prior JOURNALS--so that you can see that the intent is not only to NOT build character--but in fact, to tear it down completely. In every facet of your life--personal and social--you have been betrayed and pushed into deeper ignorance.

EDUCATION is entrusted with the unfolding of Mind-awareness which alone unites man with God. The primal necessity of education is the building of character in man through giving him knowledge of the arts end skills of man's produce and of the interchanges between men which make better neighbors and citizens. It is, instead, creating machine men, robots and parrots who remember and repeat instead of geniuses who think and know. Education is training bodies instead of illumining minds. Our schools and universities have teachers for everything but CHARACTER.

RELIGION is entrusted with bringing love into the world in order to unify mankind into ONE WORLD. Religion is the most disunited organization on Earth. It consists of over 400 disunited sects which are divided one from another by unnatural pagan beliefs in miracles, superstitions, creeds, dogmas and doctrines which have bred disunity, intolerance, fear, ignorance and licentiousness throughout the world for long centuries. DISUNITY CANNOT UNITE.

The Christ who founded Christianity told the world of a God of Love, Unity and Brotherhood of Man. The many religions teach fear, sin, evil and a God of wrath whom man must fear. They teach GOODNESS as a reward for virtue. They teach many things which Immanuel did not say--things forged into the New Testament by those who wished to keep fear alive in man for their own profit.

Religion has fought science and the acquisition of knowledge since its very beginning to keep fear of eternal damnation and freedom to think alive in him. Its history is written in the blood of martyrs who suffered the tortures of the Inquisition. The eyes of thousands of "heretics" have been gouged out for refusal to believe the excesses of its creeds and doctrines. Even unto this day the charge of heresy rises quickly to the tongue of one churchman who believes a shade differently from another one, for freedom of religion is not a characteristic of churchmen. That one thing which the Christ deemed most necessary in His teachings--brotherly love and unity--is impossible in a disunited system of many religious beliefs and faiths as it is for the dark to illumine with light.

SCIENCE, which is entrusted with the responsibility of verifying God by acquiring knowledge of God's processes of Creation and other qualities of the Creator and Creation, has denied that responsibility on the ground that God cannot be verified in the laboratory. Instead of being the equal mate to religion which, together, could lead mankind to a comprehensible God, science has severed itself completely from the responsibility of having anything to do with man's Soul and has relegated its offices entirely to the multiplication of the product of man's body, and draws no line between the production of implements which man needs for body comfort or which nations of men need for body destruction. There is not one-quarter of an inch provided for in the platform of this great element of social welfare for the development of the most needed element of the social order--CHARACTER.

GOVERNMENT, whose very essence is unity--and whose very purpose is to serve its people in order that their complex and diverse interests can be resolved into one harmonious working whole--does not fulfill that purpose and never has. Government governs; it rules now as it always has. Governments and rulers have built empires by slaughtering and exploiting other nations of men. They have spread hatred and fear throughout the world and created enemies which have impoverished them and caused them to tax their peoples for generations to come as the fruits of their RULING.

Governments started as the expression of power and might of ONE MAN OVER ALL MEN. Pharaohs, kings, emperors, czars and other absolute rulers of nations governed justly or unjustly, brutally or kindly, but in them was all the power of "might-overright" which each potentate chose to exercise. Wars began that way. One king desired more power and wealth and got it, or lost his own by descending upon his neighbor with his sword. It has ever been thus since the dawn of history. The lust for power has always crushed the desire for spiritual unfolding of man which built character in him.

No greater element of your social order is so tainted with the qualities which foster a criminal growth than politics. The very word is tainted with the connotation of corruption and bribery. Like other elements of your present social order, government standards are fast declining. The statesmen of today have not the standards of dignity which were characteristic of your first presidents. Empires have ennobled pirates, conquerors and magnates, but God ennobles only those whose characters have made them like unto Him.

As far back as your counting of 35th century B.C., represented by monuments erected throughout the world, is evidence of man's search for power in which the machinery of human government became the organized expression of the thirst for power--the appetite for the exercise of force. Practically every war ever fought has been a political one in which one man, or one nation, sought for power over other men or nations and/or to gain of their wealth. Up to this very MOMENT in this generation today, one man in many nations had the power of life and death over every man in his country. In no other organization of human life has the thirst for power been so drastically exercised, and by might-over-right methods which are the opposite of all that is morally "christian" or ethical.

Religion and government have persistently fought each other for power supremacy since the dawn of history. That power, which both church and state fought for, was the power over other men, and such power was always based upon self-motives. We are not criticizing any world institution--I have no purpose nor intent to do so. We are telling YOU what is the matter with YOUR WORLD, just as a physician must diagnose an ill patient. It cannot be said of the doctor that he is criticizing a patient by telling him he has a cancer. Must it always mean that if we tell Truth we are somehow less your friend? The human race is still primate intellectually and barbarous physically, and that includes your institutions. If we, who are teachers of God's ways and processes, cannot diagnose world faults and thus help to cure them, the world will still suffer from its ailments without knowing what those ailments are. The world needs leadership, but when the church or government desires power, leadership then means dominion over men. However, it should be guided by the teachings of one of God's Messengers who taught that the leader is best who works WITH men in such a manner as to make them believe that they DID IT THEMSELVES! SALU!

I offer unto you these things so that you will know what is the matter with the world and offset it by the one and only thing which will offset it, the development of character in man. Previously, we said that a certain statesman said that we might cure the ills of the world, "If we only knew what they were." In the foregoing pages we have told you what they are. The question now is shall you remedy them, or have you time to remedy them? Has the world fallen too low to remedy them? Every symptom which existed as cause of the fall of other great civilizations exists today in your whole world. Enmity, fear, greed, lust for power, hatred, a fast lowering culture, a fast increasing sex looseness and promiscuity including teen-agers, treason, slavery, crime increase and race hatred, and the killing of an average of a million brothers of men by other brothers of men, have lowered the standards of world morality, honor and character more since 1900 than the world has gained in eight centuries prior to 1900, and with it world culture has degenerated in like measure. This does not, you must know, include murder through "legal" means such as abortion.

We are now to the point where we can paint the whole world picture of the struggle of man very simply and briefly. For at least a million years, man has been able to make implements for his domestic and war purposes, but not until about 8,000 years ago did he know right from wrong. He led an instinctively controlled life supplemented by primal reasoning ability for survival only.

Reduced to its ultimate simplicity, the fight for survival of body means TAKING what one needs for survival of body. To take from others means the development of the physical power and strength needed for taking.




The Dawn of Conscience came into the human race about 8,000 years ago, and with it simultaneously began the Dawn of Character and Righteousness. We mean by that, that man began to know right from wrong and began to govern his actions accordingly.

Two thousand years of increasing ability to think and create gave to man a language and an ability to carve that language into words, symbols and forms on the stones of his tombs and temples. Thus began the ages-long fight between the physical desires of primal man as expressed by TAKING and the slowly dawning spiritual man as expressed by GIVING. Even the giving of justice, consideration and friendship until then was unknown.

The fruits of the TAKING principle are the exercise of might-over-right for acquisition of power and material possessions. The fallacy of the taking principle is that what one takes from another to enrich one's self with possessions and happiness will impoverish him instead and bring anguish to his house in the measure of his taking. The law respecting the taking principle is that the exercise of might-over-right by the strong over the weak will strengthen the weak to destroy the strong. The slave will always rise to slay the master. He who slays by the sword is slain by the sword. The richest and most powerful empire builders in the world have been reduced to living on rations behind barricades of armaments lest they be destroyed by the descendants of those whom they have destroyed.

The fruits of the GIVING principle are love, happiness, inspiration and the exaltation which comes only to those who have become aware of the Inner Light to some extent. The law respecting the giving principle is that what one gives he always has whether or not he is regiven, but he who gives is regiven in kind.

There you have it, precious ones, the story of the rise of man from his jungle to his high heavens. It is the story of ages-long learning the lesson of love through countless experiences in which the unfolding of the spiritual in man gave to him more and more awareness of the, Light of his own divinity and Oneness with God.

Now returning to the meaning of higher knowledge. If what you do to your neighbor is the most important event of every moment, can you not see, therefore, that you either TAKE or GIVE to him in every action? If you TAKE, you are exercising primitive physical practices which will react against you. If you GIVE, you are storing up the most valuable attribute a man can acquire--CHARACTER--and you are on the road to making the supreme discovery of your Self, which is the goal of all mankind.

Is it not plain to you that the Creator of forms for His IDEAS has as distinct a pattern for the unfolding of world destiny and your part in it as He has for an oak tree or a butterfly? Is not all Creation patterned in the form of its IDEA? Do you not truly realize this glorious fact? If you do, we can now return to the statement made in other pages that God sends illumined teachers among men during every period of man's unfolding to reinspire in them the inspirations He has given men. This has been so since the beginning. You know of them as far back as around the 34-35th century B.C. You have known about two of the greatest of these, Immanuel "Jesus" and Krishna. We have recited their basic teachings to you, teachings which were for the sole purpose of awakening the Light of God-awareness in man and the development of nobility of character in man. We will now tell you about many of the hundred to two hundred lesser teachers whom God has illumined down the ages, in differing measure, to give you the great gift of character which is the fruit of those who have become transformed from one who TAKES to one who GIVES.

These names are those of the immortals who will never be forgotten to the very ends of history. The reason for and the measure of their immortality lies solely in the fact that they have learned to walk and talk with God, and because of that fact they have learned to give priceless gifts to man which endure forever. These mystics, prophets, poets, creative geniuses of the arts, and wise sages, are what they are solely because they have transformed themselves through knowledge within them directly from God, instead of acquiring only the simulation of knowledge through their senses. These are the Messengers of God to man who give of all they have and enrich themselves and the whole world by their giving.

Do you know what we mean by this? If not, think of a Beethoven or a Leonardo. These men cannot help giving all they have of themselves, whether they are regiven or not. They cannot be impoverished by thus giving for they are like unto wells of living waters. The more they give, the more they have to give, and God's law works as surely for them as it does for the lily in the field which gives no thought of reward for its perfume, and it will work equally for you in the measure of your awareness of the Light of our divinity.

Previously, we told you that immortals from every age left heritages to man for the building of character in him. There has been no interval in all history in which messengers thus prepared have not been among men to transform them and awaken in them that Light which will make of one man out of ten million. We wish to leave with you one other thought before we give you the greatest teachings the world has ever known, teachings which have had no meaning as yet to the human race which is still in its early barbarous stage of TAKING by man-killing, teachings which are the basis of character but ignored by your educational institutions.

That one thought is that every illumined Messenger ever born to Earth for the purpose of uplifting the moral standards of man brought only one message, and that could be put into these words--LOVE YE ONE ANOTHER. Their teachings were limited to telling people how to live to manifest the Love principle upon which this universe is founded. In reviewing these teachings since recorded history began about 60 centuries B.C., you will find that one golden thread running through all divine Messengers' teachings. We will now search for that golden thread of the master poets' and mystics' thinking to tell you why that which they have given to the world should become the source of higher educational teachings for the building of a moral and righteous civilization, and why their omission from human educational teachings is the cause of the present growth of crime and degeneracy which will inevitably plunge all mankind into another long Dark Age.

It is difficult for people who ride in luxurious motor cars and live in comfortable homes to believe this for most of the world believes that you are in a high state of civilization. The poets know better, however. Listen, to what Emerson said to the world in the 1870's:

"We think our present civilization near its meridian, but we are yet only as the cock-crowing and the morning star. In our barbarous society the influence of character is in its infancy.

Herbert Spencer said at that same time:

"Our civilization is based upon piracy. Until we become a moral and ethical people no civilization can endure."

James H. Breasted also said:

"The more pressing need of America at the present critical juncture is not more mechanization but more character:

Your greatest Minds of all time gave their messages to mankind in vain. They have been ignored because man was not ready for them. The physical man is still dominant and he wants only a physical world with more comforts for his body, more machines to multiply his physical productivity, and more and better explosives with which to kill. Man has not yet discovered that such a world breeds crime as well as wars. We do not mean the underworld crimes alone. We lay stress upon the inevitable increase of treason and that kind of disloyalty which leads to rebellion and governmental overthrow by war-made enemies boring within.

Empire building and colonialization have furnished the cause for the state or world hatred which exists today, and lack of teachings which build character and righteousness was the cause of empire building.

If it is not too late, there is still hope for the reversal of world degradation if the educational and religious organizations would even now build character and righteousness in man by giving him the knowledge of the higher teachings of God's few Messengers who He illumined for that purpose.

In conclusion, we have now laid the foundation for your full comprehension of what higher knowledge means, and have clearly shown why mankind will continue to fall in eternal sequences of Dark Ages until man as a whole, and all of his institutions as his working parts, realizes: "In vain do we build the city if we do not first build the man."

Next we will go back to the earliest known Messengers to man, about 8,000 years ago in Egypt where the Dawn of Consciousness and Character began. We will trace the essence of their teaching down to this day. It is my hope that the inner knowledge will begin to become apparent within each of you.

Remember, as we close this chapter and allow digestion and a bit of rest for the scribe--BALANCE. The other words were added to help man comprehend that one word.

Another thought is to ask you to give deepest thought to the word UNITY and realize what that word means to your physical and spiritual manifestation of God in Action. Fully realize that unity is impossible if the pairs of a transaction are not equal. We have told you that you can trace all of your ills and the world's terrible troubles to that inequality in the transactions of Man in Action, which leaves a residue of unbalance which has not been able to be united with its mate.

Learn to think of the two equal hemispheres of the sun as a perfect mating. Each half is equal, and each half cannot function without the other. Think of yourself and your mate that way. Say to yourself, "I have no intellect of my own, or body of my own, or thought of my own. The other half is my wife/husband and I cannot fully function unless both halves are as equally balanced as the two hemispheres of the sun." If you can think and act that way, you multiply the power of both immeasurably. Likewise, every transaction of life is between pairs, and the pairs must balance with each other in order to become united. Will you take this thought into every moment you can give to meditation for it is the BIGGEST THOUGHT IN ALL CIVILIZATION. If you can master it all else will be added unto you.

Thank you for joining me. We will continue on the morrow. Good-day.




FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1991 9:10 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 351


Germain present in the Mighty I Am Presence. Greetings. It has been such a busy week for you that it seems difficult to settle into JOURNAL writing. It gives us a good opportunity, however, to refresh and come back within focus of subject. It is fine, Dharma, for fires must be extinguished.

I ask that you please be allowed a copy of the Sanskrit material. We will be bringing you information on craft and advanced technology and it may shock a few into attention if we compare it to that of 5,000 years ago. The ones of that time were far, far advanced of you as you will be given to see. But for this day we are going to first answer some pondered questions and then move smartly along.

As the earlier "PLEIADEAN CONNECTIONS" JOURNALS are beginning to filter through we are getting some superb inquiries regarding Consciousness, meditation and prayer. Some are saying that they have been practicing in various manners in "getting in touch" and they think they comprehend the material--but "nothing happens" and they wonder why. Let us look at a few of these and get you some help early on as is possible. For by the time you receive this book the more detailed discussion will be in your possession along with the tapes and you can have a better perspective of this subject.


You say there is no need to pray "with words". Why is that? All of my life I have heard clergymen pray fervently to God in Church and heard my parents thank God for each meal. It is a beautiful and inspiring custom. I know you have a good reason but it seems to me the custom of praying at times, such as upon retiring or at meal times, is very beautiful. Also, when one is faced with a problem one should pray to God for a solution, and also pray when one desires something. Does it not say in the Bible: "Ask and ye shall receive"?

This question is not asked in a critical sense for we revere you and your teachings. It is asked simply because I have never before heard of such a custom as yours. I have heard also that you do not believe in the idea of kneeling in prayer, or bowing your heads in humility. Is that true and, if so, will you explain why?

GERMAIN: I thank you for this question, for I know that people would become very much closer to God if they pray WITHIN than with words or at periodic times, like taking meals or medicines as a habitual routine. The answer lies in an attitude of Mind, rather than in a custom God is present at ALL times not just periodically. The divergence between my suggestions and your habitual routines of mass-man is basically founded upon the fact that, as Illuminates, we have become aware of God's total and unswerving presence within. Having experienced a Oneness with God, I cannot possibly set periodic times when I shall be aware of His presence any more than you could set times for breathing in periodic intervals and stop breathing in between those intervals.

As you come into the experience of that UNITY of which I have been speaking you shall also recognize "knowledge" of your divinity and it becomes impossible to pray in words and sounds only at periodic times as it would be to talk aloud to yourselves at times. It is beautiful to pause and even if you speak aloud or do not--it is good to recognize in the consciousness these "special" times and give extra thanks and appreciation. It is the "habit" and "ritual" which becomes mundane which is suggested you begin to diminish in conscious attention. Life must begin to be lived as one continuous communion with God/Prayer, every moment, whether working at the daily needs or sitting to eat. In this manner God becomes an accepted and constant companion. It is not nearly as embarrassing to one's self to be always in presence with God and expect solutions as it is to wait until you have massive problems and then give formal petition. God is an ongoing benefactor and if you keep Him within your cognition there ceases to be need to ask special favors.

The reason a time of quiet pause is most beneficial at given times is to allow ones to give their own thanks and not just the parroted babblings of the speaker--man becomes lazy and always enjoys having another do his work for him. It is not possible! It matters not where you put your head, etc., at these times--but bowing, staring or lifting one's head makes not one whit of difference--the point is to cause you to THINK about that which you are doing.

Ones often feel most close and exalted in the Light and will desire to lift his head high in the spirit of what the prophet said: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my strength." Now, we know that the strength comes from within but the perception is that God abounds in all things and unto the farthest reaches.

Those who deliberately kneel with that sort of humility which is described in the words "for we are but worms beneath thy feet" are not truly expecting much for self. Anyone who can say, "I and my Father are ONE," and know what he is saying, cannot designate himself as a worm, or, feel like one, in God's presence. That is what I mean by saying that inner prayer differs from the way one prays who feels himself to be overcome with sin and a lowly creature who is SEPARATE AND APART FROM GOD.

Let us consider an even larger reason which will make it very difficult to continue in conventional custom. The very act of talking aloud in words implies that one is talking to another physical person outside of himself, as you talk to a friend, business acquaintance, mother or father. You must realize that God is within--that you are one with HIM--That your Mind is within His Mind. You, therefore, THINK WITH HIM instead of TALKING TO HIM. He is within you, not over there somewhere afar from you. His dwelling place in heaven is your dwelling place. He needs no body with which to hear, so why talk aloud in words? It is because you are "trained" to "lead" prayer for the benefit of those present and it is not wise nor necessary. Do the teaching and THEN, do the praying.

You need to recall what Immanuel said in this respect when he derided the piety of the Pharisees who prayed aloud that all may know of their "piety". Do you not recall the word he used in describing them? The word was HYPOCRITES.

When Immanuel went up into the mountain to "pray", He did not pray in the conventional manner of mass-man--remember? He COMMUNED! He went forth alone so that He could commune in His own silence. He wished to talk WITH Him in that silent language of inner Light as geniuses and mystics do so that God could answer and not be drowned out by the babbling tongue. You cannot hear well and be speaking at the same time--you can hear and know if you are in the silence.

What of "Ask and you will receive?" Does it make sense that it is heard by God more easily through voice aloud as from the heart within? Are there not ways to ask within? If God is within your very thought--will He not pick up the message FIRST? We are speaking, precious ones, about IDEA. The farmer has his way of asking by putting seed in the ground. That is the Creator in the action of creating, as exemplified in the farmer sowing his seed. In that very act, he is asking for a crop by becoming co-Creator with God--WITHIN. He is not asking God for a crop--in words. He is asking in the only way God answers prayer, and that is by the action of man in doing his part with the certainty that God will do HIS PART.

What would you say to the farmer who asked for a crop in spoken words, then waited for God to give him what he requested? You would undoubtedly think he was insane if he really believed that God answered prayers in that manner. You call that wishful thinking, yet countless numbers of people really believe that if they ask fervently enough God will do FOR them what they ask without cooperation by them or any action on their part.

What would you say of the man that asked for money, or love, or success, or any of the many desires of man, without doing anything about it himself--just sat and waited? What would you think of the man who asked God to cure his stomach trouble and then kept right on eating ground glass and arsenic? It becomes obvious what your answer should be, yet millions of people pray fervently to ask God to stop the wars which man just set into motion. "God save our sons"--that YOU just sent to confront the bullets--what of the other mothers' prayers for their sons who confront your son? God tells you to "STOP making war and the problem will not be present." Do you listen? Do you act? No, you go forth and make another war.

Your free will gives you the privilege of making wars or jumping over high cliffs. That is your privilege. I cannot take away that privilege without taking away your free will and making an automaton of you. I hold the right to the reaction of men for I must balance all things in My universe, but the reaction will be as hurtful to you as is your action. That is the Law of Love which gives and regives IN KIND, and EQUALLY.

Note that the usual verbal prayer is mostly selfish request for something wanted by somebody who has no thought or intention of giving anything in return for the gift.

Most all prayers and such requests are but wishful thinking if even that much. What of your recent war when after the war and you had lost fewer men than predicted, you pounced on this writer and said, "see, there weren't hardly any deaths. Hatonn was wrong!" Was he? What of the over two million Iraqis who will perish before this "war" is truly ended. I give you worse scenario--the war is NOT over and many millions will perish.

In the week just past the full intent was for the U.S. to bomb into oblivion Baghdad and most of the remaining portions of Iraq--the Russians stopped you. What think ye of that?

What think ye of the Administration of the U.S. who now wishes to convict (in absentia) Khun Sa of the Drug Cartel, the world's biggest Drug Lord, for Drug Trafficking by the U.S. Yes, I said "by the U.S.". They also wish to blame him for the failure of the BCCI banking network. How can you pray about that? The man offered to stop trafficking for his only real customer was the United States of America--headed by men in your highest government. What do you pray for in such a circumstance? Most of you deny this as I speak, but it will come forth in proven form as given here--and then what will you think? You will have been praying for destruction instead of "cure" in your ignorance. Is it not better to come into knowing what is about?

The entire stories are now in print by totally credible "witnesses" to the FACTS—you have but to read them--in fact, they have been given unto you right from Hatonn in the JOURNALS and EXPRESSES as quickly as fingers can type. A lot of you have written and told Dharma that you are praying diligently for her salvation for she is obviously trapped in evil. You would pray that God leave her? God is doing the writing in all instances--would you have Him leave her? You see, ye know not that for which you pray. Can you not pray unto God silently in offer of doing His will that this terrible thing come to a close and ask what service you can accept? He will give you the IDEA of service--but if the petition is empty then you will most certainly not perform the task. This is what is meant by "God helps those who help themselves."

Let us consider the crippled person in the wheeled chair. Say he prays to walk again. Say he has two legs but damage has left him unable to walk but there is nerve sensation within the limbs to minute extent. Would he not be wise to begin to work diligently at building those leg muscles in preparation for supporting his weight when he finally stands to walk? Why would God cure you if you could not utilize the cure? Surprise! You are cured and you don't know it for you have prepared for no cure.

The greatest obstacle to the fulfillment of prayer is the belief that God is somewhere out in pace and hears every word you utter with His "senses", the way you hear spoken words. This concept is due to the fact that 95 % of the human race has hardly begun as yet to unfold intellectually. They do not know any better for they are still babes in primate, and primacy means ignorance. Note, I did not say in stupidity--I said ignorance which means, not with knowledge.

QUESTION: I would like to know more of the meaning of that phrase which is used so often:"Be still and know".

GERMAIN: The universe of all-knowledge is the invisible universe of stillness from which motion springs. The entire chapters of two units of these writings are devoted to explaining this universe of Mind where God dwells. It is called "space" in common terms. It is actually a universal vacuum. Spend time with the fully diagrammed drawings of rings with holes in them which tell you how matter is created. For you who do not have privy to the books, we have rediagramed them for you in this JOURNAL.

Centering those fast whirling rings is a shaft of gravity which is perfectly STILL. That is where inspiration and thought come from. That center is like the fulcrum from which a moving lever extends. The centering fulcrum is still. The lever alone moves but it borrows its power to move from the still fulcrum.

That is what the universe of Mind and matter is like. That which is immortal, eternal, changeless and unconditioned is still. That which moves is mortal, transient, changing and conditioned. REALITY is still. The make-believe universe of matter in motion is always in motion. There is no knowledge, power or reality to motion.

QUESTION: Why cannot other people see the Truth in these books? I speak primarily of "educated university people".

GERMAIN: The conventionally educated man may know the whole encyclopedia yet be bored by listening to an opera which would lift you to the higher joy. He might be able to sell a million dollars worth of invented product, yet not be able to invent a mouse trap. The human race first unfolds its Physical nature. It then unfolds its spiritual or mental nature. The friend of education out of all knowledge has simply not begun to unfold his spiritual nature and has not present interest in so doing. He is devoid of feeling that which you feel. His imagination has not yet awakened and his receptors dulled by that which he has been told. His own creative powers are not yet awakened for he still functions according to that which he has been told to believe. If such a man wrote a book, it would be a re-hash from his memories of other books. If he were put on a board of directors of a large company, he would resist change. These ones are stuck in ignorance. These ones can go endlessly to school after school in subject after subject and then turn about and even blame you for spoiling their program by your absurd interference. This is why you offer--you do not demand nor push--WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY THE TEACHER APPEARS! I do suggest that you get the copy of the material "back" so that you might try it on another.

QUESTION: When a battery discharges, is it not the same as a body dying? If that is so, is not a growing body a charging body? Is not that what you are calling life and death?

GERMAIN: I believe I can answer yes to each of these. Life's simple process of creating matter is an electric charging effect. Everything grows in strength and more powerful by electric charge just as your battery grows more and more powerful by electric charge. In electric terms, that is called charge. In biological terms, it is called life. It is the same effect as inbreathing. When Nature manifests idea, it then rests from the creative action. Discharge then takes place of charge. Decay replaces growth. Death replaces life.

I have described a wave cycle. The universe consists solely of wave cycles which come and go to manifest the idea of eternal life by repetitive sequences of life and death cycles.

QUESTION: The subject of meditation interests me more than anything else in your teachings, for it is beginning to mean much to me. At first I thought I had to concentrate upon some idea, or think hard. The more I do the opposite, the more I feel ideas coming to me. Will you explain more about it?

GERMAIN: So many feel that meditation means concentration that I am glad to respond to that specific question. Meditation means communion WITH GOD. It means being TAUGHT by God--directed by Him and controlled by Him. To accomplish this, you must open your Mind and give God a chance to teach you. To concentrate, you are shutting God out by doing all the talking yourself. The purpose of meditation is to give you knowledge of the part you are to play in the drama of creation. God sometimes tells you the next few lines in your part of the play and sometimes tells your part and your destiny for many years ahead, as He always does to Illuminates. One little inspiration which comes to you in meditation is like unto one paragraph, or more, in a very long chapter. God gives you that little now because you can bear only that little now. When you are strong in the Light, you will have many full chapters given you in a timeless flash, and you will begin to unfold those chapters in action for years.

God never gives to people more than they can bear, so if you deeply desire knowledge and power, learn to seek the silence of His World with Mind unfettered from bodysensing. That is the real meaning of meditation. It must begin by stopping your thinking.

It might be well for you to reflect upon the great world geniuses. Imagine a Pucccini or Wagner walking out into the forest. Very soon he forgets that he is walking into the forest. He eliminates body from his awareness. His Mind is wide open to hear the rhythms which come out of the silence. Soon they come to him in the mood of Nature which reflects them to him in Light and he reflects them back in sound. The Moonlight Sonata, for instance, is a reflection of a mood of Nature such as that. You can readily understand that Beethoven did not go out into the moonlight to commune with God by shutting his Mind up tight by concentrating. It was wide open to listen with his inner ears to the mood of Nature.

Let me add, that he who is enabled to so decentrate that he can translate nature's moods does so only because he has been enabled to talk to God in God's language of light-waves and light-rhythms. The immortals of the world who have given to it the rhythms which constitute world culture, ethics and righteousness are those who have been enabled to transcend human senses. The moment you have so transformed yourself so that you can translate those rhythms of God's thinking, you will have taken your first step toward immortality.

QUESTION: I have a son whose sole desire is to paint pictures. He would willingly give up every pleasure that boys usually indulge in order to paint. We do not mind his painting but we are informed that good artists cannot make a living since modern art degraded good art. Also, he neglects his schooling and other duties of life. He listens to classic music for hours but will not listen to television. The general impression of his friends is that he is an impractical dreamer who will never amount to anything, and my men friends seem to be sorry for my wife and me for having so dull a son. What do you think about it, and what should we do about it?

GERMAIN: Your son is one of the small percent of the human race who has unfolded his spiritual nature beyond the other large majority of physically-sensed humans. The physical majority do not understand the spiritually-advanced ones. It is an experience which they have never had for themselves; therefore they either deny it in others or do not recognize it.

The question as to whether or not your boy can make money out of art is not the issue. He must cultivate it for what it will do for himself, whether he becomes an artist or not. Such expressions in the arts denote the creative mind rather than the imitative one. That is what he is efforting to develop. You should assist him in doing so, even if he has to earn his living some other way and use art as an avocation.

The point for a parents is to be most discerning. That means that you must carefully attend that which the child is doing, to be aware if this is his love of art or his cop-out on living. Some people go endlessly to school, then graduate school and postgraduate and NEVER ARRIVE. This is not the same as having a driving desire to accomplish expression of creative Mind. Watch what is being listened to on those noise boxes—if it be heavy metal noise--it is brainwashing the child into negative experience. You must use wisdom and I can only respond to the extent that you have given me input. It appears you have a most precious gift which must be nurtured, but you must discern and judge the circumstance. You see, you must NEVER "JUDGE" THE PERSON--YOU MUST ALWAYS JUDGE THE CIRCUMSTANCES AND ACTIONS.


As we move through these lessons I continue to accept and respect the commission given unto me--the responsibility to you and to the world to point out the way of life which God intends for man. This is in order that we may reverse the downward trend of the race which is becoming more and more alarming daily. This downward trend can be expressed by the fact that intelligence has not increased at the same rate as the complexity of the problems to be solved. Thus you are on the downward spiral. This causes our contention that man's desire for mechanical and scientific advancement for the purposes of fulfilling body needs exceeds his desire for spiritual unfolding in the direction of culture, ethics, character and creative achievement in the finer arts and creative expressions.

You must take note that the pursuit of the kind of happiness which is based upon material values is not bringing you happiness, but it has shown itself incapable of preventing your deterioration.

That is why it is time, now, to show the world what is the matter with it so that it can remedy the trouble. Our analysis of the meaning of higher knowledge is given to you for that single purpose. That is also why we are telling you that man must know his universe in order to understand its ways, just as a motorist must know the rules of the road in order to journey through a city. To know your universe, you must become scientists, whether or not you wish such, for you cannot know Nature's ways without becoming "scientists". Before the days of Galileo, dread, superstition and ignorance pervaded the land. Science had progressed far in these centuries even if its concepts were not in accord with Nature. The ancients fully believed that the Earth was flat and that the sun and stars revolved around it. Copernicus dispelled this belief, however, and proved that the Earth was not the center of the universe with heaven immediately surrounding it and Dante's hell just beneath it. That discovery of Copernicus started new thinking, and more knowledge of your universe will bring the great revolution of understanding which will bring a new era of peace on earth. Does this change, even when the facts are proven, come easily? Nay! It is all but impossible to bring about real change.

The new knowledge being brought herein of the meaning of higher knowledge, and a program for giving it unto the world, will soon become the basis for the establishment of a new way of life in which Love and the Law, will be its basis. Well, "soon" might be a bit strong a word--but you actually do not have much time remaining--therefore, it must be soon.

Therefore, know your universe and its Creator, for a new world of man must issue from it within the next ensuing few years.

Can it be accomplished? With God, all things are made possible.




FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1991 2:13 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 351


The time has come now when we are ready to comprehend what the trouble is with the world and the only remedy that is possible to reclaim it from the chaos which inevitably faces you. It is not wise to ignore the handwriting on the walls of the worldstructure. I wish to paint the picture of the present rapid fall of man so vividly that everyone can plainly see that your civilization is doomed to self-destruction if world leaders will do nothing to reverse the conditions which are causing your fall into another age of bestial dark. I am told that I am optimistic for it appears it is too late for bestiality has become the modus operandi--the rest has simply not caught up with the massive misbehavior. We shall see, for it appears to be the time of awakening when man is nearing a low to the point he will turn to God and then the reverse will come very quickly.

When the high moral and righteous civilization of about four thousand years ago fell into degradation because of its lowered moral condition, its people, great and small, said: "Woe is me for the misery of this time. I would that I might die." Little children said: "Would that there were none to keep me alive." Universal despair settled down upon that highly intellectual and moral civilization in which righteousness, justice and morality had developed character in man as has never since been equalled. That is what happened to the Old Kingdom in Egypt at the end of the Pyramid Age, and that is what will happen to the human race before your newborn child shall have reached another five years unless the present system which is now the basis of your human relations is reversed.

You do not believe this because you now have a comfortable home and a motor car. But, there are now over 3 million homeless in this once flourishing nation. People are being laid off in great numbers daily, businesses are closing or moving to other countries--and there is no evidence of new business nor startup again of the old. How long will YOU have a home and other property? The Elite have planned to take it ALL from you so that you will be too helpless to rise against them--you are nearing the point of having only months to take action rather than even years--there are no more "decades" to consider in the waiting.

You cannot picture your own son slaying you, his own father? How about prostituting wife or daughter? What about turning your back while another man slays his brother as men like you and your son are doing in this day--and even passing out honors and having parades for the action. It is only that you cannot believe it has happened to you- -you cannot believe that it ever could happen to you. Do you forget how quickly degradation and wholesale prostitution overtook the little peaceful, moral German villages of home-loving, church-going people immediately after the first World War? What of the second World War? What of the atrocities in Viet Nam? Even with the gang wars and drug related crimes and killings you cannot believe that this can happen here and to YOU--this prosperous young nation being plunged into the very dregs of debauchery and misery in less than one generation. It has happened, brothers, and while you slept the Elite would-be rulers stole your Constitution, set up drug trafficking centers in your own military installations and your children are killing each other in the streets of the cities. You who are young will see it, however, for you are in it and you will yourself sink to the lowest levels along with the rest, or kill all you love and yourself, too, to escape it. You will then find that the present civilization is only a thin veneer which will strip itself off from its base in a few short years after morality and character have reached a certain level toward which it is now almost at crescendo. One more World War will create this dread chaos within only days or weeks as millions of homeless city refugees flee the cities to desecrate the countryside for very survival.

The most conspicuous symptoms which have accompanied every FALL OF MAN for thousands of years are these: Lowered idealism with resultant lowered culture, character, morality, righteousness and justice--disappearance of sex-idealism with resultant promiscuity and homosexuality--greed and lust for possessions and power--crime and youth delinquency--and fear of wars arising from international disunity. These causes you have with you this day in greater intensity and measure than ever before in all of human history. A CAUSE cannot exist without being followed by its EFFECT. It is time to admit that the CAUSE is here. You must also know that its EFFECT IS ALSO HERE AND CANNOT BE LONGER AVOIDED. Yet few seem to be concerned and refuse to look at the proof because it seems unbelievable that it could have happened to YOU. Socrates did not believe that the high civilization of Greece could fall--but it did.

The great artists and idealists of 1900 would starve today. Entertainment has grown vulgar and pornographic. Character, morality and justice are all but GONE. Crime, even unto TREASON, is fast consuming the last portions of your nations. Sexidealism is gone and sex-looseness is blatantly present at every turn from the lower grades on. Diseases associated are wiping out great numbers of your citizens--including your babies. Abortion is rampant and not only sanctioned but demanded. Promiscuity is destroying the sanctity of an increasingly larger percentage of homes--it is remarkable to have an intact family of origin. Above all this is FEAR--fear for loss of security and fear of war. Fear of the Truth and fear of the ignorance. Terror sweeps the nations like wild fires out of control. There is a reason for this, and that reason is that the basic underlying CAUSE of this world disaster to the human race lies in gross ignorance of balance in human relations and its consequent malpractice. You have not kept watch and the wicked have stolen all while you noted it not.

The world has not yet realized that the only way a civilization can endure is by practice of the LOVE PRINCIPLE of GIVING instead of TAKING. When man learns how to serve man rather than to exploit or enslave him, morality, justice and character will then come again into the world. Former JOURNALS tell you why and how greed and fear came into the world and caused man to "gain the whole world at the cost of his Soul". We wish to show you that civilization has advanced technically for thousands of years but has retarded spiritually to the point where none of your great institutions gives any thought to the development of character in spiritual man, while the development of character and righteousness during the Age of Character, when God was thought of as Light and symbolized by the sun, was paramount. Ever since that day of high standards of righteousness and culture, which men then valued, there has been a gradual tendency to create machine-men who could produce material wealth for an ever increasing material-minded world.

By thus giving you this knowledge of all of WORLD HISTORY boiled down to that spoonful so you can see it as a whole, you will then readily see that the only chance for human survival and growth into a united and cohesive one world of cooperative man is through rhythmic balance in industry, for Industry could be the greatest and most powerful institution on Earth--the only one which can unite mankind into its ideal of ONE-WORLD, which Government, Education and Religion have all failed to do. Where nations have conquered nations by might-over-right and spread fear and hatred in so doing, Industry could gradually conquer the whole world through friendly service which binds men together through the giving and regiving to each other of the needs of the other. All mankind has to trade with all mankind and loves to do so. This necessity for mutual trading would gradually become more ethical, and character is the product of ethical interchange. That is the secret of the greatest opportunity for expressing unified power the world has ever known. This great unifying power is hardly awakened as yet, for it is new. It does not yet know its own long-sleeping Soul.


To understand man and to know what is the matter with man and man's world of today, it is necessary to go back to the very beginnings of his awareness that he is a man. That period was the dawn of his Consciousness, which means the very first awareness of his immortality. That was probably about eight thousand years ago, but two or three thousand years of twilight preceded that dawn of a sufficiently conscious awareness of morality, character and righteousness to form a social order where justice and a philosophy of life were strong enough to unify man's interests into what you call a civilization. During all of this period a language slowly grew, together with a way of writing that language in word forms and symbols. The Age of Character then began in Egypt. Its rulers and its people considered character building as of first import. All else was secondary, as we shall see.

Then came into being an intellectual, moral, righteous, cultured and scientific civilization such as the world has never yet equalled in its spiritual standards, with the qualities which are essential to an enduring civilization. Man of the pre-Pyramid Age has never been surpassed as a moral intellectual during all of these thousands of years. The reason for that is because individual greed for physical possessions and power had not yet come into the world. People's desires were collective for the good of the whole. In man's discovery of man, he valued man above all things for he discovered that every man working together in unity could produce wonderful things.

Greed came gradually and did not gain force, to the detriment of character, until about the 25th century B.C. From that time forward, man set the product of man before man himself. For this reason he has now become a part of his machine and is so considered. In appraising the value of any laborer, his ability to produce more output from his machines than another man is the measure of his worth. In the upper brackets of industry, the man who can produce more profit for his employer is the man of greater value. This has been the slow growth of centuries during which time man has forever thought of his civilization as highly advanced over the barbarous ages of the past.

We can point to the airplane, the motor car, the telephone, television, radio, computers and a thousand other inventions which stand as proof of great human progress over even the horse-and-buggy days about which you still make movies from only a couple of generations past. We do not, however, point to the great advancement of man in the art of killing in which he has been supreme. The stone hatchet, the arrow, then the sword and bullet, could kill only one man at a time. During the past century of what man calls his "greatest" era of human progress, man's advance in the art of weapon building has made it possible to kill thousands and thousands of men and wipe out whole cities with just one discharge of his new weapons. As a matter of fact, with the weapons now available, man can wipe out the entire planet and civilization in about 15 minutes or less. Man's only really great advancement has been in the art of killing other men and destroying his own character as a consequence.

Today you think of a civilization of five thousand years ago as savage and primitive, yet if a high intellectual of the Pyramid Age could be escorted through your country he would be highly shocked at the workings of justice and the low standards of your educational and religious institutions in creating machine men of low ideals and no departments in them for the development of character. Such a man would instantly say that you are developing a criminal race which must eventually destroy itself, and he would be quite correct for most of your institutions breed fear, evil and disunity by the "every-man-for-himself " policy of TAKING what one wants by the power of mightover- right. It is rampant in your sports arenas to no longer have integrity--right where a child used to could look unto heros. Even the teachers and police go on strikes for money and leave the children loose and confused as to values. Governments practice this principle in their empire building, which is the same thing individuals do when they want something, but they call it STEALING.

Fear--especially after-death fear--did not enter the Consciousness of man during the great Age of Character. Fear gradually entered human consciousness, fear of afterdeath punishment for the wrong actions of men. This sense was delayed in early man for he did not at first have a sense of right and wrong even when character was at its highest standard because he did not sense the idea of evil for thousands of years, and that sense of evil is a necessary precedent to a sense of right and wrong. This very strange element in the unfolding of the spiritual nature of man is difficult to understand by present-day man because evil and a satanic god for evil, and after-death punishment, have been ingrained into man for long centuries. We will devote a great part of the next section to an explanation of this high mental state which preceded the concept of evil and trace the CAUSE of the growth of the beliefs of sin and evil to man, himself, and to his institutions. We shall look at these beliefs which are man-structured and have no existence in God's universe of Nature.

Oh yes indeed, I have heard your retort that Hatonn said evil was alive and well on planet Earth and that Satan is considered a real entity--NOTE: HE SAID, "ON PLANET EARTH--AMONG HUMANS." HE HAS NEVER SAID WITHIN THE PLACES OF HIGHER ENERGY FORMS IN THE UNIVERSE. HE HAS, IN FACT, SAID THAT NO EVIL NOR SATANIC INTENT WILL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE PLACES OF GOD OF LIGHT!

The Golden Rule, Proverbs and the Ten Commandments were born in Egypt thousands of years before the Hebrews REVIVED them, together with the principle of brotherly love and unity. This we will show you to make you more and more aware that there has never been a time since man first became aware of God when the standards of character, righteousness and sense of the GOOD were as high as they were 5,000 years B.C.

We will also show you that the principle of brotherly love and the necessity of unitial mankind into oneness was born in Egypt thousands of years before the Hebrew civilization rewrote it in revised forms. The purpose of acquainting you with these facts is that there has never been a time since God first revealed Himself to man that He has not illumined a Messenger, or Messengers, to reinspire other men and help to awaken the Light in all men. Further still, we tell it to let you know that every divine Messenger who ever dwelt among men as genius, Illuminate or Christ-Conscious mystic, always spoke words with the same meaning as those first uttered by pre- Pyramid Age man. These few words which portray the Love Principle upon which the universe is founded have been repeated all down the ages in the inspired word of every mystic, from Ikhnaton (Akhnaton) to the one you call Jesus (Immanuel), and from Jesus to Baha'u'llah--every poet from Homer to Emerson and Whitman--and every sage from Confucius to Franklin. They all have but one purpose, that of making man know God through the awakening of the Light of his own divinity. The important thing for every man to fix upon his consciousness is that a RELIGION of RIGHT PRACTICES exalts him.

No civilization can grow which is founded upon unnatural and supernatural beliefs. These beliefs divide and disunite mankind and breed hate and intolerance in him. Mankind still must learn that the most important thing in life is what one does to his neighbor.

Religion did not come into the first civilization for a long time, for religion is a system of beliefs in spiritual beings--according to the Encyclopedia Britannica--which takes time to develop. Moral character was most essential to a race of men who were trying to live together, cooperatively as a social order, and so it was that early man began his civilization by realizing that what one does to his neighbor was the most important thing in every man's life.

We will describe later the mental and objective process of arriving at the conclusion that the universe was founded upon GOOD and that human practices must be GOOD. Out of this grew a code of ethics which became a working practice based upon a philosophy of GOOD. Religion did not come into the Egyptian life until much later, but from that moment of building religious BELIEFS into men's minds instead of ethical practices, FEAR came into the world and moral character and righteousness began their decline and have continued so unto this very day.

Take rest, please, and when we continue we will note the religion of beliefs in spiritual beings soon added supernatural beings and magic and caused a movement into a big thing of FEAR.

Thank you for your attention.




MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1991 8:39A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 354



Germain present in the ever consuming flame of the transmuting violet ray, with the Mighty I AM Presence. May we walk ever together into understanding. It is difficult to cover ALL, at best, and incredibly difficult to cover it all at once when so many other things of daily events are "happening" unto you. This is a time to truly take the words "wait upon the Lord" with great intent. We are outlaying things as quickly as possible and repetition is draining away inconceivable amounts of our time. We can only ask and re-ask that you go back to the earlier JOURNALS and EXPRESSES for information for it is in there. Even this which is given in this detail, is also in the prior JOURNALS. I, too, do not have a way to handle the expenses involved--God will always show the way to gain that which is necessary but he will not, simply shower you with it. Our people can bear no heavier load and the public has no idea of the value of that which they are declining. What will happen, worse, is that man will wait until the cell door closes and locks and then he will not have the wherewithal to purchase them, either. Hard times are ahead--the government depends on you ones to NOT notice that you are given only news which is intended for your eyes and ears.

But you have your clues if you but attend them: in one sentence the newscast will pronounce recovery of the economy and within the very next breath they will announce the close of a major business and/or "...another 6,000 to 10,000 layoffs" in "one" industry branch. If you dig further you will find that the industries in point are completely owned and operated by the Elite few and you will ALWAYS find that among the top two owners will be the Royal Family of England!! No, they DO NOT give out that information. We give it to you when we can work it into the writings and then search for confirmation for you--we are narrowing it down now, however, and the "horse's mouth" with inside intelligence workers will be joining us very, very soon. We have some magnificent men on our team, in addition to the faithful workers already aboard--YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR MESS IF YOU WANT TO FOR IGNORANCE IS NO LONGER GOING TO VALID EXCUSE. HONOR YOURSELVES, YOU WHO HAVE BLESSED THESE WEARY WARRIORS ALONG THE PATH, FOR YOU ARE THE PIONEERS OF TRUTH! THAT WHICH YOU HAVE ACQUIRED FROM THIS PLACEMENT IS WITHOUT PRICE--TOTALLY WITHOUT PRICE. GOD IS THE ONE WHO HAS BROUGHT TRUTH UNTO YOU AND ATTENDS MY LESSONS AS GIVEN, FOR YOU WILL BE SHOWN THE WAY AND THEN HE WILL WAIT UPON YOU--BUT MAN "ELITE" (THE ADVERSARY) WILL EFFORT TO DO YOU IN IN ADVANCE OF YOUR GAINING KNOWLEDGE. IT IS UP TO YOU! SO BE IT AND AMEN.

What happened to "religion" and why has man found it so difficult to accept the possibility of errors? One who denounces the Catholic church cannot seem to believe there could have been an error from the group around Martin Luther or John Calvin. How many of you even know who these people are? I thought not. You of the world who consider yourselves "religious" are exactly that--in love with "religion", NOT God. You wouldn't know, from the "religious" inconsistent teachings, God, if He sat on you--which He is now ready to do. How many will recognize Him? Oh, you really think so? I am privy to your ideas and pronouncements and I think you are mistaken!

The early religion of beliefs, as we were speaking of in the prior chapter, in spiritual beings soon added super-natural beings and MAGIC to those beliefs and then made a big thing of FEAR. Even those early men who weakened ethical practices by infiltrating religious beliefs devised many ways of profiting by them even then as they did thousands of years later on a much larger scale. As this fact is one of the greatest contributors to world degradation of today, you cannot pass it by unnoticed, otherwise we could not tell you what is the matter with man's world. We will refer to this later in relation to the BOOK OF THE DEAD which was written for the express purpose of obtaining money for magic charms and other means of helping the dead to escape the various punishments they would otherwise have to undergo. With after-death fear came evil and sin, pure inventions of man, which did not exist in the highest stages of Egyptian life. Neither did greed for material possessions dominate this first high race. That also grew--and spread later into Babylon and destroyed it.

Those who think of this early race as savage must know that the Pyramids they built have never yet been exceeded by man as scientific structures. One of them shows the existence of a high state of knowledge in mathematics, astronomy and astrology, besides the inclusion of writings which indicate an equally high standard of knowledge of literature. We shall quote later some extracts from the great literature of the Egyptian civilizations which arose and fell between the years of 6000 and 1500 B.C., from which the Psalms and Proverbs of our Old Testament were rewritten with modifications.

Our ancient Bible history is redundant with its tales of slaughter and immoral episodes. We are prone to think of that stage as being due to the early stage of man, whereas it is a stage of fallen man, a stage of long degeneration which followed the infiltration of after-death fear and evil in man. It never seems to have occurred to historians that the intensely low moral stage of Babylonian man was a stage of several thousand years decline of a great race.

All of the foregoing has been written to make it clear to you that when physical man discovered spiritual man, his first greatest desire was to multiply the Mind-qualities of spiritual man. Long centuries passed before the physical qualities, which were instinctive in him for millions of years, gradually dominated the spiritual aspirations of this highly unfolded intellectual race.

It is necessary to give a little space to describe to you the basic cause of the battle between the spiritual and physical natures of early man so that you can comprehend that the whole human race has gradually reached higher and higher standards of physical unfolding which have been expressed by greed for power, physical possessions and entertainment for the senses at the expense of suppressing its spiritual qualities of character, morality and Mind-inspiration. In other words, the human race has for thousands of years been gaining the whole world and paying the price of it by losing its own Soul. To the extent that you do not even recognize that which IS actually the taking of the Soul. Some will live in the world and then utilize nothing which is claimed by "Caesar" such as tools which are set up for themselves--i.e. Corporations, etc. You have been totally confounded and no longer KNOW what it is you are doing or what is Truth and what is the lie in actuality.

You simply do not know whether any other civilizations existed on Earth Shan before the one you know of which had its cradle in Egypt. Yes, of course, there were others--long since harboring their revelations and treasures beneath the sea--with all the classical indications of your dry lands having once been beneath the same seas. You can find traces of proof that at least four "Ice Ages" swept down over Europe, almost to the Mediterranean, during the long millennia previous to the birth of Conscious Man. If any races or civilizations have been buried by the "Ice Age" flow, you are not given privy to know it. You do know, however, that for over a million years the human primitive "Stone Age" man has been occupying all of that area around the Mediterranean and far south into the Sahara Desert which was then a fertile forestcovered hunting ground with heavy rainfalls. You know this because you have found his stone tools and weapons throughout the entire country, and from there north and east through the Euphrates country where Babylon once flourished, across the rest of Asia into China and India. It was in Egypt, however, that the awakening of the Light in man first took place.

During those limitless ages, his sole thought was survival for his body which depended solely upon food and shelter. For this he had to fight constantly. Therefore, for those endless ages his instincts were concentrated upon fighting and killing in order that he might have the necessities for existing. During this period he had no moral nature whatsoever. He was as much animal as other creatures of the jungles and forests were animal.

Gradually he began to observe and reason to an extent sufficient to make weapons which helped him to kill. During all of that period he made his weapons from stone. Not until after Consciousness of Mind in him began did he make weapons and other utensils out of metal.

The one purpose of this brief interlude is to call to your attention the fact that man instinctively killed for a million or more years, before and after he knew that it was wrong to kill. During that killing period he also obtained what he desired by the power of MIGHT-OVER-RIGHT.

Do you not clearly see how it is that when there is any lowering of the moral and cultural standards of man, his physical instincts quickly prevail and he quickly adopts the might-over-right principle of TAKING WHAT HE WANTS, even by killing when necessary and often, when not necessary?

Do you not also clearly see that any individual man, or nation of men, or world of men, who have descended morally or culturally quite easily revert to their old instinctive qualities and rob and kill and enslave other men until all that they have gained of culture and character in generations is lost in a plunge toward their old jungle status? Can you not see this degradation quickly taking place during the last century of wars with their wholesale killings? Do you not see the lowering morality in the sex looseness and lack of character of man in the ratio in which he loses his spiritual nature? Do not further preserve your ignorance by basing all of your assumptions on your own nation--no matter which nation in which you dwell. Look at the looseness of moral degradation in Holland, for instance, with legalization and liberalization of prostitution and the full flow of a welfare state--advertising "their products" in store windows, no less. This is but example, but what of the entire city park in Geneva and other places in Switzerland, where drugs are bought and sold and clean needles (over 7,000 a day!) are given to the addicts who exist and die in that park--right behind the most expensive money houses in the known world.

Worse now, you must become informed about the U.S. government's total control and involvement in the drug importing business. Billions are traded in every day. Even the drug lords would give up the trade, specifically Khun Sa of the Asian Golden Triangle, except for the involved U.S. government under George Bush. The CIA under Bush had controlled the entire market. Remember North? Well, these men dealt in drugs to facilitate the Iran-Contra criminal actions. Your own government's Armitage, Gates, the Bush's, Shackley, Kissinger, and on and on--control those drug transactions, brought the drugs in to destroy your citizens and take your world. Eagle-burger, Scowcroft--all entangled. These ones, then, through the Israeli lobby, bought off your Congress--just like they did the Administration--and now you have Israeli government by BLACKMAIL and cooperation of the IMMORAL PARTICIPANTS. The intrigue and substance which we could herein write for you is beyond your comprehension and yes, we will arrange to bring you more and more and more, for an informed people is all that will salvage your civilization. We just need to also keep the leaders alive in this massive effort to kill them.

This is the position in which the world of man finds itself today. Within the past three to four decades the immorality compounds itself as your Constitutional rights are removed by the same compounding principle.

YOU HAVE NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS--NOW--IN THE U.S., YOU ONLY "THINK" THAT YOU DO. IT IS DONE AND THE "PRACTICE" OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM IS TOTALLY ALIEN TO THE CONSTITUTION. EVERYTHING HAS BEEN NOW MADE ALLOWABLE FOR ANY ACTION DESIRED BY THE ADMINISTRATION ON THE BASIS OF "EXECUTIVE ORDER". I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD THIS OVER AND OVER BY HATONN--BUT IT SEEMS TO NEVER "SINK IN". SO BE IT. Long ages of being constantly inoculated with the teachings of after-death fear, and greed for wealth and power for the physical body, had bred the kind of man and civilization which imaged his thinking. Nothing could better exemplify the axiom that man becomes what he thinks and wants to be than the long ages of spiritual decline which have taken place since man began to again take on the physical qualities of might-over-right practices that he lost while making the great ascension from the jungle to the Pyramid Age Man.

We shall now go back to that great age and tell you how man of that age conceived a God who was GOOD and trace the fall of man to the God of wrath and vengeance which man has created for this age.


All of the foregoing has been in preparation for you to better comprehend the unfolding of the human race in its eight to ten thousand year effort to live together as a unified civilization. How far has man succeeded in this attempt since the Dawn of Consciousness? The answer to that question is stark tragedy for twenty civilizations have fallen during that time. For the first two thousand years, he succeeded in forming a cooperative, friendly civilization of communal people who attained a high degree of character, culture and righteousness. Ever since then, man has been descending spiritually and advancing technologically--a very, very unfavorable circumstance.

In your eyes, your mechanized civilization seems far advanced--to anything you have known historically. You do not know of the wondrous space ships and interstellar travel prior to the going down of Atlantis, Lemuria, Pan, Mu, etc. But some of those records are now being caused to be "found" in monasteries and hidden places and we shall write of them--indeed, more technical than anything you have today. And what of today? If you continue in your path, you will be one of the oral tradition speakings of mythology--again into the ages of darkness. These records are now being written that they can be preserved for the cultures who will follow you and will have forgotten how it was. Will man hear and see or will these writings simply be a "scroll" to be "found" at some time after eons of passage and sequence? Will a JOURNAL be found wrapped and sealed in resin beneath a stone in a tomb some 10,000 years from this day? What will the "language" be? What will the symbols be into which this primitive symbology will be transcribed from some gifted receiver/translator?

Here is a sobering, I hope, thought for today. What will be made of these scribblings? Think carefully about that which we are bringing you and I believe you will get the drift of your direction in experience. Think of what has been outlaid in these writings--WILL IT NOT BE MORE REPRESENTATIVE OF "WHAT HAPPENED" TO THIS CIVILIZATION? WHAT DO YOU FIND OF ROME AND GREECE? YES, THAT WHICH HAPPENED PRIOR TO THE FALL! Ah, but the Godly went somewhere didn't they? I have bad news for you so-called Christians who expect an irresponsible "Rapture". The Christians of the day in Rome thought they, too, would be lifted up, up and away--instead thousands upon thousands died in the arenas of doom--fed to the lions and executioners. YOU HAD BEST GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT FOR THEY, TOO, WERE OFFERED EXIT VISAS AND THEY, TOO, REFUSED THE JOURNEY WHILE THEY WAITED FOR THAT WHICH WAS MISREPRESENTED UNTO THEM!

To an early Egyptian, however, your man-killing civilization would seem savage, for its sole desire was to save man. The early Egyptian would be utterly amazed and astounded at your world which has created the idea of sin and evil, and at your concept of a personal god of wrath and vengeance instead of a God of Light which they could see as the Creator of GOOD. The sun was their symbol of God. You very lightly classify them as "sun-worshipers", but the early-man concept of a Creator was a logical one and the pagan concept which you have adopted is extremely illogical.

Ever since the Dawn of Conscience, man began his long search for his Creator. When he first began to think and reason, the first great fact of life was growth of life followed by death. His reasoning process pointed to the sunlight as the Creator of life. He could see all vegetation facing the sun and following it to drink in its light-of-lifeand- growth. All day the sun gave life--and all night the earth slept in darkness, only to rise again when the light-of-life awakened all Nature every morning.

And so it was that the first great thoughts of unfolding man were of a Creator who was GOOD and of his Creation which was all GOOD.

It logically followed that if the Sun gave life to man, man also must be GOOD. EVIL had not yet come into the world. Right and wrong had also not come into the world. There was naught but GOOD in it in those days before GREED came into the world.

You may better comprehend this great age of GOODNESS and CHARACTER if you will but try to translate yourself back into those days of man's intellectual beginning before even language began. Try to realize the first dawn of comprehension and understanding of man's connection and unity with Nature. During all of man's jungle life, his only thought was survival. His entire life was dominated by this one instinctive sense-urge. Man got what he wanted and needed by TAKING it.

Gradually the spiritual unfolding of newly-thinking man taught him that other men would be useful to him only if he would be equally useful to them. The demonstration of this principle of cooperation among men by mutual interchange of service came into the world with the first spiritual actions of GIVING and balanced RE-GIVING. One man helped another to build a wooden house, or a mud house. Civilization began that way and men found it GOOD.

Very slowly things happened in association between men that gave them pleasurable feelings. They invented words to communicate with each other, and that was GOOD. They liked the interchange of it. They liked mankind because mankind could interchange service for service and idea for idea. Greed for possessions had not then been a part of man's thinking. Whatever any man wanted could be obtained by working with other men. MAN was of first consideration, for that which was GOOD could come only through the Sun-God to man FOR man, and could be converted for every man's use only by the work of every man. Thus came the first strictly communal civilization into the world. By "communal" I mean a social order of people who realized that each person’s happiness and comfort is dependent upon others and their happiness and comfort is dependent upon him. A good modern example is the group who came over in the Mayflower to build a new world. In such a case, the WHOLE is dependent upon every part and the loss of any part would weaken the whole.

The early Egyptians of 8,000 years B.C. to 4,000 years B.C. could be very well likened to such a group, for they came out of mental darkness into a new light of understanding which was like another world. They had to begin at a beginning and even create a language before they could create homes. Naturally the first thoughts of men who were trying to live together under a workable system were those of mutual service and cooperation. Religion had not begun. Morality and a social conscience had not yet begun nor had a sense of possession, greed or individuality begun.

The first dawning of a social conscience was based upon the fact that every man wanted to have the friendliness and cooperation of every other man. To gain that friendliness, early man found that service to another gained that happiness of friendship which he sought. Out of that principle grew a code of ethics in relation to man's relation to man which gave that happiness when obeyed and denied it to him when disobeyed. This is the way it grew. When one man pleased another, he found a name for it. He called it GOOD--or MAAT in his language. The first principle which developed from that code of ethics, which brought him happiness when obeyed, was this:

When you do that which makes you loved by men, it is GOOD. When you do that which makes you hated to man it is BAD.

There is nothing of right or wrong nor of good or evil in this connotation. Such a sense had not then arrived within the mentality of man. His ethics of that day made him shun doing that which made him to be unloved and, conversely, made him desire to do that which made him loved, for that was the only way he could acquire that state of happiness which became the basis for the "Age of Character" which preceded the building of the great Pyramids.

To create so high a social order demanded a system of mutual cooperation such as the world has never since known. That is where the "Age of Character" began. That is where the Brotherhood-of-Man principle began. That is where the first great architecture, poetry, literature and science began, and all had their roots in the principle of GOOD. To the Egyptian of that day, everything and everybody was GOOD. Their word of LOVE was MAAT. MAAT MEANS LOVE, RIGHTEOUSNESS AND CHARACTER. To the men of that day, the teachings of MAAT were of first importance. Everything else was secondary. All human character teachings were based upon the givings of GOOD from the sun which they believed to be the Creator of all things. A system of ethics grew from those teachings which spread down the centuries through Palestine, Persia, Babylonia and the far countries of India and China.

The Hebrew Proverbs, the Songs of Solomon, The Psalms and the great wisdom of all the Hebrew prophets of later days--also all that Confucius, Laotzu, Buddha, Krishna, Socrates, Plato, Lucretius, Moses, Abraham and Jesus said later--were first conceived and written down on papyrus thousands of years before any of these great mystics appeared.

Now it must be thoroughly understood and comprehended that the later mystics of the Middle Age period, which you know as "Before Christ (B.C.)", may not have even known that the thoughts and words they were giving to the world had ever been given before. It is not greatly unlike Dharma--almost all of that which is given to her is unknown by her that there is prior record of the teachings. Because "I" know does not mean that she is privy to the knowledge. If I present her with something from which I wish to work--so be it, but it will always be for ease of her ability to gather appropriate spellings of labels and words, etc. And then, as with all of you--we will arrange for her to come into some confirmations along the way for it is difficult to be literally "shot at" for service in isolation, believing you are the sole knower of the material. ALL IS KNOWN! ALL! However, man who comes into information and then uses it for his own benefit and material gain--actually suppresses the flow rather than allowing it to go forth in giving and allowing God to re-give in exchange.

Well, as we said before, it will all come into the light. Many of those old papyrus writings of pre-pyramid man have been buried until this very century and current decade. Neither Immanuel nor Krishna, the two supreme mystics of all time, had even seen them. They could, however, have known them as folklore in the manner in which wisdom, fable or drama reach from one generation through many others in their endless repetition. That is not the answer, though. The answer is that God sends His illumined Messengers to man always, and always, age after age, these Messengers speak words of the same meaning, for all knowledge and all idea of the Truths of Nature exist perpetually. Illuminates acquire this knowledge cosmically and, as all knowledge is the same knowledge, it is spoken in words of the same meaning even though the words vary. This fact is what should concern and interest you, for when you find yourself thinking cosmically by being inspired from within, you will speak words of the same meaning that these nameless Egyptian Illuminates of those very ancient days spoke before even Individualism began, or the same that the Illuminates of later days spoke after man began to think of man as an INDIVIDUAL. Thus it is that the first great individual ever known to history whose name was Iemhotep (Amenophis) wrote a scientific treatise on medical lore and surgery which preceded by thousands of years the words of the Greek Asclepios and the Roman Aesculapius--as you have been informed.

During the four to six thousand years before Iemhotep, all men thought of themselves as the WHOLE--not as separate individual parts. Whatever they did was for the WHOLE, even if one man did something for another man. Individualism did not creep in until desire for individual possessions crept in. When one wanted more possessions or more power than another, the strength of the whole social order suffered until the intense state of Individualism of today had been reached with its consequent threat of destruction of the whole human race. So pregnant with GOOD was this principle of UNIFIED WHOLENESS of your first civilization that it endured in some parts of the world until about 2,000 years B.C. All of the writings of the Indian Mahabharata were written that way. That great epic may have been written by a hundred men, but not one name is attached to it, not even to the greatest of all of them--the Bhagavad-Gita. Does it now make more sense to you WHY there is only the name of the scribe given as "dharma" to this work we are now "about"? We honor ones with names and make dedications but the scribe shows only as "dharma" or "druthea" or "Thomas" or, or, or. Man's contribution will be so indicated. Believe me, some of you who bear great human ego--do not TRULY want credit for all that you present-- I PROMISE YOU THAT MUCH, FOR YOU DO NOT YET UNDERSTAND THE RAMIFICATIONS OF YOUR OWN PRONOUNCEMENTS!

Individualism begat self-consciousness and self-desires. The word selfish stems from these qualities. Instead of desire being for the WHOLE, including one's self, desire for the self grew into the slowly forming commercial and political world as a poisonous germ instead of a leavener of the whole loaf to which the world's great geniuses contributed.

You must, therefore, fully comprehend that God sent Illuminates to man from the days of his early beginnings, but the high spiritually-endowed social order of that day gradually fell from its high estate in the ratio of man's growing individual and national division into selfish separateness.

Since there is ample input here for a chapter I believe it appropriate to end this one at this point. I can take up with a couple of examples when we return and keep continuity. Dharma, Aton needs you to translate for Him, please, with the travelers who will be arriving soon. We will sit again when we have opportunity—first things must always take priority of the moment. Salu.




MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1991 4:48 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 354

Germain present to continue after this break. I can only add to that which has been given you from a higher Source than myself--ye honor the Father only in that service which is as He asks and not that which pleases or displeases you personally, chela. He who proclaims to act only in God's service and than does that service under the instructions and legal bindings of MAN has not full intent toward God within. Man is accustumed to manipulation of one another and the reflection of TRUTH is always made visible if you but look. Let us return to the subject of the writings.


It will be good right here to give an example or two of the manner in which writers of the Hebrew bible carried traditional Egyptian teachings into those darker ages which followed the greatest fall of man from his high standard of character and righteousness into the low, marauding, immoral, pagan Babylonian and Hebrew races. We will quote from Malachi 4-2, for example:

"Unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings".

Here is a direct reference to the Egyptian Sun-God and the falcon wings which are so much a part of early Egyptian symbolism, yet these words in Malachi were written at least four thousand years after Egyptian civilization gave them meaning. Let us quote Psalm 104-24, for another example:

EGYPTIAN: "How manifold are thy works! They are hidden before men O sole God, beside whom there is no other. Thou didst create the earth according to thy heart".

HEBREW: "O lord how manifold are thy works! In wisdom thou hast made them all: The earth is full of thy riches".

Here in the early days of man is the full acknowledgment of the One God. Thousands of years later, the Greeks, Norse, Chinese and many other people of the Middle Ages had many gods, but the influence of Egypt upon the Hebrew renaissance caused them to hold to the one god, but their god was not the GOOD God of the Egyptian concept. Sin and evil had come into the world because of man's lost character. Pagan man of the Old Testament days conceived a personal god of wrath and vengeance, a god who loved bloodshed and blood-sacrifice on every church altar. You, of today, have inherited that pagan concept and two out of every three humans on Earth believe in that god-of-fear concept instead of the Good God of the "Age of Character". This is indicative of the great depths the human race has fallen into since man became selfcentered instead of communally-centered. When the fall of man began in "Pyramid Age" days, some current sage coined a new word which formerly had no place in Egyptian thinking. That word was AVARICE, which came to be known and dreaded beyond all other words, for these Sun-God men could see the threat of degradation befalling them at that time as the more illumined intelligentsia of your day can see your threatened degradation rapidly falling over your world.

No more inspiring poetry and philosophic literature has ever been produced than the inspirations of these early Egyptians. We will quote parts of an Ode to the Sun which symbolizes their concept of One God who gives naught to the world but GOOD. I quote the following from one, James Breasted's "DAWN OF CONSCIENCE".


The world subsists in thy hand,

Even as thou has made them.

When thou hast risen they live,

When thous settest they die;

For thou art length of life of thyself,

Men live through thee.

The eyes of men see beauty

Until thou settest.

All labour is put away

When thou settest in the west.

When thou risest again

Thou makest every hand to flourish for the king

And prosperity is in every foot,

Since thou didst establish the world,

And raise them up for thy son,

Who came forth from thy flesh,

Thou risest beautifully, O living Aton, Lord of Eternity;

Thou art glittering, beautiful, strong;

Thy love is great and mighty,

Thy rays furnish vision to every one of thy creatures,

Thy glowing hue brings life to the hearts of men,

When thou hast filled the Two Lands with thy love.

O God, who himself fashioned himself,

Maker of every land,

Creator of that which is upon it:

Even men, all herds of cattle and the antelopes,

All trees that grow in the soil,

They live when thou dawnest for them,

Thou art the mother and the father of all that thou hast made.

As for their eyes, when thou dawnest,

They see by means of thee.

Thy rays illuminate the whole earth,

When thou dawnest as their Lord.

When thou settest in the western horizon of the sky,

They sleep after the manner of the dead,

Their heads are wrapped up,

Their nostrils are stopped,

Until thy rising comes in the morning,

In the eastern horizon of the sky.

Then their arms are uplifted in adoration of thee,

Thou makest the hearts of men to live by thy beauty,

For men live when thou sendest forth thy rays,

Every land is in festivity:

Myriads of life are in thee to sustain them alive,

For it is the breath of life in the nostrils to behold thy radiance.

All flowers live and what grows in the soil

Is made to grow because thou dawnest.

By this poem you can clearly see that the basis of righteousness and character is the Love, Beauty, Goodness and Truth which Nature manifests. To be GOOD is to be like the Creator of Goodness. The Creator of Nature was Love, and His actions all expressed Love. Early man set his standards by the actions of Nature which were all GOOD. He wanted to be loved. To be loved was to find happiness. Man made it his first effort to find happiness by making his actions like unto Nature. In so doing, man built CHARACTER and WISDOM.

We accentuate right here that the first builders of character based their civilization upon right actions--actions which conformed with the goodness of Nature. They did not build their Character and righteousness upon religious beliefs, for religion did not come into the world until a realization of the immortality of man brought after-death fears for punishment for those things that man did which made him to be unloved. A sense of the existence of evil gradually seeped into the human race as religious beliefs of right and wrong, good and evil, and the punishment of sin after death seeped into the human consciousness. These qualities were not in the early social order of preindividualistic days. The human race was more alike in its standards.

Character and wisdom were treasured qualities of all men. They held to them with as much equality as possible. Fathers made it their first obligation to pass their wisdom on to the whole race through their sons. Civilization was a vast school for the teaching of character and wisdom as being based upon right actions. Not anywhere in these early teachings is the slightest evidence of teaching a system of beliefs as a basis of character. The word righteousness grew out of the phrase right actions.

A code of ethics grew out of the teachings of right actions which has been felt ever since in countries which followed these early Egyptian teachings. The most conspicuous example of inheritance of the Egyptian teachings during these long centuries of the gradual death of character was the ancient Chinese civilization. Confucius and Laotzu are conspicuous examples of these teachings. China was noted for its honesty and respect for its given word. During Confucius's life, one might lay his purse upon the street and no one would touch it except for the purpose of restoring it to its owner.

For long centuries, the father passed his wisdom to his sons and if, perchance, a son erred, the father took the fault upon himself for not being a worthy teacher. In such a manner, whole families became responsible for the wrong actions of any one member. This system seemed to be very unjust to the occidental, but it worked toward righteousness better than your system for whole cities policed themselves by the assumption of parental responsibility for righteous actions, while occidental cities were policed with great thoroughness. A story is told about a missionary who was sent to a certain city to convert the "heathen Chinese". A Chinese sage of the town invited him to dinner and asked him why missionaries were sent from a country which had a murder every thirty minutes to convert a city which had only one murder in thirty years. During the conversation, the old sage asked: "Why do you consider us to be heathen and your people to be enlightened"? The missionary answered in these words: "All people are heathen who have not accepted Jesus as their Redeemer and Saviour from sin".

This exemplifies the import which religion places upon belief as contrasted to right action.

One paragraph in Breasted's DAWN OF CONSCIENCE (which book, by the way, I suggest all who can find time--read-Charles Scribner's Sons), is so symbolic of the One God of Love which dominated the first human civilization that we quote it in full. Dharma, pay attention, chela, and allow us to quote it in full--it means a great deal more to you, precious, than at first glance. The words of it were written by an Egyptian Illuminate over a thousand years after Iemhotep's time. His name was Akhnaton (Ikhnaton) (Amunhotep IV). In referring to the Sun-God of early Egyptian concept, he wrote:

Thou art the father and the mother of all that thou hast made.

[Let us also pen Breasted's comment:]

"This teaching is one which anticipates much of the later development in religion even down to our own time. To the sensitive soul of this Egyptian dreamer, the whole animate world seems alive with consciousness of the presence of Aton, and filled with recognition of his fatherly kindness. The picture of the lily-grown marshes, where the flowers are 'drunken' in the intoxicating radiance of Aton, where the birds unfold their wings and lift them 'in adoration of the living Aton', where the cattle dance in delight in the sunshine, and the fish in the river beyond leap up to greet the light, the universal light whose beams are even 'in the midst of the great green sea'--all this discloses a discernment of the universal presence of God in nature, and a mystic conviction of the recognition of that presence by all creatures. There is here an appreciation of the revelation of God in the visible world such as we find seven or eight hundred years later in the Hebrew Psalms, and in our own poets of nature since Wordsworth."

In these words is the spirit of that exalted race of God-conscious men which has gradually been lost to the whole human race in proportion to its technological advancement and its ever-increasing number of religious doctrines, creeds and beliefs which have so effectually disunited a once closely united race of God-conscious, nonindividualistic, united men.

Then let us see how Breasted pictures this contrast in the following description of Ikhnaton (Akhnaton):

"Ikhnaton was a ' God-intoxicated man', whose mind responded with marvelous sensitiveness and discernment to the visible evidences of God about him. He was fairly ecstatic in his sense of the beauty of the eternal and universal light. Its beams enfold him in every moment of his which has survived….. He prays, 'May my eyes be satisfied daily with beholding Him, when He dawns in this house of ATON and fills it with his own self by its beams, beauteous in love, and lays them upon me in satisfying light for ever and ever."

This awareness of God's presence which so vividly lived before the fall of spiritual man and the rise of technological machine-age material man is what we are trying to bring back into the world by awakening it in you, and nourishing it in the thousands of others like you in whom it is being awakened. We tell you over and over again that the human race can advance only in the measure in which each man recognizes his own divinity. We tell you over and over again that God's presence must be with you every moment, yet a large percentage of the human race will not even mention God and resents the mention of His name.

The reason for this is because the many doctrinal and creedal religions which have developed for thousands of years have gradually succeeded in picturing a God whom men repel because of the concepts and false beliefs in sin, evil, wrath and vengeance which God seems to be more concerned with than love. The end result which is now taking place is to drive the human race AWAY from religion, as evidenced by the fact that over 91 % of the old-time churchgoers of England do not go to church at all and the Sunday Schools of America are being rapidly turned into entertainment centers to hold their pupils.

More saddening still is the reaction of such conditions upon your coming generation of teen-agers. Youth delinquency, drugs, and crimes committed by youths are paralleled by the inconceivable sex-looseness of school age boys and girls which has become not only commonplace, but taught in the schools, so that the shock of it to moral thinking people seems to be giving place to its total acceptance as a passing phase of the times not only sanctioned but encouraged; even as similar sex-degradation appeared in the early days of Hollywood and wiped itself out by its own reactions--only to rise again more horrendously than ever before.

It is not as light as that, however, it is a repetition of the symptoms which made Babylon, Athens and Rome fall. Your present civilization is as sure to fall as past ones fell if character and righteousness do not come back into the human race by your efforts--and ours--to bring them back.

The whole world now asks: Is the Light of the world going out? Is it? Ask this of yourself. Ask yourself if the ugly underlying world-thought of today has the slightest resemblance to the world-thought of that long yesterday which expressed its thoughts in this way:

Thou findest him who transgresses against thee;

Woe to him who assails thee!

Thy city endures;

But he who assails thee falls.

The sun of him who knows thee not goes down, O Aton!

But as for him who knows thee, he shines.

The temple of him who assailed thee is in darkness,

But the whole earth is light.

Here you find an ancient race of men who rejoiced in knowing God, while you, who feel yourselves to be enlightened, have so few who thus rejoice. These whole messages, of course, are totally redundant with pleas to mankind to take GOD into its consciousness, but the very words seem strange to ninety-five percent of your people.

You might give some careful thought to one of your Earth people, Oswald Spengler, who proclaimed the final downfall of the white race of Western civilization and inferred the rise of the yellow race to world mastery!


If man succeeds in building an enduring civilization in which he finds happiness, prosperity and peace which passeth beyond understanding, it will be because he has founded it upon character. An enduring civilization cannot be built otherwise, nor can a successful, individual career be built otherwise.

In those old days when it became the responsibility of fathers to pass their wisdom on to their sons, one of them said:

Precious to man is the virtue of his son, and good character is a thing remembered.

The greatest moral order of all time grew out of the creation of a system of universal ethical values which reached their height of physical and spiritual expression two thousand years before Akhnaton's revival of them, after a period of their suffering from the effects of after-death fears and the evils which the religions were infiltrating into human thinking.

Akhnaton was comparable to Immanuel as the Messiah of his time; yet, like Immanuel, he was overthrown and every attempt to obliterate his teachings was practiced by the then lowering standard of man of his period, fourteen centuries before Christ.

Bear in mind that the One Solar God became the basis of the monotheistic religion which followed through the entirety of Egyptian life until the early Hebrews discarded it for a personal God who recognized the Hebrew race as his "chosen" people. When this transition took place, this god of the Jews changed his nature from the Creator of GOOD to the lover of bloodshed and punisher of evil. From that day, the altars of the Jews ran with the blood of thousands of animals which were sacrificed as appeasement for the sins committed by those who paid the priests of the temple for the sacrifices-- those ones still expect ANOTHER to sacrifice in their stead. To this very day, the great majority of the human race accepts this pagan doctrine of an already fallen race in preference to the Solar God concept of a Creator of GOOD which shed His light and heat upon the world to create all that IS good for the needs of all Creation.

Let us close this segment and when we sit again we will give you example of some of the teachings which the fathers of four thousand years of Egyptian civilization passed on to their sons in their daily lessons. It might shock you a bit.

May the WORD be blessed.




TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1991 9:53 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 355


Greetings in the Light of the Mighty I AM Presence. Germain, here to serve.

Since we must utilize the afternoon for a meeting, I suggest we postpone discussions of current affairs and simply move on with the book discourse. There are instructions necessary in other areas of activities and we must be prioritizing your time effectively.

The inquiries regarding corporations are piling up and ones coming into recent JOURNALS and EXPRESSES do not know the value of the information. We will do an EXPRESS very soon covering advantages, etc., and then, dear ones, you will simply have to get the information from the past writings. There is MUCH information outlaid in SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISASTER, PRIVACY IN THE FISHBOWL and YOU CAN SLAY THE DRAGON. We cannot impose upon our readers with items which have been so thoroughly covered, to rewrite the books. We will ask that some "examples" be shared for a bit better understanding. Also, I would personally suggest that ALL ones who wish to inquire--direct your questions to Cort and E.J. for that is their area of expertise and by going through them you will garner more benefits than if you simply go directly to Nevada. (805 822-0601) It is like utilizing an infinitely technical piece of equipment. You need instructions or it is worse than worthless—you will get yourselves into trouble. We are only giving you some alternative measures to use for privacy and security--not to suggest you do something against the law. We are speaking solely of "shelter"--and an ability to minimize your visibility to the taxing giant through use of legal tools--not to "evade" anything.

Moreover, the point of setting up a "family" corporation is that you can set up your estate and business in such a manner as to totally negate need for probate, attorneys, etc. Old corporations never die--they just get a new President! and business goes on. Stocks and agreements can be distributed in such manner that--immediately upon preplanned contingencies--activation and distribution takes place and thus and so, so that division of estates is EXACTLY according to the desire of the person(s) in point and the family assets are run as a business through members being on and making decisions as would any corporation through a Board of Directors (only ONE member if YOU so choose).

We are not in the corporate giant game--we expect any corporation which we assist to remain very small for we are not in the business of doing-in anything--only in "saving" you personally, something. It is a "tool" and like any "tool" you must learn how to properly use it and maintain it. If you go ask your accountant or tax person about such--I tell you now, THEY DON'T KNOW VERY MUCH OF ANYTHING ABOUT IT, MUCH LESS IF THEY ARE NOT IN THE STATE OF NEVADA. YOU ONLY COMPLICATE YOUR OWN AFFAIRS BY EVEN INQUIRING--YOUR MONEY IS THE WAY THEY MAKE THEIRS--THEY CERTAINLY ARE NOT GOING TO TELL YOU TO DO SOMETHING WHICH TAKES THEM OUT OF THE MONEYMAKING LOOP! THINK ABOUT IT!

George/E.J., it is also time that a more instructive and understandable explanation be given to the public regarding the Institute and collateral, etc. There is gross misunderstanding in circles who have not made themselves privy to the procedures. Many think, somehow, that you are in the gold purchasing business or "something". No--not so and moreover, as you move into backing anyone for the Presidency--all monies will be most carefully covered so that there are no areas to be found which can be attacked. Further, remember carefully, that speakers and professors are to be within the circle of the Institute. Even if they are "guest" lecturers--that is the purpose of an Institute of Education and Research; especially if they volunteer their time, which most will be doing in the immediate days ahead.

All of you need all of the protection possible so let us utilize the tools effectively, also. You will especially find the Center for Constitutional Law in building case references and researching the Constitution--needs the shelter of the wings of a "mother". The MOTHER will be the entity upon whose Board of Directors we sit! I do not wish to pull rank--but you have a very high level Board of Directors at the Phoenix Institute and we insist that decisions always include our input and the resolutions reflect same. God is on the team; He has laid down the Laws and we will use them to the very best of our ability to function. You can function very effectively according to and totally within His Laws in balance with the Natural Laws of Mother—EVERY TIME! Thank you. Now let us return to our Journal.


In the Egyptian civilization the fathers passed on to their sons, in their daily lessons, some wondrous character-building requirements. In reading some of these, may you not regret that the fathers of this day, or the educational institutions which represent the fathers' relations to their children of this day, do not give heed to them as the most important part of their education.

Again I am going to utilize the writings of James Henry Breasted for I feel he is the most insightful historian of that portion of history. I honor greatly, this wondrous and devoted historian.

"How worthy it is when a son hearkens to his father! If the son of a man receives what his father says, none of his projects will miscarry". [How wondrous to simply be able to work under the total ASSUMPTION that a father will only teach his son that which is within the laws of God, Nature AND Land.]

"Instruct as thy son one who hearkens, who shall be successful in the opinion of the princes, who directs his mouth according to that which is said to him.... How many mishaps befall him who hearkens not"!

"The wise man rises early to establish himself, but the fool is in trouble. As for the fool who hearkens not there is none who has done anything for him. He regards wisdom as ignorance, and what is profitable as useless".

"A son who hearkens....reaches old age, he attains reverence. He speaks likewise to his own children, renewing the instruction of his father.... He speaks with his children, then they speak to their children".

Ptahhotep (yes, you will recognize this, Ptaah, of Meier's contact) wrote down many of these maxims and teachings during the 27th century, B.C., even as to right conduct in the presence of older people, or when at dinner with one's elders. Even these were three or four thousand years old when he wrote them down. We quote one of these teachings to a young man who was about to dine with an elder. The following is also quoted from James Henry:

"Take when he gives to thee what he puts before thee, but do not look at what is before him. Look at what is before thee, and bombard him not with many glances. Turn thy faces downward until he adresses thee, and speak only when he has addressed thee. Laugh when he laughs, so shalt thou be very agreeable to his heart and what thou doest will be very pleasant to the heart. It is very important on any occasion not to be over-communicative and noticeably aggressive conduct or bearing is to be avoided".

"If your chief is one who was formerly of very humble station, have no knowledge of his former low estate, . . . be respectful towards him because of what he has achieved; for substance cometh not of itself".

"Never repeat injudicious words uttered in heat by some one else. Be silent, of it (silence) is better than teftef-flowers".

"It is a craftsman who speaks in council and speech is more difficult than any craft".

"Let the mind be deep and thy speech scanty . . . Let thy mind be steadfast as long as thou speakest. May the princes who shall hear it say, "How seemly is that which comes out of his mouth"!

"If thou hast become great after thou wert little, and has gained possessions after thou wert formerly in want. . . .be not unmindful of how it was with thee before. Be not boastful of thy wealth, which has come to thee as a gift of the god. Thou art not greater than another like thee to whom the same has happened. Moreover the career of a civil servant is hazardous, therefore, beware of the days that may come hereafter".

"It is well to make large investments in good will. Therefore satisfy thy intimate associates with that which has come to thee, which comes to one whom the god (that is the king) favours. . . . There is none who knows his (future) fortune when he thinks of tomorrow. When something happens in (royal) favour, it is the intimate associates who (still) say 'Welcome'! But, as we shall see, when thy fortunes are evil, thy virtue shall be above thy friends".

"A man should give attention to the character of his friends. If thou searchest the character of a friend, ask no questions, (but) approach him and deal with him when he is alone. . . . Disclose his heart in conversation. If that which he has seen comes forth from him, (or) he do aught that makes thee ashamed for him, . . . do not answer".

"If thou art a successful man establish thy household. Love thy wife in the house as is fitting. . . Fill her body, clothe her back. No luxury is too god for her. . . . Make her heart glad as long as thou livest. She is a profitable field for her lord."

Let us take note herein that Mohammed made this same statement thirty-five hundred years later:

"Be not avaricious in a division, nor greedy (even) for thy (own) goods. Be not avaricious towards thy own kin. Greater is the appeal of the gentle than of the strong. Impoverished is he who overreaches his kin; he is lacking in effective speech. A little for which one practices guile engenders enmity even in the cool tempered. Avarice is the greatest enemy of wholesome family relationships. If thou desirest that thy conduct be worthy, withhold thee from all evil, and beware of avarice. It is an ill and incurable disease, wherein is no intimate association. It makes bitter the sweet friend, it alienates the intimate friend from his lord, it estranges fathers and mothers and the mother's brothers, it sunders wife and husband. It is a bundle of evil things, it is a bundle of all unworthiness. . . . There is no tomb for the avaricious."

Once these early Egyptian teachings ennobled works and the worker. One happy maxim which we print here is strongly indicative of this. It follows:

"Happy are the bearers of the palanquin! It is pleasanter (for them) when it is occupied, than when it is empty."

[Now I know this is unnecessary for most of you but for the uninformed youngster: "Palanquin": a conveyance formerly used in eastern Asia esp. for one person that consists of an enclosed litter borne on the shoulders of men by means of a pole.]

"Attain character . . . make righteousness flourish and thy children shall live. Precious to a man is the virtue of his son, and good character is a thing remembered".

"A wise man is recognized by that which he knows. His heart is the balance for his tongue, his lips are correct when he speaks, and his eyes in seeing; his ears together hear what is profitable for his son, who does righteousness and is free from lying".

"Established is the man whose standard is righteousness, who walked according to its way".

Ah, for you earth-bound modern man: this appeared again two thousand years later in its essence in the Old Testament.


All that has been written regarding that wondrous early civilization has been for the purpose of deeply accentuating the fact that the first men within whom God- Consciousness resulted from the ability of man to hear those silent whisperings within his Soul fully realized that a brotherly existence--which means the ability of men to live together in unity--was possible only by cooperation and MUTUAL SERVICE. There was also personified, one of the most important Commandments: Honor thy father and thy mother .... Thousands of years were spent in learning how to thus live. Age after age passed, perhaps for as long as six thousand years, before the great triumph occurred which gave you that marvelous pre-Pyramid Age of purely cooperative communal Age of Justice, Character and Righteousness.

During all of this period, the concept of God was the sun. He was known as The Great God, Lord of the Sky. He not only gave all that was GOOD to the people of earth, but ruled them--most justly. Those who refused to work with "the great God who watcheth over every action of every man" punished themselves by their own hands. Thus it was made clear that every man could have an abundance of GOOD given to him, but he must give service which is GOOD else he would deny for himself that GOOD which he might have had. The entire underlying structure of this civilization, which had its highest peak between the years 4,500 B.C. and 2,500 B.C., was the principle that one must do that which would make him to be loved. The one word--MAAT--covered that entire principle. In that one word was the entire connotation of the meaning which is conveyed in the words "truth", "beauty", "righteousness", "character", and "justice".

Very seldom, indeed, did the sons and daughters of men dare to, or care to, violate the teachings of their revered fathers, but when one flagrantly disobeyed, thus disgracing his family, the father said to him, "Thou art not of my blood", and condemned him to walk his lonely way among men who refused to greet him or befriend him. The way of such a one was so terrible that delinquency beyond a forgivable limit was very rare indeed. Such a delinquent would have no place to go, no institution to take him in, for there were no such institutions as with which your country abounds to take care of those who break every law of life and thus saddle the cost of it upon their neighbors.

You who await the wondrous ancient "ORAL TEACHINGS" of Little Crow--Eagle of the Great Spirit--what do you expect his lessons to be? I think you might reread a bit of the preceding and all that is coming forth--you see truth does not vary in concept-- not one iota! In fact, WHO DO YOU THINK THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS TO BE? YOU HAD BETTER GO LOOK AT SOME HISTORICAL PAINTINGS IN ADDITION TO YOUR RESEARCH READING.

Your civilization prides itself upon its charitable institutions, its insane asylums, its maternity homes for delinquent young girls, its clinics for venereal diseases, its prisons and other institutions which are supported by the normal people of the world for taking care of the abnormal ones. It would be impossible in these days to have it otherwise, but it still remains a fact that if those who defy righteous living were made to walk unrecognized toward a lonely horizon, there would be less departure from righteous living.

In closing this lesson, try to imagine how much better your civilization would be if the parents of your children emulated the practice of the parents of the pre-Pyramid Age and gave of their wisdom and character to their children as regularly as they gave them food. The tragedy of such a thought lies in the fact that a very few of the parents of today have that character to give, for they, in their youths, were not given wisdom from their fathers.

It must be realized that this process of slow degeneration, because of the lessening desire of parents to give character to their children, has been going on for over five thousand years. It has kept pace, in reverse ratio, with the increase in desire for material possessions, material power and individualism which has slowly but surely created a MIGHT-OVER-RIGHT race of humans whose basic principle of life is to TAKE rather than to GIVE.

Once again we say that the human race cannot possibly survive a continuance of this principle. A notable example of its workings is that of the Empire Builders who sought wealth, prosperity and power by taking, and found themselves impoverished--even unto having to ration their scanty food.

I again say to you, therefore, that the only way for the human race to survive is to rebuild character and righteousness into it, and inculcate into each man a desire to give service to his fellow man in order that his fellow man will give equal service to him.

It may well be that mankind must be made to suffer more than it has ever suffered before in order for it to finally sink in despair, as the wounded boy in the trench sank in despair and cried out for help unto God. We hope that such a day may not have to come--but what do you think??? The signs of the times point strongly toward the necessity of it. Just as long as every man has a comfortable bed to sleep in and a luxurious car to take him to pleasant places, and high wages to make that possible, he pays little heed to such signs of the times as 14-year-old pregnant girl members of local junior high school sex clubs wherein morals are not argued, only the advent of abortion and birth control and "safe" (there is none) sex! Or of the hundreds of other flagrant evidences of a rapidly deteriorating social order in which crime, treason, intrigue, bribery and the continued threat of man-made war forever hangs over this "don't care" "playboy" world of ever cheapening and violent entertainment.

You can see your culture dying a rapid death right before your eyes. Your great musicians must first be clowns in order to be acceptable for audience. A popular sexy crooner can draw ten times larger audiences than a Caruso and a five piece hard metal rock bank will garner thousands while a symphony will draw the few. Topping this is the known fact that a really good painter or sculptor would starve if he aimed at producing masterful work, for great art and great artists have no place in your world of today--except to "copy" for resale the "masters" paintings to fool the purchaser. Dignity has gone out of art as it also has gone out of the highest courts of justice in the land.

It is useless to say, "What are you going to do about it?" The only thing we can say is, "'What am I GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?"


You must become informed of that which is "wrong" and then you must become filled with the desire to bring character back into the world by becoming one of the seeds of character which will spread from you gradually into the whole world. The more you realize this and become a working member of this Science of Man movement for the building of character into the world, the more hope will come into the world for the ultimate "saving" of the human race from its now threatened downfall.

Can you accomplish this? Of Course!! All you have to ponder is the accomplishment of the ONE--YOU! Furthermore dear ones, if you accomplish it with YOU--YOU HAVE THEN PURCHASED YOUR TICKET, HAVE YOU NOT? SO BE IT!

Isn't this convincing evidence that character and destiny are like cause and effect? Destiny becomes what character IS. Character is the rudder in the sea of life, but destiny is the direction within the sea of life. Smooth sailing is ahead for one who desires smooth sailing, but if one prefers the collision with the rocks he may have that also--but it is of his own choosing. Both are his. Remember that universal love is limitless, and you ARE the universe.

Every man who has ever become great became so only because he desired to, planned to, and made the effort to become so. There are no accidentally great men. All great men build themselves in their own image. That which they become, they first desired to become. They thought out, and planned the steps upward to their own high mountain-top. The great difference between all people lies not in their abilities but in the intensity of desire to express their abilities.

It must be remembered that desire of Mind is the sole source of universal energy. The greater the intensity of desire in the mind of any man, the greater power he has to express his ability.


GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU! Every man determines his own destiny by that which he thinks and does every moment of his life. You can become what you want to be only through your thoughts and actions, but the measure of your desire must be great in order for you to become great. Hitch your wagon to a star and fasten its bolts with deep desire to manifest love and, behold, its wings will carry you to those heights.

No one who has ever reached those heights has done so by himself alone. He who loves is aware of Love working with him. God is Love. Love is the foundation of the universe. He who deeply loves is deeply humble and giving. The greatest men in the world are those who are most humble. An arrogant man is one who asserts his personal ego, while a humble man is one who suppresses it and is, therefore, without arrogance. The quality of humility is that which gives to one the gentleness and tenderness of spiritual strength. When the human individual changes his attitude to total GIVING-- THE WAY WILL HAVE BEEN WON!

Let us leave this now for there is a meeting at which you are needed. We will take up the element of "death" of "character" when we sit to the keyboard again.

Do not lose faith or hope as we outlay that which is Truth for it is only the original necessary step to accomplishing transmutation into Glory. You must define the symptoms of the disease, diagnose the disease and THEN AND ONLY THEN--CAN YOU SEEK THE CURE!

You ones are totally and absolutely beloved of me and my brethren come forth to serve WITH you. You are indeed blessed among men, though you may not even know of it. The journey begins with the first step and the accomplishment of change begins with the one and ends with the ONE! I HOLD TIGHTLY AND UNFLINCHING ONTO THE HAND OF MY TEACHER AND GUIDE--THEREFORE, IF YOU TAKE MY HAND WE ARE ASSURED THE PROPER PATHWAY. SALU.




THUR., AUGUST 8, 1991 9:59 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 357


Germain present in the Truth of that which I AM and so be you.

Hold to the knowing and be reminded that the Scriptures, in which so many of you place your trust, and in those books which give of the great teachings of the great Masters, you will find the following: "Decree a thing and it shall be done unto you"; "Call unto Me and I will answer you". Remember that the beloved Christos prefaced everything that He said and did in the World by the Words "I AM". "I AM the Resurrection and the LIFE". "I AM the Open Door which no man can shut"--and believe me, friends and fellow students, that one statement in itself is sufficient to set every human being on the face of this Earth FREE; for this Christos meant exactly what He said, and He knew what was in the Power of those WORDS when He said, "I AM THE OPEN DOOR WHICH NO MAN CAN SHUT". You note that I use the term "Christos" for you cannot dare to qualify that Presence by your puny labels--this energy is infinite and is the very breathing out and again, in, of the Great Source Himself.

That goes throughout Life and, ever since He spoke those Words two thousand years past, it has been vibrating through the atmosphere of Earth. Mankind will come to understand this Mighty Power that He gave forth. Because the preachers of the World- -in order to hold the power to themselves--convey to mankind the idea that Jesus was a very Special Being, and that no one could attain the Goal because He was such a Special Being--that is the very thing that has deprived mankind throughout the centuries--even in the face of He, Himself, stating bluntly that what He could do and be--so be ye!

Therefore, I say to you today, the Christ is a PRINCIPLE, a "state of being". Immanuel "Jesus" was but a man, and He became the fullness and the understanding of His "Mighty I AM Presence"--became the Christ representative of the World in man presentations and visitations by different labels unto mankind--because He became the full ACTIVITY, POWER, and PRINCIPLE of the CHRIST, which every man in the world can become.

Everything that that being was, everything every Cosmic Being is, one day you shall be, you shall attain by the understanding and exact KNOWLEDGE. Therefore, let no one turn you aside from this great opportunity that is yours. I know because I have gone through every process in Life, from its greatest limitations to the FREEDOM which I experience and have had for a very long time.

In bringing this forth and having the response which allows progression, we shall go on and on until everyone has come to have access to knowing their "Mighty presence", their Source of Life--let us say, "God Individualized". Then mankind will enter into the great Freedom which every human being, in the Heart, knows is true.

Those who are attaining today have the proof of it. The Messengers have the proof of it. Everyone can have it who wants to but if mankind allows human suggestions, human falsehoods, to turn them aside, then the fault is their own. Then I cannot help them, and you can be sure I am not going to go around and hunt you up and get you by the hair to hold you in the comprehension. But I do offer you, through the greatest Love that ever poured forth into mankind, that freedom of Life, that true understanding of Life which is absolutely mechanical in its precision or action in, to, and through you. You are NOT dealing with uncertainties. You can apply this, and there is no proof in this world that amounts to anything except that which you prove to yourself!


We will move ahead, from the prior chapter, about two thousand years, to some five hundred years before Immanuel when Confucius was born. Confucius and Laotzu were the two outstanding Illuminates of China. I do not like to lessen the honor unto great messengers by skimming along but there are tributes to them in other writings and their honor is not my purpose in these PLEIADEAN CONNECTIONS. Illuminates ALWAYS teach the same things in practically the same words--differing only to the tonal sounds of pronunciation and language symbolic differings. Illuminates come invariably into the world when they are most needed to uplift a falling civilization with a Message of Love given in words which always have an ethical basis in practice and never a doctrinal or phenomena basis.

Why, might you ask, would you not simply have another Illuminate to personally spread the WORD? Because we come not just to illumine, but to prepare for a major change and event--the bringing of the spiritual Messengers into integration with you that this transition will be in perfection. We are preparers of the way and the laying down of TRUTH through which man can again find his divine direction. You need no more "people" to distract you in following "them" about and hanging on their own physical presence as representative of self responsibility. No, this time there will be the TRUTH brought forth in this manner so that there are NO tendencies to follow a MAN instead of God.

Know, for instance, that hate mail and critical material blasted against the scribe, only hurts the superficial senses of the person who types--it touches in no manner the purpose nor distracts from the service one iota. The assaults are taken in compassion by we who do the authoring for we realize that the one in angry aggression is totally without KNOWLEDGE and will only become more foolish as the thrust is continued. Remember--GOD ALLOWS! and THE LAW IS INFINITE AND ALWAYS IS!

It must be fully realized that the human race had been gradually falling away from ethical practices, which are the basis of character and righteousness, because of the slow advent of materialism, avarice, greed and individualism which crept into human thinking when desire for possessions and personal power crept into the first unified social order of history.

Long before Confucius was born, Babylon had become materialized into a commercial and political state where individual power grew to its maximum. Naturally, sensual pleasure and greed gradually drowned the high ideals it began with, as Egyptian culture and character crept northward into the Euphrates country. You see, you are tinkering around in the Middle East in the very places wherein the end will come for civilization if left to deteriorate as is now on schedule. Small wars for power gradually grew, back then, into larger wars and wise men ceased to be honored, as war heroes took their place in public favor.

The same pattern followed into Palestine. Hebrew tribal wars followed the example of Babylon and the northern countries around the Mediterranean Sea where the worst elements of the decaying Egyptian, Babylonian, Hebrew and Persian civilizations were infiltrating.

We must realize, therefore, that Confucius, Laotzu, Buddha, Krishna, "Jesus" and Mohammed were not born into an ascendant civilization. Their civilization had long been decadent and their Messengership to man was in the nature of being Saviours of a decadent race instead of being new teachers of an ascending one. Your ancient civilization began with the barbarity recorded in the Old Testament. You excuse it, somehow, because it was "ancient". Blood-sacrifice, bloodshed in the arenas and inhuman conduct everywhere exemplified a fallen race of men--in fact, I think you might well call it "human conduct" for "inhuman" is not indicative of the action. You find this type of evil ONLY IN THE HUMAN SPECIES.

These men were once noble and of impeccable character, a race where crime was not only unknown but not understood, for no man desired to act in such a manner as to make himself unloved to such an extent that he would be compelled to walk away into the horizon and disappear from his kind.

If that is fully understood, it will better explain the nobility of such a man as Confucius who lived among utterly licentious men and retained his nobility of Mind and cleanliness of body as well as the virtues he taught until his dying day.

The virtues he taught were WISDOM--RECTITUDE--DECORUM--SINCERITY and KINDNESS. These were the qualities which he listed as the basis of character and right action.

If you wish to have a rather short and "objective" view of Confucius I suggest you get a little historical booklet called SOCRATES, BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS, JESUS, by Karl Jaspers. It is quite small but gives quite objective outlay of information.

Confucius differed very materially in one respect with the teachings of Laotzu and Jesus. The latter two taught what Confucius regarded as idealism and altruism which were not true to Nature. To "return good for evil" and to "turn the other cheek" was not the way Nature worked. He taught that whatever a man gave out from himself, Nature inexorably gave BACK TO HIM IN KIND, for that is really the law. The early Egyptians taught that way. They taught that any man who did not measure up to the standards of character and righteousness which are necessary for a cohesive civilization and, therefore, became a drag-anchor upon the whole of society as well as a disgrace to his family was unfit to be a member of the whole human family and was commanded to walk away toward an endless horizon.

The father of such a man would coldly say: "He is not born of me, for I am human and could not beget an inhuman".

Confucius believed that a society which tolerated wickedness would have to pay for the man's misdeeds, whereas the man himself should be obliged to pay for his own misdeeds by being punished for them, even to being obliterated from the human society which he despoiled.

History has proved that to be the case, for it costs the good people of every country billions of dollars yearly as the price of misdeeds perpetrated by despoilers of society. You, of today, even cultivate crime by "turning the other cheek" and tolerate the intolerable. So, wasn't that just a dandy thing to have the Master Teacher say? Do you really think this is what a Master Teacher who KNOWS THE LAW--would SAY? Or do you think, maybe and perhaps, there might have been a little rearrangement of the intent to suit the power-brokers? You pay for thousands of prisons and cannot even keep up with the need (besides, the REAL criminals are outside the prisons sending the non-criminal to be locked away). You pay for thousands of insane asylums, police forces, houses of correction and other institutions which you would not have to pay for if you compelled characterless despoilers to walk out to an endless horizon of loneliness. Your laws lean backward toward liberating the criminal to perpetrate more crimes rather than making him reap the harvest of his sowing--you even LAUGH at that which the politicians DO as if it matters not to you and these sleaze-balls CONTROL YOUR VERY EXISTENCE!

Confucious held that Nature would let a creature die if that creature refused to perform the work necessary for his own survival, and man should do likewise. Oh, Germain is a beast? No, Germain is most practical--if a man is hungry enough he will tend of it. Charity is mandatory when, and only when, a man CANNOT temporarily tend of self. If he is unable to walk--he can work with his hands or brain. Welfare and Charity are NOT THE SAME! Man should work for his own survival, otherwise the workers of an organized society would find themselves working for the drones, and their happiness would be destroyed by those who did not fit into the rhythms which are necessary for a unitary, cooperative civilization. What exactly, DO THE POLITICIANS DO AS WORK--FOR YOU, THEIR "MASTERS"--REMEMBER, THEY ARE PUBLIC SERVANTS! DOES NOT YOUR "MIDDLE-CLASS" OF WORKERS SUPPLY EVERYTHING FOR THE ELITE AND THE WELFARE RECEIVERS? HOW LONG BEFORE THE MIDDLE-CLASS IS DEAD? PERHAPS IT IS ALREADY DEAD, DEAD, DEAD???

"If", argued Confucius, "I return good for evil, what have I left to return for good"?

Confucius first gave the Golden Rule to the world in these words:

"What you do not like when done to yourself, do not do unto others "!!!!

All of his teachings strongly reflect the early Egyptian teachings in respect to actions, for he continually stresses the fact that actions which cause you to be loved are right actions, and those which cause you to be unloved are wrong actions.

It has been written of Confucius:

"It was the teaching of this sage that man should at all times exert the strictest self-control, and he was never tired of preaching this to his disciples".

"The moral man conforms himself to his life circumstances; he does not desire anything outside of his position. Finding himself in a position of wealth and honor, he lives as becomes one, living in wealth and honor".

"Finding himself in circumstances of danger and difficulty, he acts according to what is required of a man under such circumstances".

"In a word, the moral man can find himself in no situation in life in which he is not master of himself ".

"In a high position, he does not domineer over his subordinates. In a subordinate position he does not court the favor of his superiors".

"He puts in order his own personal conduct and seeks nothing from others; hence he has no complaint to make. He complains not against God nor rails against man".

"Thus it is that the moral man lives out the even tenor of his life calmly waiting for the appointment of God, whereas the vulgar person takes to dangerous courses, expecting the uncertain chances of luck".

[Thank you, Francis Trevelyan Miller]

Dharma, in keeping to my commitment to Hatonn to allow you to leave within the half-hour, I will take up with some maxims of Confucius when we sit again. I thank you for attending my needs in such a rushed schedule. Know, dear ones, who give so much of your precious time unto our work--the rewards are indeed great though the load seems heavy. Peace be unto you, precious "MAN OF LIGHT". This is inclusive of ALL, not intended in the singular for--though it seems all uphill at this moment of transition--God shall prevail in total circumvention. Salu.




FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1991 7:47 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 358


Germain present in the Light of the Mighty I AM Presence. I feel a bit of nagging discomfort regarding the pictures which have been presented by ones who believe themselves to be presenting my likeness. Remember that each one who paints, paints that which they enjoy seeing--not necessarily a likeness of myself. No, I would not attire myself in purple robes--at the most I would dress with some trim on my garment, perhaps, of violet in recognition of my color presentation. Purple is a color of false "royalty"--nor would I trim my being with gold for our "ray" is not represented by "things" but by the LIGHT within which makes up our BEING. Further, as we each speak with you, scribe, we will present on a very near frequency as that of Aton so that your identification is easy and immediate. People misunderstand the meaning and use of the refractions (rays). It is fine for physical beings to represent us as they choose; it is for each individual to perceive the substance, however. We come representing the Light of God in our teachings--we will use the Light of that Source in presentation. The violet flame (ray) is one of transmutation and herein we are transmuting nothing-- just pronouncing TRUTH which is represented by the white or golden light. The reason ones of my students interpret violet is that they are usually asking for some form of transmutation or healing. It would be so wondrous if MAN could find his way to the closeness with God and put aside the toys which he feels he must have to attach to or accept Presence. So be it.

Note that there is always a lot of "royal" purple and blue associated with that one who heads the Ashtar command. The strange thing is that we only label the individual who heads the Command by the label OF his Command. Ones, for instance, on physical planes wish to make the energy forms into your own images and imaginings--i.e., Ashtar becomes His Royal Highness--Ashtar as presented by Tuella, for instance, to allow for the illegitimate son, Vegan. This is all ridiculous and heinous trickery of a friend and receiver. The one CLAIMING to be Vegan has been spending a bit of time under arrest for taking funds from various groups. 'Tis indeed sad and is the reason we must keep our work without blemish or blot. LET THE TRUTH SPEAK FOR ITSELF--WITHOUT TRAPPINGS OF MAN'S PERCEPTIONS--FOR AS YOU TOUCH WITH GOD YOU NEED NO "LIKENESS".

Back to Confucius:


Confucius was primarily a moralist. He bent his energies to social reform and the building of CHARACTER. Let us enjoy some of the "sayings" which constitute his wisdom:

Make conscientiousness and truth your guiding principles and thus pass on to the cultivation of your duty towards your neighbor.

The ordinance of God is what we call the law of our Being. To fulfill the Law of our Being is what we call the Moral Law. The Moral Law when reduced to a system is what we call Religion.

The Moral Laws form the same system with the laws by which the seasons succeed each other and sun and moon appear with the alternations of day and night.

It is this same system of laws by which all created things are produced and develop themselves, each in its order, without injuring one another; by which the operations of Nature take their course without conflict and confusion, the lesser forces flowing everywhere like river currents, while the great forces of creation go silently and steadily on.

It is this one system running through all that makes the Universe so impressively great.

How unflinchingly firm is he who has moral strength! He is independent without any bias. When there is moral social order in the country, if he enters public life he does not change from what he was by retirement. When there is no moral social order in the country, he holds on his way without changing even unto death.

It matters not what you inquire into; but when you inquire into a thing, you must never give it up until you have thoroughly understood it.

It would be well to imitate the men of old who spoke little--for those who talk much are sure to say something it would be better to have left unsaid.

Do not forget to rectify an evil because it may seem small--for though small at first it may continue to grow until it overwhelms you.

A great body of wisdom has been written by Confucius and many of his disciples, notably Mencius, Chuang Tzu, Yang Chu, Kang Hsi and Ye Tse Tse Chan. Yes, I know you don't find the ones you are looking for on the list--those ones you seek out are modern and speak not whole truth but color it to please the people receiving their teachings.

The influence of these writings of Confucius has been strongly felt in China for 2,500 years, for they permeated all Chinese thinking and are an excellent example of the fact that "people become what they think". We will quote some of these maxims which were either written or taught by Confucius whether written by others or not. You will note that every one of them has to do solely with the ethics which govern character building. Not one of them gives any concern to religious beliefs or doctrines.

Maintain a love of harmony, that throughout your families the common speech shall be: Let us help one another. Then shall the world be at peace.

The above maxim is the very heart of an enduring civilization. It is the brotherhood-of-man principle taught by the Christ presentation and every one of the great teachers or Illuminates, of all history. It is that which the Nagi Wakan (Wise Spirit) would teach to the "ancients". It is the very basis of character and righteousness. Giving consideration to this fact, ask yourself to what extent this principle is practiced in your humane relations, or taught in your institutions. Industry is fast learning that it should have observed and practiced this very principle. It ultimately must do so, for it is now so vast that ethics and honesty have become absent from the working heart of the industrial complexes. The Elite have garnered so much of the "small" business and destroyed it and run the others out of business through their great power and control through politics and crime that the nations are doomed through their lack of moral ethics if all else served well. It is Truth to KNOW that failure to obey laws bring quick and unerring punishment. ("That which you sow so shall ye reap".) If civilization could reflect such a high state of ethics as the old Chinese philosophers taught, as exemplified in the following quotations, the world would have taken another great step toward its goal of unity.

I have three precious things that I hold fast and prize. The first is Gentleness—the second is Frugality --the third is Humility, which keeps me from putting myself before others.

It is a notable characteristic of these teachings that wealth was measured by these qualities which cost nothing, while-he who had great material wealth, without the qualities which make character, was considered poor indeed.

The following paragraphs amplify this idea:

Be gentle and you can be bold--be frugal and you can be liberal--avoid putting yourself before others and you can become a leader of men.

A dog is not supposed to be a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered to be a good man because he is a good talker.

If a man wishes to attain the excellence of superior beings, let him first cultivate the virtues of humanity; for if he is not perfect in human virtue, how shall he reach immortal perfection?

To starve is a small matter--to lose one's virtue is a great one.

In these speakings from the wisdom of a great Illuminate whom God sent into the world to help man to awaken the Light of Love in him, you can see an example of the continued struggle of the divinity of man for recognition but resisted by the material senses of the bodies of men for sensation, wealth and power.

In this stage of it, at 500 B.C., man had reached a low moral stage. He once had an awareness of his Soul but had been smothering that awareness for three thousand years in favor of his desire to gain the whole material world. That process of gaining material wealth, and sensual pleasures at the price of character, honor, righteousness and dignity had so lowered man that utter licentiousness was common and local tribal and sectional wars for the acquisition of wealth and power were quite the order of the day.

Confucius had succeeded in creating a moral region around about him which was noted all through China for its high state of character. His district became so crimeless, so peaceable and so honest that the Duke of Lu, who controlled his district, made him Minister of Justice. In his new position, he punished wrongdoing swiftly and rewarded virtue so conspicuously that his province became so reformed that one could leave his goods by the side of the road and no one would molest them.

This fact gave rise to jealousies in adjacent provinces whose people and leaders did not wish to give up their licentious and characterless ways of life. The neighboring Duke of Tsi plotted to overthrow this model province by tempting the Duke of Lu, by presenting with 180 of the most beautiful young girls in his land, together with 120 fine race horses. The Duke of Lu succumbed to the temptation, and Confucius resigned with about seventy followers to look for another prince who might favor a reform, but all of them preferred the licentious way of life, and he was forced to wander for the rest of his life attempting to find that which he could never again find.

He lived to a ripe old age, traveled in many States, maintained his dignity and honor throughout his life and won the reverence and love of all who knew him. His life was a living example of the first Egyptian idealism which commanded that every man should do only those things which make him to be loved by all men.

In this example we find the answer to the peace and happiness which all men seek but never find, because materialism and sensation are stronger in man of today than character and righteousness. Your civilization has sunk much in character since then, but has gained more in materialism and technology. You have learned so much more of the art of war from Gengis Kahn to Napoleon, and from Napoleon to Hitler--not to even mention the total evilness of ones such as Winston Churchill and Eisenhower, Stalin and other military adversaries of goodness. Ah, but the Elite tell you to worship at the statues of these proclaimed great "warriors"--these men have been responsible for the murder of more people than was Gengis Kahn and/or Hitler combined. This very day there is remembrance of an atomic bomb being used on Nagasaki. The interesting thing in point is that the Japanese leaders are telling the people to pray for peace for it appears there will be more atomic war--in the Middle East. America, wake up, please. You MAN of today have come from the ability of one man to kill someone with a stone hatchet into the ability of one man to kill twenty million or more men and destroy a whole city in a few seconds and a whole planet in only a few short minutes.

Small provinces in China with petty princes, and small tribes in the desert countries, conducted insignificant raids upon each other to acquire herds, slaves and concubines, but your Empire Builders conducted these war raids upon a huge scale basis and thus built this present world of fear and hate which is so inevitably destroying itself that its changing pattern is now as evident as the daily rising and setting of the sun is evident.

The only hope now for saving this civilization is by restoring a system of ethics which will rebuild character, honor, dignity and righteousness into the human race. The greatest opportunity for accomplishing this result is through the growing mammoth power of Industry which MUST trade upon an increasingly greater ethical basis than it has ever done before during the days of caveat emptor (a principle in commerce: without a warranty the buyer takes the risk of quality upon himself. ["buyer beware"]).

Industry cannot do this by alone building Industry. It must also build man, for you must remember Markham's dictum in this respect, which I again repeat: "In vain do we build the city if we do not first build the man".


I ask you to pause here for some introspective thought. Where do YOU fit into these action patterns? What do you do with YOUR ego? Are you the tyrant who demands or are you one who GIVES? Do you speak of others as a part of some Elite band when, in fact, they are only different in job responsibility? DO YOU TREAT THE OTHER AS YOU DESIRE THEM TO TREAT YOU? Are you ACTUALLY being treated as is deserving through the return cycle of that which you have projected? Better look again!!! What EXACTLY do you expect? Do you treat the other in the manner which elicits the kind, gentle and loving regiving? Do you demand that you be the recipient of abuse in some self-punishment need through lack of self-esteem? Do you hide from the truth of it while proclaiming another has all the attributes you have just sent forth? Are there not a lot of you who should possibly be sent into the "forever" horizon to clean up your attitudes?

How many times will you who must be "in charge" allow others to come who have no intent to "follow" but rather to "restructure" the so-called group? Why do you allow another's evil and greedy moods and rampages to cause you to play into the force rather than take a stand and refuse such behavior. Are all things which are projected (also from this so-called group) reflective of GOD? I can tell you now--NO, and moreover, it is painfully damaging to the respect and Truth of that which we bring. Yours is not to judge a MAN--yours IS to judge actions and that which is reflective of the adversary in character rather than the God of Truth and Love in ALWAYS GIVING, MUST BE CONFRONTED. You all know the laws and the golden rule-- why would you expect Hatonn or Germain or, or--to come and handle your earth personality ego rampages? You ones have two or three massive and very earthly jobs to attend and I see not how you can get them done with personality conflicts as they are now entangled!

If ones who have these problems of inter-relationships cannot see their own errors, does this mean that all others must somehow tolerate such behavior? God will work THROUGH ADVERSARIAL SITUATIONS--HE WILL NOT GET INTO BED WITH THE ADVERSARY. Perhaps you ones should begin with yesterday's lessons wherein I pronounce that "turn the other cheek" as projected by the would-be controllers to ensure their power over you--had best be restudied within the laws of sowing and reaping--a Natural Law which is never in variance! If you send out unrest- -you shall have it--immediately! If you send forth gossip and prattling--so shall it come against you. If you send out Love--it returns unto you--instantly! It will behoove all you ones to look at that which you are and that which you do lest the horizon be a most lonely one. How dare you hand over that which is God's because another demands to TAKE IT. If you serve in a "team" in which God is the focus--how dare you do that which brings embarrassment upon the team by your egotistical tantrums and moody indulgences. NO ONE IS INDISPENSABLE! ALL ARE NECESSARY TO THE WHOLE BUT IF ONES REFUSE TO MOLD THEIR PIECE OF THE WHOLE INTO ONENESS BUT CONTINUES TO SET THEMSELVES ASIDE AS PUT-UPON OR UNACCEPTING IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN SELF STATUS--IT IS INDEED SAD FOR THE BROTHERS WILL GROW WEARY AND YE SHALL FIND SELF QUITE ALONE AND UNWELCOME--IT HAS NAUGHT TO DO WITH LOVE. AS WITH THE CHILD HAVING A TANTRUM--HE SHALL STOP IF HE HAS NO ONE TO ATTEND HIS BAD BEHAVIOR. SO BE IT.


In our efforts to give the lost qualities of character and righteousness back to the world of men, we believe that Laotzu follows Immanuel and Krishna in value for your study. So highly did his followers value him that the prelates of the religion which they formed--strongly against the will of Laotzu himself--tried to clear him of the stigma of being born through sex, as the prelates of the Christian religion tried to do for Immanuel (Jesus).

Now let's look at a rather strange and humorous comparison. The Christian Prelates conceived Jesus as being "immaculately" born by being fathered by the "Holy Ghost". Chinese Taoists were a little more spectacular, to say the least: They conceived Laotzu to be fathered by a shooting star and carried in his mother's womb for sixty-two YEARS, THEN BORN FULLY MATURED, WITH WHITE HAIR.

So, how is it you ones have such trouble with DNA duplication and gene splicing? This is nothing compared to a conception via ghost or a sixty-two year pregnancy! How can you be so gullible in your acceptance of things so totally against the Laws of Nature? Can a man not be "son of God" AND "son of Man"? I believe the Masters told you exactly that! How can you accept the total blatant contradictions? So be it.

Dharma, I would like to close here for I ask that ones give more thought to this closing in this lesson. It is of no value to have Truth if you ones do not see fit to practice it-- only scatter it about among OTHERS. We witness much which is needing attending within the small groups--how can you expect to reach out and touch the world with Love, if you cannot find peace and Love within? If you perceive that you are somehow "left out"--perhaps you have isolated self--a gift must be accepted to be a gift! Ponder it.

Allow us a short break, please.




FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1991 11:46 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 358


Laotzu never heard of the story of his so-called gestation period during his lifetime for the story was not "invented" until centuries after his death; just as with Immanuel, likewise, never knew of His "immaculate conception" nor that his name was "Jesus" during His life for it was not "invented" by Christian Prelates until three centuries AFTER HIS DEATH.

The chief thing which characterizes Laotzu from all other men was his ability to obtain knowledge from the Cosmos through meditation communion, as Immanuel (Jesus) and all consummate Illuminates acquire it. He openly declared that the informative knowledge which any man received through his senses was of no value whatsoever. He claimed that the only knowledge of any value to man was the Spiritual knowledge which comes to man by direct communion with the Cosmos itself.

He claimed that Spiritual knowledge was innate in every man. It did not need to be sought. He told his pupils that if they rested quietly and serenely, and withdrew from outward sensing to inner--or innate--knowing, all knowledge would come to them. In such manner he taught men to seek the quietness of Tao (God), just as he sought and found it. At this point I shall interrupt the thought to respond to a frequent inquiry-- why do we continually use Sioux terms for God, etc., instead of Hopi or Cherokee or Mayan or somebody else? Because we work in conjunction with a being given into the task of bringing the Oral Teachings unto the human print. Since I work with that one and all of the natives understand from that label exactly that which I mean, why use another? It all means the same thing and if the heart says otherwise then I suggest the dissenting ones look at their ego reasons for chafing about it.

The next question is, "...well, then, why don't you use Sun Bear, or Black Elk, or Red Dawn, or, or, or"? Why? Why would we not use the one appointed by the Great Spirit and our Grandfather, to fill his task? Earth human has hardly qualified himself, as a mass, to choose the methods used by God nor of the ones which will serve as he directs. We certainly do NOT NEED ANY MORE SELF-APPOINTED GURUS WHO ACTUALLY PULL AWAY FROM THE TRADITIONAL TRUTHS TO "FIT" MORE COMFORTABLY IN AN UNBALANCED AND SELF-ORIENTED WORLD IN SEPARATION FROM GOD. If ones of you don't like that which we choose I suggest you look around at your world and the state of your existence and then tell me that WE ARE WRONG--WE CAN SEE THAT WHICH YOU HAVE DONE THROUGH YOUR "WISE" DECISIONS AND CHOICES. NO, I THINK I'LL STICK WITH THAT WHICH I AM COMMISSIONED TO DO--THAT IS TO SET TO TRUTH THAT WHICH IS FALSE. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THAT WHICH IS BROUGHT FORTH THEN WHY SHOULD YOU DO OTHER THAN TURN AWAY--WHAT COMPELS YOU TO HAVE TO MAKE GRAND AND LOUD STATEMENTS AGAINST IT? I suggest if it be wrong--far too many of you protest too loudly for you will find nothing which is not of goodness and Light in the teachings. I said the "teachings"--obviously there is almost everything of the adversary's darkness in the world that we must outlay for your attention. So far to this moment, ALL WHO HAVE SCATHED AND CRUCIFIED THESE WORKS--HAVE NOT EVEN READ THE WHOLE OF THE WORK. Nor will there be any rocks thrown by ones after reading same if they have any connections with Truth and the Laws of God and The Creation, in reason. The most vicious attackers and loudest disclaimers have actually read the very least!


You see, I am not interested in what Sister Thedra says, or Bill Cooper, or Ramtha, or Mafu or Saraswatti--I HAVE ONE EAR AND THAT IS TO HEAR WHAT GOD SAYS!! MINE IS TO PROJECT AND REFLECT EVERY LAW OF GOD AND THAT OF THE BALANCED UNIVERSE WITHIN NATURE. I NEED NO OTHER QUALIFICATIONS--NOR DOES DHARMA FOR ONLY THAT OF GOD IS PROJECTED. If you do not like Shirley MaClaine's books, would you simply not read them a second time--for how else do you know you like them not if you read them not, the first time? After you have read all the PHOENIX material and you still dislike that which you read--why would you annoy us with your dislikes for it is your business and not ours as to that which you think! Furthermore, it seems most outrageous to me that the world would be interested in your opinion--especially if they take not the time to become informed for selves. If ones' truth disagrees with mine--then let us see whose stands the ultimate testing of TRUTH and reason.

We of the guides are amazed that the human gives so little attention to the most important things in existence--his immortality and divinity and his freedom. He treats marriage like an expected faillure before embarking and uses murder as birth control and then throws atomic bombs at my scribe because I say these things are against God's laws and that of The Creation in Nature. Some will stand with a Bible in one hand while writing me with another and telling me to "return to Jesus"?? The Christ travels WITH me and I recognize the energy you tout who can sanction murder, disrespect, hate and theft of everything including freedom. I cannot even relate to ones who expect a man of two thousand years ago to bear all of everyone's evil. What are you, humankind? Then, shouts at me, do you think there should be a law against abortion? There IS--it is God's law! If you ask me if I think there should be a man-law to make it illegal, I can only respond "What difference"? There are laws against murder and yet murder takes place. There are laws against child abuse and yet it takes place. There are laws against suicide and yet suicide is committed. There are laws against what the government practices against you and yet it continues. What difference?? You cannot legislate morality and character and the world Shan has lost both. You can argue and object to me all you like--you can burn the books and chant and rave--it will change NOT ONE IOTA OF THE TRUTH OF IT. YOU CAN TOSS MY SCRIBE ONTO THE PILE OF BURNING BOOKS AND YOU WILL ONLY PROVE THAT WHICH I SAY IS TRUE!!

The teachings of Laotzu paralleled those of Immanuel the Christ who, likewise, told men to seek the kingdom of heaven which was within all men, and they parallel our teachings herein when we speak of that divine spark of genius which lies inherent within all men. They also parallel the teachings of the Christ in respect to His instructions which say that knowledge cannot come to man "through observation".

I tell you this because you all desire to comprehend the principle of gaining knowledge and power through the awakening of Cosmic Consciousness, as we have gained it and we, therefore, commend Laotzu to you as one of the few great Illuminates who have known the universe through God's teachings of it.


There is only one book of Laotzu: THE WAY OF LIFE which is in English and other translations. The interesting thing is that this priceless book was written at the request of the gate-keeper of one of the exits through the Great Wall through which Laotzu was about to pass on his way to disappearance. I think you will find the book listed as the Witter Bynner translation and was published by the John Day Company. You will find it interesting in total similarity of teachings. I will give you a few excerpts as we move along. But back to the gate-keeper. As Laotzu started to pass through the gate for his final journey the gate-keeper said: "Master, are you going away? What will you leave us that your teachings may not be forgotten?" Whereupon Laotzu tarried a few days and gave to the gate-keeper these immortal pages, then passed through the gate and entered the pass to the mountains of the North never again to be seen by mortal man.

Laotzu transformed the entire spiritual bearing of the Orient by insistence upon one idea, and if you can take that idea into your Consciousness it will transform you to the same extent. He gave to the world a new concept to help people attain cosmic consciousness. He called it Creative Quietism or Taoist Quietism, and explained it by saying that Tao (God) was absolute Stillness out of which came all power and all creative knowledge power and all creative knowledge. He exemplified that principle throughout his life by living in a lonely hut on the mountain side seeking that absolute stillness in order to become One with the Creator of all things and thus BE the Creator. By thus doing, he was in no wise a hermit, for anyone who knocked at his door would be cheerfully received and taught by him without price. May I further explain the importance of the "stillness" in communion with God? It is not so that you can talk TO God--it is required so THAT YOU CAN HEAR HIS ANSWER!!!

Laotzu knew the universe and the processes of Creation through practicing his principle of Creative Quietism. Did he claim to be the Christed God? No, he claimed that which he was--Laotzu OF God and a teacher of Truth, no more and no less. This wondrous being was so studied that he could sever his seat of sensation from its seat of consciousness at any moment and be taught BY GOD. He consciously asked: What is God--What is Love--What is Existence--What was the beginning of things--What is Life--and Death--What is Beauty--What is Attainment?

He consciously asked those questions as though asking a teacher then dissolved his body-awareness into his state of Taoist Quietism--which means God-stillness--and awaited and received his answers. In this respect, he was the greatest teacher in world for he was able to tell others how to attain Cosmic Consciousness, while other great Illuminates were unable to put it into comprehensive words. How many thousands of times Buddha had to tell his people that he could not tell them how to attain it beyond telling them how to place themselves into a mental condition which invites that attainment. That is why India is characterized by the men who spend their lives in monasteries or sitting by the side of the road in meditation without knowing its true meaning.

These Hindus interpret the Buddhist meaning as inaction and freedom from all desire, while the Japanese Buddhists, who had a deeper comprehension of the powers of meditation because of the Laotzu teachings of it as CREATIVE QUIETISM, filled their meditation with the desire for creation and followed it by ACTION.

You may, yourself, gain a priceless lesson from this one idea alone. We have told you many times that a man becomes that which he thinks. The difference between the entire mental and physical habits of Hindus and Japanese is marked by the difference in their thinking. The more you, yourself, can carry that idea of creative quietism into your meditation by consciously asking while consciously desiring, and THEN becoming ONE with God in His One Great Stillness, the more you will be enabled to sit at the feet of the universal Teacher and become aware that all knowledge and all power are truly within YOU.

May we share a few fragments of the great knowledge which Laotzu gained by sitting quietly in the nothingness of Taoist Quietism while fully knowing that all moving things are born out of it through desire to give birth to them--which is what Laotzu meant by Creative Quietism.

Once Laotzu was asked how he KNEW the INTEGRITY of the universe--he replied:

How do I know this integrity? I know it because it could all begin in me.

One who recognizes all men as members of his body is a sound man to guard them.

The sanest man

Sets up no deed,

Lays down no law,

Takes everything that happens as it comes,

As something to animate, not to appropriate,

To earn, not to own,

To accept naturally without self-importance:

If you never assume importance

You never lose it.

It is better not to make merit a matter of reward

Lest people conspire and content,

Not to pile up rich belongings

Lest they rob,

Not to excite by display

Lest they covet.

A sound leader's aim

Is to open people's hearts,

Fill their stomachs,

Calm their wills.

Brace their bones

And so to clarify their thoughts and cleanse their needs

That no cunning meddler could touch them:

Without being forced, without strain or constraint,

Good government comes of itself.

The breath of life moves through a deathless valley

Of mysterious motherhood

Which conceives and bears the universal seed,

The seeming of a world never to end,

Breath for men to draw from as they will:

And the more they take of it, the more remains.

The universe is deathless,

Is deathless because, having no finite self,

It stays infinite.

A sound man by not advancing himself

Stays the further ahead of himself,

By not confining himself to himself

Sustains himself outside himself:

By never being an end in himself

He endlessly becomes himself.

If you can bear issue and nourish its growing,

If you can guide without claim or strife,

If you can stay in the lead of men without their knowing,


What we look for beyond seeing

And call the unseen,

Listen for beyond hearing

And call the unheard.

Grasp for beyond reaching

And call the withheld,

Merge beyond understanding

In a oneness

Which does not merely rise and give light,

Does not merely set and leave darkness,

But forever sends forth a succession of living things as mysterious

As the unbegotten existence to which they return.

That is why men have called them empty phenomena,

meaningless images,

In a mirage

With no face to meet,

No back to follow.

Yet one who is anciently aware of existence

Is master of every moment,

Feels no break since time beyond time

In the way life flows.


Be utterly humble

And you shall hold to the foundation of peace.

Be at one with all these living things which, having arisen and flourished,

Return to the quiet whence they came,

Like a healthy growth of vegetation

Falling back upon the root.

Acceptance of quietism has been condemned as "fatalism".

But fatalism is acceptance of destiny

And to accept destiny is to face life with open eyes,

Whereas not to accept destiny is to face death blindfolded.

A leader is best

When people barely know that he exists,

Not so good when people obey and acclaim him,

Worst when they despise him.

"Fail to honor people,

They fail to honor you",

But of a good leader, who talks little,

When his work is done, his aim fulfilled,

They will all say, "We did this ourselves".

Before creation a presence existed,

Self-contained, complete,

Formless, voiceless, mateless,


Which yet pervaded itself

With unending motherhood.

Though there can be no name for it,

I have called it "the way of life".

Perhaps I should have called it "the fullness of life",

Since fullness implies widening into space,

Implies still further widening,

Implies widening until the circle is whole.

In this sense

The way of life is fulfilled,

Heaven is fulfilled,

Earth fulfilled

And a fit man also is fulfilled:

These are the four amplitudes of the universe

And a fit man is one of them:

Man rounding the way of earth,

Earth rounding the way of heaven,

Heaven rounding the way of life

Till the circle is full.


Might be likened to the course

Of many rivers reaching the one sea.

* * *

No greater philosophy of life has ever been written than these words of this Illuminate of China. Take careful note of their similarity to the teachings of Krishna. Let us quote a few lines in review of the translation by Swami Prabhavananda.

What is knowledge? What is it that has to be known?

Sri Krishna answers him by telling him that this universal body is the FIELD in which seeds of knowledge are sown by the KNOWER. He explains that nothing exists in the universe except the KNOWER and the FIELD. Another name for the Field is Prakriti--which is the Hindu word for Cosmos.

Read these next words carefully for they are among the most valuable words ever written and are the highest teachings, yet not one word of these priceless teachings ever reaches the modern youth for not one educational institution ever thinks of them in any other way than as examples of "ancient wisdom", with the connotation that they belong to the past and not to today:

Briefly I name them:

First, Prakriti

Which is the cosmos

In cause unseen

And visible feature;

Intellect, ego;

Earth, water and ether,

Air and fire;

Man's mind also:

The five sense-objects--

Sound in its essence,

Essence of aspect,

Essence of odour,

Of touch and of tasting;

Hate and desire,

And pain and pleasure;

Consciousness, lastly,

And resolution;

These, with their sum

Which is blent in the body:

These make the Field

With its limits and changes.

Therefore I tell you:

Be humble, be harmless,

Have no pretension,

Be upright, forbearing,

Serve your teacher

In true obedience,

Keeping the mind

And the body in cleanness,

Tranquil, steadfast,

Master of ego,

Standing apart

From the things of the senses,

Free from self;

Aware of the weakness

In mortal nature,

its bondage to birth,

Age, suffering, dying;

To nothing be slave

Nor desire possession

Of man-child or wife,

Of home or of household;

Calmly encounter

The painful, the pleasant;

Adore me only

With heart undistracted;

Turn all your thought

Toward solitude, spurning

The noise of the crowd,

Its fruitless commotion;

Strive without ceasing

To know the Atman, (God)

Seek this knowledge

And comprehend clearly

Why you should seek it:

Such, it is said,

Are the roots of true wisdom:

Ignorance, merely,

Is all that denies them.

I could go on here for some great length of time relaying the teachings of great men who have graced your lands but I believe you will only find that they repeat the identical theme.


I would like to urge you precious ones who are coming into better focus in your communion--to flow with that which touches you. If you feel a nudge to do something which seems alien to your talents--try it. Ones will be finding that as they reduce the input of the "critical" consciousness the truth of the talent held within becomes a bursting flower. You who are nudged to paint--get a brush and follow your heart--you must ALLOW the talent to flow lest you never realize it is there in waiting. This becomes a demonstration of the meaning of working knowingly with God and working with God's hands together with your own--as one. This, also, is a demonstration of God-awareness. That is the way inspiration comes--suddenly--for all inspired conceptions are timeless. Knowledge is a quality of the undivided Mind universe in which there is no time. Thoughts of Mind, however, take time, for thoughts are divided waves and waves are synchronized with the Universal heartbeat which creates the idea of time.

As more and more of you become thoroughly familiar with the practice of working knowingly with God until it becomes a habit, the world will know more and more about it and geniuses will again be produced as they were during the three hundred years following the great Renaissance which gave you many inspired geniuses. But do not do that which is so foolishly followed by the "New Age Movement" members who dabble into meditation within some medicine wheel and come forth pronouncing themselves great artists and reincarnations of great masters--this would be a most stupid attitude for one very important factor is always present in the great masters-- humility and gratitude. They paint or compose from the soul and treat it as a most wondrous gift of soul--not ever acclaimed for self. They may become total perfectionists and quite eccentric but that is only in searching for perfection of the idea--the imagining. Anyone who touts his talent in ego gleaning is a bore not a genius.

Every man is an inherent genius and there should be an ever-increasing number of geniuses in the world. You have it in you and so have your sons, daughters and friends. And if it comes forth--others will take note without, preferably, your even speaking of it. The greatest man who ever lived is no greater than you except that within he KNEW that he was and did something about it.

The hope for world culture is through the production of more geniuses and you can only have that when you present ideals worthy of becoming a great culture. By genius, I repeat: the person who has learned to live life gloriously --at the maximum--not just the genius who has expressed himself in the arts or sciences.

It is now apparent that you must necessarily KNOW God so that you will see yourself reflected in HIM, or know yourself to be an extension of Him. The more you do unfold your genius, the more you will be enabled to uplift the world to the level you have yourself attained.

It is wondrous to take note that as God-awareness increases, materiality decreases, and materialists are the ones who make wars.

Take time--find time, therefore, to lose your body as much as you can. When you are aware of your body, you can be lonesome, terribly lonesome and dejected--but you never can be lonely if you can find the exaltation and ecstasy which is in your Soul. Instead of being lonely, you will rejoice in your aloneness with God. This is what is meant by "finding" yourself. This is not found by wandering about the country trying this or that and loving-in and popping in here and there to "experience"--usually at the expense of another because in your searching you have found no time to be self sufficient--therefore, all you have done is diligently work to AVOID FINDING SELF.

Therein is the secret of Self-discovery. Therein lies the difference between greatness and mediocrity, stability and instability, and strength and weakness in man. The secret- -ceasing to think of self as limited when he thinks of himself AS body. Human must lift the thinking into the awareness of the eternal man, instead of the transient body which is but the instrument used for self-expression.

Life is glorious when it is all that way--and it really IS that way when that which is eternal in you makes you forget all else but the eternal in God's universe--the rest of it being mirage which really cannot touch you when you know it cannot.

Remember that which I wrote on the yesterday: You can apply these things, and there is no proof in this World that amounts to anything except that which you prove to yourself.

So stand firm in the glory of the Presence of Life. Stand in its fullness; stand there giving the full power of its mighty action, and let the Presence and power of Life go forth and bring to you all that you crave. As you go forth in the Expansion of this Light, in the power of Life, you do not know today that which stands right in the periphery of your world, ready to come forth with dynamic power and give you that freedom, that happiness which you have craved so long.

There is nothing controversial about this Word and Work which we offer unto you-- just the loving kindness and power of Life in action, and we shall never do anything else. Therefore, I want you to realize that you are dealing with the Power of Divine Love in turning your attention to the Presence of Life, the Masters gone before, the Cosmic Beings, and the Cosmic Light.

You have throughout all teaching heard and believed in the Christ Principle, have you not? Now, what is this which you have been talking about all through the centuries? An action of your own Life! How and why is it the Christ Principle? Because it is that energy of Life which is no longer contaminated by human QUALIFICATION. That is what the Christ Principle of Life IS, and every human being can become as the Christ when they cease using human qualification of discord. Every one is a Christ Being because the Light within them that beats their heart is God. It is Mighty Intelligence and Energy.

When you understand this, you will no longer feel the human sense of limitation that so upsets you, and you will find that even in the simple words of calling to your own God Presence, even without further understanding, you will draw into your experience the greater perfection of that Life which will cause you to know that you have touched the fountainhead of Life.

You must further understand that when your attention is upon outer things, it is limited, because that is human presentation. But when your attention is upon your own "God Presence" and you call upon that Presence for ANYTHING WHATSOEVER--(AND, OF COURSE, WITHIN THAT UNDERSTANDING YOU WOULD NOT WISH TO HARM ANOTHER NOR WISH DESTRUCTIVE ACTIVITY, FOR YOU KNOW THAT WOULD RETURN UPON YOU)--all constructive activity in your Call to the Presence of Life, will find fruition. The call compels the answer.

As I close I can only urge you ones who enter into the reading of the JOURNALS from your brothers--especially the spiritual sharing of what is identified as PLEIADES CONNECTIONS--at the advanced books you will not find acceptance of Truth so easy to understand. When you started in school you did not jump from the kindergarten to algebra or calculus or some higher understanding, did you? You went step by step. So, you have to begin step by step before you have attained this comprehension.

We are in a position to not only tell you, but show you the way in detailed outlay. As you come to understand yourself, you will see that you are dealing with the most natural, beautiful, majestic, powerful thing--your own Life and your own wondrous Immortality. Perhaps it will be easier for you to accept my presence if you think of me as your own greater expansion into KNOWING. For it is only for the guide and teacher to give unto the student than which is given in greater Knowing that that which the student has. You would not be given that which is beyond ability to comprehend-- IF you walk step by step and, students, do your homework--God will walk WITH you, He will not DO IT FOR YOU! SALU.

Blessings and Love I offer unto you.

Germain to clear, please.



SAT., AUGUST 10, 1991 8:47 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 359


Germain present in the Light of GOD. I am asked to relinquish time tomorrow for the writing of an EXPRESS. I believe that means we need to do at least two sections today, Dharma, and then we will draw this JOURNAL to a close and begin a fresh title on the beginning week.

So much EXPRESS material has piled up that I would like to ask that Hatonn cover the new cost to you taxpayers for "spying" by the Israel mini-state. I believe that even though you THINK you are getting a grasp on the officious taking of your country through deceit--you have no REAL integrated acceptance of the "whole of it". Perhaps this will shaken your eyelids just a tad? You who are ordinary Americans and already see the billions exacted by Israel from the U.S. as a rip-off through the annual rite (since 1949), hear ye; hear ye! You are now looking at a bill for over $50 BILLION, claimed by the State of Israel for "intelligence services"!

Does this sound like some kind of kinky, sick joke? No--there is already a task force quantifying by market evaluation, all information supplied. Ariel (the Butcher) Sharon was Israel's defense minister in the 1980's and he set up a task force to quantify and to set this "market evaluation" on all information the Israeli's military and civilian (Mossad) staffs claimed to have sent to Washington. I would say that with an amount of at least $50 BILLION (Israel claims the bill is actually OVER $80 BILLION) that here is just a little proof of what Hatonn and others have been telling you--that is one heck of a large charge for something of clandestine operation. Do you STILL think you don't have government by BLACKMAIL AGAINST YOUR LEADERS? So be it.

Also, chelas, the holding of Hostages in Lebanon is revolving around how much those hostages can tell about the secret negotiations (blackmail) in the issue. If there is evidence of the clandestine arrangements by the U.S. government in the continued holding of these people, they are not apt to be released. This is WHY McCarthy is still in "seclusion"--until the government finds out what he can "TELL". You see, England has more to hide than does even the U.S.!!! "What you sees and hears is NOT what youze gets"!

Let us move on with our JOURNAL material, please.

I ask that you now refer back to the Introduction by Aton, to MURDER BY ATOMIC SUICIDE for the subject matter would ordinarily fit very well in this placement. I do not, however, wish to duplicate so much material. I trust you will obtain the book and study it most carefully for it is, indeed, extremely urgent and important.

Let us consider the question of questions: "How can I become a transcendent being, a being possessed of supreme power, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, dignity and character, a being who can give of great riches to the world and the glory of an abundant peace and happiness for myself--and hence unto all who touch me"?


Yes indeed, this is THE question. It IS the SUPREME question because that is what you and the world want and need to make a happy home for your family and an enduring civilization of happy homes for the world-family. The answer is simple. It is to know God and be like unto Him.

The answer is simple, but of course, acquirement is a bit more complicated--not difficult--just a bit complex. The word "difficult" has usually been used to describe this capability; I dislike the word for it implies WORK and struggle. No, it requires neither of these actual "activities". We are simply limited by your lack of recognized terminology. We are not writing for university professors of English language--we are writing for MAN in the most simplistic manner we can utilize. It would, however, behoove the professor to study it most carefully for he is misinformed--if he teaches in an accepted Establishment university--HE IS MISINFORMED AT THE VERY LEAST.

To "attain" means diligent practice and a bit of effort. To attain it means to know God's ways and processes, and that means the work of physical and mental unfolding-- indefatigable effort given and performed in love during one's life. To ascend any high mountain peak gloriously means great exertion performed with intense spiritual exaltation--and a desire for attaining the mountain top. The mountain top will not "fall down" just so you can stand atop it--if it did it WOULD NOT BE THE SAME. To become a transcendent being, one must climb that high mountain of life gloriously, rejoicing in the effort and experience of it--uplifted by the joy of it--ennobled by the conquest of it.

What is that "effort" which will uplift you to your high mountain top?

It is the KNOWING GOD in you by KNOWING HIS UNIVERSE. To attain your full inheritance of God-power, you must KNOW the power which God makes use of to create His universe. You can never acquire that knowledge through your senses. You can acquire it only through your Mind. To KNOW through your Mind, you must BE Mind. THEREFORE, AWAKEN! Sever your senses from your Mind by BEING MIND. To sever your senses from your Consciousness, learn to BE STILL. Learn to stop thinking. Meditate unthinkingly and KNOW. Forget the Body. Be thus STILL and LET GOD IN. This is why we urge you to put aside all the preordained "positions" and "chants" and other rituals save the ONE--to get the conscious critical to relinquish and allow the "within" to be open. You will thus hear HIS voice within you. You will thus know HIS Presence within you. You will thus know His Identity and your Identity as in oneness. At first you may experience nothing for you are so conditioned to receiving through "senses" that you will actually miss the response-- continue and you will suddenly recognize the entity AND the response. Do not "try" this once and announce failure--simply to "try" indicates certain failure. You must DO a thing--not simply "try" to do a thing. If I ask you to "try" to get up out of a chair--as long as you are "trying", do you see, you cannot get out of the chair. If I want you out of the chair I must tell you get up--not "try" to get up.

Do you deeply desire to become the transcendent being described above or do you just want to "try" another route to one more failure? It is up to you. If you wish success, you can ascend that mountain of life in the measure of your desire. The heights you will attain will be measured by your willingness to put forth some effort and "time". You are living in a world of "instant" everything--most especially push for gratification of "wants". God does not respond to your "instant wants for the taking", He responds to your petition for the giving in order to obtain the re-giving of God.

If you desire the accomplishment, the heights you attain MUST be measured by your willingness to GIVE with love, and to know God's universe through knowing God's ways and processes for the purpose of recognizing them as your ways and processes. When you KNOW THAT, you are working knowingly with God. You are walking with Him and talking to Him. HE will be your moment-to-moment companion.

To help you climb that glorious mountain of life is the sole purpose of my dissertations. These are the fundamental lessons learned by your higher brothers of the Cosmos and for this purpose are we come to share with you--in brotherhood and love to set your thoughts to correct direction for you are floundering in confusion.

These words are aimed at awakening YOUR MIND to think inwardly toward the kingdom of "heaven" within instead of outwardly toward that which your "senses" have come to believe is your permanent reality. For instance, someone may touch you briefly--and immediately it is only a "memory" of that touch which your senses hold-- not the touch itself. With God in the energy of soul--it remains the immortal touch.

If you have ideas you wish to meditate upon, think deeply on them to weld them into your Consciousness. If you then stop thinking and meditate upon them, you will be following the right procedure in thinking the way geniuses and mystics think. No matter how far down, or up, your mountain you are, start from where you now are. Allow us to think WITH you and direct your thoughts as food for meditation. Think well upon them. We will then take another step in giving you greater knowledge of our wondrous universe of which YOU are a functioning part.

From whence and what comes energy for the initial impulse of power and speed which is given to any creating body and multiplies it for a time before withdrawing all of it for another period between eternal cycles of beginnings and endings in an eternity which has no beginnings and endings?

A mighty star is moving across the heavens at many thousand miles per minute. It has been moving like that for countless ages and will continue to do so for a long time yet. It did not always have that speed. It began at zero stillness and will end where it began. Where will you be? Where did that energy come from? Why does it continue? Why must it discontinue? WHAT IS THAT ENERGY?

A majestic ship of the ocean moves its huge mass very slowly. Its mighty engines strain heavily to give it its initial impulse. Its slowness multiplies into speed and its speed multiplies as the great ship moves very fast with much less power extended from its engines.

From whence came that impetus of greater speed of momentum with less work? What is momentum? What is its secret? We have already given this to you--but alas, you did not fully understand it, did you? That is fine--let us not deliberate over that which you did not fully understand--it is a concept kept from you for eons of time and multitudes of experiences--NOW is the time decreed by God that you shall come into understanding--so we will present it until you can grasp it.

A strong man who desires to be a rich and powerful merchant sells neckties on the city streets with but little reward. His effort to gain an initial impetus is great but the years multiply it into power to sell many thousands of items with less effort and greater reward than to sell one item at the beginning of his desire to express effort.

What is the secret of a man's power to multiply himself in such a manner that he becomes as a thousand men with more ease than when he was but one? Can it be that he multiplied some other power than that which man calls ENERGY? Do you really know the meaning of ENERGY? Do you really know why you attain greater momentum with less energy?

Across the valley you see the quick, silent flash from a handgun, say. Two or three seconds later, you hear the report of the explosion. Twelve thousand miles away an Arab can hear that same shot in his desert tent through radar before you hear it across your valley. And if a man on the moon had that Arab's radar, he also could hear that shot across that vast gap of 240,000 miles before you hear it across your two-mile valley.

Are there two energies, one within the other, or two kinds of energy to give two speeds to every action and reaction of everything of Earth and heaven? Or--is there some as yet unknown mystery in Nature which you know not of because you have only been concerned with moving matter and the energy of its moving?

How can this be? You are told that one of these velocities is the speed of sound which is 1,100 feet per second, and the other velocity is the speed of light which is 186,400 miles per second. Yet they are both "SOUND". You hear both speeds and both of them are "LIGHT"! So they are both sound and light. Light is the basis of ALL. UNIVERSAL EFFECT. BOTH ARE WAVES--SOUND-WAVES AND LIGHTWAVES. Why the mystery of their incredibly different speeds? And what is the relation of such slow sound-waves to such fast light-waves? And why is it that these two speeds remain constant and never vary for greater or lesser intensity of either light or sound"? This mystery must be clarified in understandable terms. You must know HOW it is--and WHY--that a pistol shot can girdle the world many times before it reaches you. You must know how that little voltage of energy--which is exploded from that power--multiplies itself by the millions of voltage power needed to reach the antipodes of Earth and passes beyond them to the farthermost star in its traverse of this universe, and every star in the firmament must adjust itself to this energy. If that sound reaches the moon to be recorded there, it, likewise, reaches Mars--and Arcturus--and every nebulae of the far heavens, even those which are a million light years away in forward time--which means that the little pistol shot of today on Earth is still resounding in this universe long ages after Earth has disappeared and your Sun has become the vacuous dark of space.

Has man so great an ego as to think that the little energy he created made such a vast effort possible? Or does his ego permit him to think that he alone could have made that little effort of energy expression unaided by that vast voltage of power which is extended to him from the Cosmos to make that effort possible? Or is man so local that he could think that the effort which he believed to begin and end in him ever did begin or ever could end?

It has been said by the mystics that motion once started never can end. If man could but become universal instead of local, he might have a different conception of his place in God's universe and the mighty power which is back of his every effort for every man to use when he knows that power and knows that it is to use. Again we say that if that little sound or even that of the loudest thunder, can touch the farthest star in the firmament of heaven so, likewise, can the feeble cry of a babe or the whisperings of Earth's winds, or even the fluttering of a tiny butterfly's wings reach also the other ends of space. Likewise, the simplest of actions as well as sound girdle the universe to be recorded in every particle of matter. Every star in the heavens must readjust itself to so slight an action as that of a man walking across a room. To him whose ego leads him to believe that energy begins and ends in him instead of knowing that the vast energy of the universe is his to use when he knows his universality, that is his stumbling block--his brake to success set against himself.

This is the mystery which must be clarified. Our every word to you is for the supreme purpose of making you know your universe.

The energy which man uses does not begin in man--nor end in him. It does not extend from him--nor does he extend it. It is extended TO him and he receives it as his cosmic gift in the measure of his desire to be given--WHICH HE MUST REGIVE in order that he be again regiven. Until man becomes the fulcrum of his Self through cosmic knowing, he is but an extension of the fulcrum which moves the universe--but when his Self becomes the fulcrum of his Self through knowing, he is that fulcrum. He then knowingly moves the universe.

THE FEELING THAT WHATEVER YOU DO IS UNIVERSAL INSTEAD OF LOCAL SHOULD BE CULTIVATED BY YOU. THAT IS WHAT IS MEANT BY SAYING THAT WHEN YOU MOVE TO DO ANYTHING, THE WHOLE UNIVERSE MOVES WITH YOU. YOU KNOW THAT TO BE TRUE SO WHY NOT MAKE IT A PART OF YOUR AWARENESS? Even when you so much as move your little finger, or whisper to a neighbor, it will help you to know your universe better if you are conscious of the fact that your whisper is repeated in China, and on the moon, and out to the farthest star. When you cultivate that awareness of universality, you are becoming omnipresent in your identity and aware of the oneness of all identities. Your intellectual progress will become more rapid when you thus become universal in your thinking. That omnipresent universality is what is termed "cosmic thinking".


The sound of the pistol shot which reverberates upon the moon as well as upon the Earth is not man's little energy multiplied into the mighty cosmic voltage of this universal body--it is the omnipotent voltage divided into the little measure of man's desire for use of it. That which he asks is extended to him from the whole universe, not just a part of it, and must be returned to the whole of the universe. That is why the pistol shot never began and never ended. Man has no limitations other than those which he sets for himself in the measure of his knowing and the measure of his desire to work with God as God works with him, for desire alone will gain him nothing.

Give whole effort to think, in terms of omnipotence rather than in fractions of it. Grow into your Consciousness the fact that all of the power of the whole universe exists at every point of it for your use in the measure of your desire for it. You can take one shovel of earth from a mountain if that is the measure of your desire, or you can tunnel through it or remove it entirely if that is the measure of your desire. You set your own measurement and your own limitations. The universe sets NO LIMITATIONS UPON YOU. If you desire one hundred millions of voltage power, the universe will give it to you from any point in the whole of it and you must return it in like measure, but if your desire is but fifty volts strong, the universe will give you only that fifty volts of your desire. Even that little fifty volts is given by the whole universe, not just a part of it. It must, therefore, be returned to the whole universe.


The merchant who thought that his energy alone gained him his chain of stores probably did not know how little his own initial impetus contributed to his multiplied power and how much power the Mind-Cosmos gave to him as the result of his Minddesire. Without desire in him, however, and without a vision of that altitude which he desired to reach, he never would have gained the momentum which increased his power and reduced his effort, but would have continued the hard labor of expressing the energy which he, himself, was content to express while working alone without vision or desire.

THE FULLY GAINED MOMENTUM OF THE GREAT SHIP OF THE SEA IS NOT ALONE THE PRODUCT OF MAN'S POWER TO EXPRESS ENERGY BY CONVERTING ONE FORM OF IT INTO ANOTHER, TO GIVE ANOTHER EXAMPLE. The ship's engines strain hard to give the ship its initial impetus from which but little speed results. Much fuel is burned, but as the speed of momentum increases less fuel is burned and the strain on the ship's engines lessens. Neither the fuel nor the power of the ship's engines give the ship its increased momentum. They give the ship its initial impulse at great effort but DESIRE of the will of mind GIVES THE SHIP ITS MOMENTUM WITH LESSENED EFFORT.

Energy is cosmic. Desire is also cosmic. Desire of man for power and speed gives to him the power and speed of his desire. He will cause methods for production of same. It is extended to him from the Cosmos by that cosmic power which fulfills all desire of all creating things. Science has given a name to that borrowed power. It has termed it "INERTIA" but that word does not fully explain it. It cannot explain it for its full meaning has not yet entered human consciousness. To exemplify the power of extended cosmic energy to man from the universal fulcrum of power, consider the laborer who can shovel twenty tons of coal in a day because of his desire to do so. The food he eats replaces his body wastes but does not lift that twenty tons of coal. Even if his food were entirely converted to the so-called energy which matter is presumed to be, it would not lift twenty pounds, let alone twenty tons. This is the mystery which can only be cleared by the measure of your ability to comprehend the omnipotence and omnipresence of universal power. Such understanding will give new meaning to our Father-Mother's words as given to this age of man:

Desire what you will and, behold, it stands before

you. All down the aeons it has been yours, though

you have but just requested it. Sit not and ask,

acting not, for unless you reach out for your

desire it shall not walk your way unto you,

unaided by your strong arms and hands.


Many millions of people in many countries have fully accepted the idea that MINDLIGHT is the basis of this universe and that Mind creates matter by dividing and multiplying light into waves, but few there are who know that God's creative Mind thinks--as you think--or that the matter and motion of this universe are light-wave records of Mind-thinking.

Science does not unanimously accept the universality of Mind. To most men of science, each man has his own individual Mind, and to many modern psychological and psychiatric thinkers Mind is an evolutionary growth which arises from the experiences of the senses. Likewise, science conceives Creation to be some cataclysmic accident of Nature which assumed an orderliness of form out of a chaos which demanded orderliness so that the processes of Nature could continue during that long interval between its chaotic birth and certain death.

Men have been aware of the Cosmos as a WAVE UNIVERSE but few beyond the Illuminates have conceived it to be a THOUGHT-WAVE UNIVERSE, and very few indeed, have conceived it to be what it really is--A GRAVITY-CONTROLLED AND MIND-IMAGINED THOUGHT-WAVE UNIVERSE. If you have been exposed to this information—please realize that you have a foot up on your brothers--however, you must also realize that the world is still in a very unenlightened state of being, so understand how much it takes to move a universe from the inertia.

Science has conceived a universe of light-waves, but never has there been the slightest suggestion from science that Creation might be an OCTAVE-WAVE universe in which the elements of matter are created by the opposing pressures of sex-divided thinking. An indication of this lack of understanding of the entire universal body by science is the concept that matter is emerging from space and is sequentially swallowed up by it. No such suggestion could ever be made by any one person or group who understood the optical nature of the universe or understood the workings of the light spectrum as a two-way dynamic EFFECT arising from a static CAUSE in God's omnipresent MIND-UNIVERSE.

The mystics of past ages have told of the divided and the undivided universes. The Book called "Genesis" states that God divided day from night, light from dark, male from female, and the earth from the firmament of heaven, but never has it occurred to the layman, the churchman or the man of science that such a division into pairs of equal opposite mates means sex-divided octave lightwaves. Furthermore, such an idea as that of connecting God's thought processes of concentrative and decentrative thinking with compressed matter and expanded space, or of sex division of the One Light into four spectrum mate-pairs, was unthinkable.

The relation between POLARITY and UNIVERSAL THINKING-MIND has not yet entered into the Consciousness of man, for if it had there would have been no mystery regarding the relation of matter and space, nor of growth and decay, nor of life and death cycles.

To clarify all this confusion, we will again restate the essentials of God's principles and processes of Creation, as an artist paints his picture, one enlightening brushstroke at a time.

God is the all-knowing, all-powerful Mind of undivided, unconditioned, formless, motionless, changeless and dimensionless Light--and that means Light, no matter.

In the Light of all-knowing is DESIRE for the expression of the IDEA of allknowing in three-dimensional form by creating an imagined body of divided lights which seemingly extend from the undivided ONE as a lever extends from a fulcrum to manifest IDEA through motion.

Desire to create is gravitationally expressed by polarized extensions from the fulcrum of Mind-Desire. The energy of the universe is in the stillness of its fulcrum which divides its extensions of expressed energy as an equator divides the poles of a bar magnet. There is no energy in the polarized extensions of the universal Mindfulcrum. The power of matter to express energy is extended to it from the mind of the Universe, but the power thus extended is the property of the Mind-fulcrum and not of its extensions.

The energy of the Cosmos lies within the fulcrum equator which divides two fulcrum equators of stillness, one which divides heat and one which multiplies cold. They are zero points of stillness. The measure of that mighty power is the measure in which the opposing poles can be extended from each other by the expansion-compression pulsations of waves. The farther apart they can be extended, the greater is the heat of resistance to that extension. When extension resistance has reached its maximum, all octave pairs unite as one balanced hot sphere which gradually expands to regive its energy of resistance back to its zero fulcrum.

DESIRE of Mind-knowing is expressed by thinking the undivided ONE IDEA of Mind into countless pairs of conditioned unit forms of Mind-Idea.

Cosmic thinking equally divides the one changeless Light of Knowing-Mind into the two balanced interchanging lights of Thinking-Mind.

Cosmic thinking equally divides the Light of universal equilibrium into male and female, heat and cold, generation and radiation, matter and space, compression and expansion, and all other pairs of opposite conditions which gravity cycles have made possible.

Cosmic thinking is expressed by octave-divided waves. God's universal body is a gravity-controlled thought-wave universe.

Cosmic thought-waves have a frequency of repetition which measures 186,400 miles per second. This velocity is misnamed "the speed of light". It is not the speed of light, however, for light is static. It has no speed. What you see is but the speed of reproduction. This means the speed in which gravity can seemingly divide the One Light of equilibrium into light compression-expansion sequences and reproduce those sequences in wave-fields.

Thought-waves which equally divide the One still Light into octave pairs of seemingly moving lights likewise keep the equally-divided pairs of opposite conditions in balance with each other. Not one milligram of weight in the whole universe can outbalance one divided condition with its mate condition. The most deceptive illusion in this universe is MOTION, for there is NO MOTION IN IT. MOTION ONLY "SEEMS".

Thought-waves are the recorders of all thought actions and all patterns of unfolding idea. Every thought and action of every unfolding unit of Creation is recorded within every other unfolding unit of all Creation at the speed of 186,400 miles per second.

This illusion of motion indicates the unchanging and ecstatic condition of our Father-Mother's thinking. When God's ecstatic thinking is extended to inspired man, man's knowing is reflected in his thinking in the timeless flashes in which the Creator extends His knowing to His thinking to produce the illusive effects of time and motion.

This unfolding universe is the result of thought followed by action. Every actionreaction in Nature is a division of an equilibrium in which octave pairs of opposite conditions extend from two dividing equators.


The foregoing pages require mental effort upon your part to absorb into your consciousness. You may ask why you should make that effort, and our answer is that your own measure of your power to command your own destiny depends ENTIRELY upon your knowledge of the universe which controls your every movement.

A sailor appropriately asks why he should study subjects pertaining to the ships he sails in and the oceans upon which he sails, and the wind currents, ocean currents and temperatures which create cyclones and typhoons. The more he knows about nautical matters, the greater his power to master their angers and survive.

Your climb to your own goal can be eased by your knowledge of the nature of this universe and your relation to it. That is why you will profit by acquiring this knowledge. Let us, therefore, devote a few pages to an application of knowledge thus gained to your daily life, and then we will leave this JOURNAL entry to end while you ponder that which is given and we move on to the next step in unfoldment.

You should by now fully comprehend why it is that God gives you that which you desire when you work knowingly WITH Him to manifest your Self in HIM. You should, likewise, more fully comprehend the meaning of God will work WITH you but not FOR you. When you know that He fulfills your desire as surely as you know that your car will run when you turn on the switch, or that you will be illumined with light when you plug into the generator at God's powerhouse, then you will also as surely know that when you plug into the universal generator with knowledge of the Source of that power, you will be more able to use its inconceivable vastness than if you had but a small measure of that knowledge.

Niagara generates great power and you know that it is dependable if you plug into it, but you must know HOW to plug into it. It is not enough that Tesla knew how. That power has been there for millions of years before men knew how to plug into it. The entire power of the universe awaits your use of it when YOU know how to plug into it. That is why it is worth the effort to gain this knowledge.

Now you must realize that Cosmic Mind created this vast incalculable voltage by dividing the earths from the heavens so that the interchange between the two expresses the mighty power which moves the countless trillions of stars of the firmament at inconceivable speeds. The wonderful part of it is that all of it is extended to YOU to use in the measure of your desire to use it, and the measure of the knowledge, backed by effort, that you put forth in the working with that universal power to be worthy of your desire.

This fact you must understand. You must always remember that DESIRE for knowledge and power focuses in YOUR Mind. DESIRE will give its fruits to you only if you first give love out from you in the measure of your expectancy, for the power which holds the universe together and controls its balanced interchange is LOVE. Love is the spiritual name for that power. Its scientific term is GRAVITY. Unless you first give love in equal measure of your expectancy, you may sit at ease and commune with God with inspiring thought exchange and be uplifted by it until your very body falls apart from inaction, which it would soon do, but your prayer will never be answered and your desire never fulfilled.

You want more out of life than sitting at ease, however. You wish to give form to your desires. You wish power to achieve. You wish to grow in physical and mental stature, build your body and other bodies, and manifest your thoughts and conceptions. This you can only do through desire followed by physical action. It is right here that man fails to obtain his desire through not knowing his Mind-relation to the Mindfulcrum of universal power which God IS, and the divided mates which extend from that fulcrum which God's universal body IS. The frustrations and failures of men who ask much from God and perform no service in working with God to be worthy of their desire are many. Such is the belief of many that they allow their bodies to die from lack of willingness to give the attention of right action through right knowing that is demanded of all bodies, whether of men or machines.

Countless spouses, siblings and children are allowed to suffer untold agonies of pain which the Mind of one who KNOWS, followed by right action through right knowing, would alleviate or cure. Instead of extending desire for Mind-healing to a Mind who knows CAUSE and a skilled hand trained by KNOWING to remove ill EFFECTS of CAUSE, many appeal to Minds who do not know and who have no skilled hands, and these many advisers who are called in to treat unbalanced bodies beset with many ills deceive those who appeal to them into working against Universal Law instead of WITH IT. These are the ones who teach man to expect God to perform the physical action that is expected of physical man for his physical body as well as giving him the mental balance which lies in the Mind of our Father-Mother.

Immanuel was a master scientist. He was illumined with all-knowing in the Light of Cosmic consciousness. Any man can do what He did when he has the cosmic knowing which Immanuel, the Christos, had, and any man can heal himself or other to the extent of his KNOWING. The Christ received His illumining in the light of Cosmic Consciousness from GOD alone. It is quite true that Immanuel (Jesus) said, "What I do, ye can also do", to which I add, "When you are what I am and know what I know". That which we have added to His meaning is what the thousands forget who believe that they can do what Jesus did.

Perhaps you can better understand this principle if we put those same words of Jesus into the mouth of Paderewski. He also could truthfully say, "You can do what I do and give the world great music, but you must also become like me by giving of YOURSELF to acquire such power". No one can acquire the powers of Christ, or for that matter, Paderewski--or even a skilled blacksmith, and do what they did by WISHFULL thinking, faith and belief, affirmation or magic. ONE IS AS HELPLESS TO EFFECT A CURE AS THE OTHER. KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED BY WORKING KNOWINGLY WITH GOD FOR WHATEVER TIME IS REQUIRED WILL ALONE EQUIP ONE TO HEAL HIMSELF OR ANOTHER--THROUGH KNOWING ACTION.

God will give the greater part of man's desire to him who asks for it because God has that mighty universal power to give, but man must give his little power to the universe for multiplication by the universe. Man must give the initial impulse. God gives the momentum of inertia to multiply that little to the measure of man's effort.

Immanuel healed by giving the initial impulse of desire and belief to those whom He healed. Until they came to Him, they believed in the reality of their illness. He so multiplied their desire for balanced normalcy that they then fully believed in His power to heal them. By His extension to His knowing to them, their belief was transformed to His KNOWING and they thus healed themselves through the mighty power of momentum which is Nature's reaction to every action of man or nature.

Many Mind doctors believe that it is their own knowledge and power, extended to them by God, which heals their patients. It would be as unnatural for the farmer to believe that he also grew his potatoes from their seed instead of merely supplying the initial impuls of action to which nature added the mighty power of its reaction as expressed in momentum of inertia.

This is another of those principles of Nature which has not yet entered human consciousness. Everybody knows that man has free will to perform any action he chooses. It can be a good action or a bad one. That action is his limitation, however. NATURE holds the right to the reaction. In other words, GOD ALWAYS HAS THE LAST WORD.

We will briefly give this idea a scientific basis by stating that all actions of man or Nature are but initial impulses which end where they began and have no reality in them whatsoever. All reactions to all actions are the momentum of inertia which forever extends throughout the universe to mature the desire image of the action to its fulfillment, and the fulfillment always ends in the source of its beginning.

We mean by that that whatever you start doing must inevitably come to its end in YOU.

The farmer starts a crop of potatoes. The reaction to his action ends with him and its image is the multiplied image of his desire.

The ship's captain started his engines. The reaction to that action ended in multiplied image of all the desire and beliefs of all the creators of that ship. Nature not only continued the action but multiplied it into universal omnipresent power, which inertia IS.

All of this is good. Let us see how bad actions multiply by universal momentum.

A man tries to find happiness by stealing money from another. The momentum acquired by the reaction to that action infallibly ends in himself. By hurting another, he has hurt himself. Even though he may not yet be found out, he is forever after in fear that he may be caught. He has become the kind of man whom no man loves, not even himself, and that is the highest price anyone can pay for wrong actions.

Applying the same principle to man-in-the-mass, your present civilization is a perfect example of it. The actions of man in killing, robbing and enslaving other men for thousands of years are now returning to man-in-the-mass in a multiplied image of his multiplied actions. For thousands of years, man sowed the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind. This perfectly exemplifies the fact that if one man hurts another, or others, the momentum of the reaction ends in himself alone, but when the whole world hurts the whole world, the momentum becomes so mighty that all the world of man is hurt.

It is strange that so many thousands of years have passed since the Dawn of Consciousness without this greatest of all moral laws of Creation having ever been known sufficiently to avoid its dreadful consequences for anyone whose actions are not in strict harmony with the heartbeat of the universe.


Prayer is, in itself, an expression of desire for something, whether it be for one's self or for others. Unless the desire is fulfilled by knowledge and belief that it will be fulfilled, a prayer is barren. It will not come to fruition.

What do we mean by that? We mean that man is put on Earth to complete his and Earth's destiny through purposeful action. All desires, therefore, which call for fruition by help to man from God come only to him as the reaction to his own actions and in no other way. This means that man must first give in order to receive. Actions must always precede reactions and the reaction is always the image of the action.

Words are but word-pictures of desires. A word-prayer for a crop of potatoes will end in empty words as its reaction, but the word-prayer of desire followed by the creative action of work is the kind of prayer which is always answered in all fullness.

Prayer might well be defined as an expression of desire to work knowingly with God.

It necessarily follows that any man who wishes to unloose the mighty universal momentum, which every reaction is, should well consider the nature of his desire before asking that it be granted or before acting upon it, for he must know that whatever it is, it ends in him where it began.

It also necessarily follows that the measure of the fulfillment of any desire requested from Nature is dependent upon one's knowledge of Nature and his relation to it.

A deer, for example, does not pray in words. It prays through desire, followed by action. It desires speed for its legs, for example. Long ages of repetition of that desire, followed by the repetition of action, answers its action-prayer with longer legs. The desire will give it speed in its body for that is where its desire is centered. Speed for its body means work for its legs from which it will soon tire.

When man desires speed for his body, he does not ask for longer legs for his knowledge prompts him to ask for another extension to his body. His little knowledge is enough for him to extend his body by adding a wheel and a cart--and a horse to pull the cart--while he attains greater speed with ever-lessened effort until his body attains a speed of hundreds of miles per hour without effort due to the extensions to his body which knowledge and desire gave to him. He thus adds the reaction of momentum to his desire by knowing God's power sufficiently to be God in the measure of his knowledge.

You who are the head of a great business know full well the hard work of the initial impetus you gave to it, and you also know that for every effort you made in working WITH God's law, God met you more than half-way and multiplied your effort by giving you His power of momentum in the measure of your knowledge of its use. Great businesses grow by the multiplication of momentum acquired by substituting Mind-power for body-power. I also said "great" businesses--I did not say "big" business. You have seen countless men whose desires were unlawful fall by the wayside, ill and broken of body, as they received from the universe the like measure of wrong action which they gave forth to it.

Set no limitation to your desire, therefore, for its greatest measure cannot in any wise affect the balance of the universal supply. No matter how small or great is your desire, the speed of your thought in asking for it is the same. A small wire extending from a small battery will send a message from you at 186,400 miles per second to a little bell which you desire to ring just as surely as a large wire will carry a higher voltage current to ring a great bronze bell in a church steeple. The little wire and weak current will not, however, ring the big bell. It would burn up with so much current.

It is important that the power required for your desires and actions should grow together. To work knowingly with God do not expect terrific momentum immediately for you are not yet ready to contain the load. Should the entire fulfillment of your desire come to you the moment of your expression of desire, it would as surely destroy you as the big current destroys the little wire.

We are not here on Earth to manifest ourselves alone. He who so thinks never passes beyond the boundaries of action-reaction of this material world of illusion. We are here to manifest God but find that we are, also manifesting our Selves.

Man is forever in search for the door to the Light through which he can enter into the kingdom of heaven for the sole purpose of leading his neighbor to that door of Light, even though he may not be aware of it.

Man is forever in search for happiness. Happiness lies only in the Light of Love. Man is divine when he knows that he is divine. And he is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient when he knows that he is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.

The journey of life is to find that awareness of divinity, knowledge and power.

To live life gloriously is to forever transcend one's self during the whole journey of life.

To KNOW life thoroughly is to forever feel the ecstasy and joyousness of the pulsations of the universal heartbeat as they are always reflected in our bodies by the universal thought-waves at their constant universal speed.

To live with Mind and body of man so thoroughly attuned to Mind and body of God that their balance is absolute is to know the glory of being ONE with the ONE being whom we are to the extent of our knowing.

If you would ask of God the supreme question, He would say unto you:






As we move promptly right into the next JOURNAL, we will continue with the consideration of making of bodies which appear and disappear, to LIVE and DIE from the point of view of simplicity. Let us be mindful, as heretofore stated, that all that God does is make bodies to manifest His all-knowing. Also, as thus follows--that is also all YOU do!

May you be given into the Light of Understanding that you might grasp your divinity and power within God.


What Are The Phoenix Journals?

Many people have asked us what the PHOENIX JOURNALS are. They contain the true history (His-story) of mankind on this planet as well as detailed information about the most asked about and wondered about subjects (i.e., Spirituality, E.T.s, our origin, our purpose here on this planet, etc.). Commander Hatonn and the other Higher Spiritual Teachers who have authored these JOURNALS, weave spiritual lessons and insights throughout the unveiling of lies which have been deceptively forced upon us, throughout ti me, by the Elite anti-Christ controllers. These JOURNALS are the "DEAD SEA SCROLLS" of our time. Their importance in the growth of mankind cannot be overstated. They are the textbooks of understanding which God promised us we would have, to guide us through the "End Times".

Here is what Commander Hatonn has said about the PHOENIX JOURNALS. Quoting from JOURNAL #40, THE TRILLION DOLLAR LIE, Vol.II, pgs. 47 & 48: "Some day in the far recesses of the future experiences of another human civilization—these JOURNALS will be found and TRUTH will again be given unto the world manifest so that another lost civilization can regain and find its way. God always gives His creations that which they need when the sequence is proper. It is what man DOES WITH THESE THINGS which marks the civilization. WHAT WILL YOUR LEGACY BE????? I focus on current activities which might turn your world about in ti me to save your ecosystems and your sovereignty as nations and peoples. You cannot wait to be filled in on the lies of the generations lest you wait until too late to take control of your circumstance presently within the lies. YOU ARE A PEOPLE OF MASSIVE DECEPTION AND WHAT YOU WILL DO WITH THIS INFORMATION IN ACTION DETERMINES YOUR PURPOSE AND GROWTH IN THIS WONDROUS MANIFESTED EXPERIENCE—WILL YOU PERISH PHYSICALLY OF THE EVIL INTENT, OR WILL YOU MOVE INTO AND WITHIN THE PLACES OF HOLY CREATOR? THE CHOICE IS YOURS."



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